Stranger Slapped Crying Child at Walmart

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

funny how everyone is like "i would have rocked that dude if he hit my kid"

if that was my kid, she wouldnt have been screaming and crying nonstop at a store. this lady needs to learn how to have some respect in a public setting. just cause you are immune to your annoying child doesnt mean everyone else is. hes still in the wrong for hitting the kid though, but she should have been doing her job as a parent
fam, we talkin about a two year old here.... you talking about respect in a public setting but putting your hands on someone else's kid is asdisrespectful as it gets. If he was so annoyed he could have easily moved to another area.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

funny how everyone is like "i would have rocked that dude if he hit my kid"

if that was my kid, she wouldnt have been screaming and crying nonstop at a store. this lady needs to learn how to have some respect in a public setting. just cause you are immune to your annoying child doesnt mean everyone else is. hes still in the wrong for hitting the kid though, but she should have been doing her job as a parent
fam, we talkin about a two year old here.... you talking about respect in a public setting but putting your hands on someone else's kid is as disrespectful as it gets. If he was so annoyed he could have easily moved to another area.
its a two year old bro not a newborn. kid doesnt know how to act? dont take her out where shes gonna bother everyone else. all these people goingaround having kids that shouldnt be. its not a pet, control them
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

funny how everyone is like "i would have rocked that dude if he hit my kid"

if that was my kid, she wouldnt have been screaming and crying nonstop at a store. this lady needs to learn how to have some respect in a public setting. just cause you are immune to your annoying child doesnt mean everyone else is. hes still in the wrong for hitting the kid though, but she should have been doing her job as a parent
fam, we talkin about a two year old here.... you talking about respect in a public setting but putting your hands on someone else's kid is as disrespectful as it gets. If he was so annoyed he could have easily moved to another area.
its a two year old bro not a newborn. kid doesnt know how to act? dont take her out where shes gonna bother everyone else. all these people going around having kids that shouldnt be. its not a pet, control them
and? do you have any children/younger brother/sister? You'd know a 2 year old will cry. I can see maybe if she was 5 but still. heshouldn't be putting his hands on her.
at people saying they would have bodied the guy. 1) If you were in the position of the person in the story, you're an awful parent so you alreadydon't know how to handle situations well, 2) if the guy is tough enough to come up and smack your kid in front of your face, you think he doesn't havea second serving for you?

Agreed. There are a lot of unfit parents out there. There are too many times in which I have seen a mother just let her child cry and throw tantrums for more than 30 minutes rather than tell him/her to stop. I don't condone what the man did but he did have the right intent (if you can say that).
Basically and for all of us (me included) that wouldn't let dude just slap your child how many of yall going to let your children run over youlike this ???
can anyone find that video where theres two white dudes in a store and he pushes a little black kid and his pops just turns around and falcon punches dude inthe face its hilarious
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

dude would have been dead if it was my kid, but then again, he would have not even stepped up to do it.

Dude wouldn't have even gotten that close to even SMELL my child much less touch them...
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

dude would have been dead if it was my kid, but then again, he would have not even stepped up to do it.

Which is why I cant even laugh at this
its a two year old bro not a newborn. kid doesnt know how to act? dont take her out where shes gonna bother everyone else. all these people going around having kids that shouldnt be. its not a pet, control them

As the father of a two-year old I can tell you they are still learning how to act in public and elsewhere at that age. They really have no understanding thatthey are bothering you or others....the world revolves around them. However, that doesn't mean you just let them wild out though. You have to constantlycorrect them and set them straight so they learn how to act.

I'm old school...If this kid was just out of control and mom's was chillin' I can understand dude poppin off, but don't smack the kidaround...get on the parent for not parenting.
thats funny but its i know im not the only person who be wanting to slap the heck out of cry babies or just bad kids in general. but these are never actually carry it out. But if that was my kid that guy would have been bodied...then again my child shouldnt be crying like that
I don't blame him. Most parents now don't even care to discipline their kids. Why is the kid in the store crying? I remember if I cried in a publicplace, my mom would take me home. You don't have to hit your kids to make them learn it's not acceptable, but you shouldn't just let your kids crythere. Your rewarding bad behavior.
THE FAME wrote:
Well palyed sir.

This story is funny because�everyone has probably wanted to do the same thing at time or another. But realistically, kids cry.� Especially when they're atthat age, they can really be brats. Even the best of parents could be somewhere with a screaming toddler that won't shut up.�At the end of the day, dudewas wrong for smacking someone else's child and is lucky he didn't catch a beat down or worse.

I know Wal-Mart has a video of this. They need to come up off of it.
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