Store Owner In Brooklyn Apparently Caught Receiving DOG MEAT Delivery

It’s not a lot of work if you got a few good men cutting it into smaller pieces ... as well as the women and men cooking makes it go a lot faster

This debate got up and running real quick.

I find it crazy that people are fine with eating cows, chicken, pigs, etc. that are locked in captivity and grown fat to be sold for our enjoyment once slaughtered while at the same time fight hunters for hunting wild game. Boggles my mind.

I love dogs.. I would eat everything but dogs and cats.

With that said, I understand the boundaries of culture and wouldn’t try to change any cultures who eat it normally. It’s not my place. But I wouldn’t wanna be around that. There’s a difference between killing and eating a dog grown to be slaughtered versus a dog that someone raised as a puppy, taught tricks, trained, and loved as a pet.

FYI - I eat pork all day.. grew up in Hawaii when I was young and if you need to know one thing about the locals - they *** love Pork.
I would like to get into hunting and fishery as a hobby, but i dont have any kind of training or skill to do that. However i willing to learn. Ive been to sports academy and got curious one day but then i realize man i need tons of money to get this thing going. Soon though, but ill like to go under someones wing and let them train me on how to shoot a deer, duck, etc..

Learning to shoot a gun or cast a line is one thing.

Learning how to HUNT the animals or entice a fish enough to catch it, that’s another ball game.

Good luck. I hope you get into it.
If it came down to it, what about corpses? The elderly? :nerd:


We comparing dogs to humans bro?


But if I'm keeping it 100...

Like if I were a plane crash survivor, or lost at sea like some of the people who had to resort to cannibalism?


  • In November 2008, a group of 33 undocumented immigrants from the Dominican Republic, who were en route to Puerto Rico, resorted to cannibalism after they were lost at sea for over 15 days before being rescued by a U.S. Coast Guard patrol boat.[101]
Then yeah man, the homie is def gon' catch this fade.

Tell his family, that if it's any consolation...."he was delicious."

I’d try dog .. parents got a water buffalo that’s almost like a dog and one day imma have to eat him but I will enjoy his tender meat.. dude loves to be scratched

Looks like your gunna have a ton of buffalo wings.
World hunger would end if everyone was ok with eating rabbits. But those little buggers are too cute.

TUH! Cute ain't gon stop my pot from getting hot

Anything not human can get up under my knife in this here kitchen. I get how folks can't eat dog cause they grew up with em but I grew up with hogs and they was delicioso.
I'd be scared to try dog. What if I end up liking it? Imma secretly be craving dog for the rest of my life. Some things just don't need to be investigated.
Y’all would *** and ***** and **** before dog meat tho .. no lie my parents might up eating the dogs if we don’t get them trained for hunting
But you still putting it in your mouth and possibly getting E. coli if they wipe their asses terribly
dissapointed in your SN...NYC is routinely cited as having some of da world's best restaurants.[/QUOjTE]
That's fair but I think you gotta spend bread in NYC to get something decent. Cali got more fresh tasty options for all ranges low tier to high end. Its all pretty fresh and tasty. I get it there are indeed spots in nyc but that **** don't taste crispy like CaliforniA. Ever. I will say the food has been substantially better moving to the lower east side. Best food in NYC has been at peoples apartments
rabbit is hella good, man.

in high school I was in FFA and we raised rabbits for show at the county fair. after the fair towards the end of the school year for our banquet we threw them on the grill and ate them. it was hella good.
Well damn
Cows have best friends and get depressed
Also they mourn
That **** is sad. Might go vegan in the future as it's more economical and environmental than feeding livestock.

Besides that point, we're still omnivores by nature and nature dictates that you get your food the most safe and efficient way.
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