I actually am starting to get used to the square gate, the more I practice, even though I mostly use shoto characters. THe one good thing about the square gateis that I am playing more charge characters for fun, and tonight/morning I was able to do Guile's Super to Ultra a few times in a row in the training roomand his Flash kick to super.
for those who ordered on frys, make sure you call the 1877 number and confirm with them, i had to do it today, and THEN they shipped it out....bastards, nevereven got an email saying to call and confirm....

also akuma users that have trouble with ultra/super

if you tap the lp, lk, and fp simultaneously, and waggle your stick left and right, you'll 99% shoot out your ultra/super. also take note, the ultra takespriority over the super if both guages are maxed.....this is pretty useful on an opponent who likes to knock you down, and wait for you to wake up and do athrow...those

and robvga....i dont have my stick anymore, waiting on my TE, so that's why i haven't played you, dont worry summer is here, and i'll rock you withmy
Just in case anybody missed it....

Mike The Boss Ross doing em dirty

@ 9:10.
that last part was greasy....hundred hand cancel in that?....get outta here! that jump up hard punch he has though has crazy priority
When you have someone with down to only 1% life you have to throw you ultra as sagat, no way he can block that. It's at least worth the shot over a lowtiger shot.
Originally Posted by kylewatson3

When you have someone with down to only 1% life you have to throw you ultra as sagat, no way he can block that. It's at least worth the shot over a low tiger shot.

You can see that Mike Ross was using honda's butt splash move over and over again. I'm assuming the Sagat was scared of the fact that if he threw outthe ultra he could've whiffed underneith Honda, and therefore getting punished by Mike. A lot faster recovery time from an EX TS + chip damage than anultra.
I love watching and downloading the replays from the leaderboards. I do it every time I play this game. Man, some of those guys at the top are mad good..
yo nt i need opinions. what color should i paint the red border? and what color balltop should i get?



Here it is without the border

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by Dakingii

ErickM713 wrote:

Yo I barely started using Akuma and almost got him down pat but I played a dude last night whenever his health really low it would magically start lagging
and he'll just be landing combo's while I'm struggling to hit him once lag box maybe?

also I hate timing Akuma's ultra I wait for them to jump so right before they land I get 'em but this one dude hit me with a jump before he hit the
ground so I missed

I would advise you to use another character because imo Akuma is a horrible character to use in this game. But if u are planning on maining Akuma i would
suggest that you dont rely on Akuma's Ultra or Super at all. You will miss 90% of the time.
crazy. a good akuma is a problem in sf4.

Exactly a GOOD Akuma is a beast in this game. But you have to realize that 80% of the people who use Akuma are garbage and dont use him to his full potential.

Maybe its because i havent lost to an Akuma player in a long time that i feel he isnt that good.
I play Akuma's alot and I get stuck with the dudes who jump and do the mid-air hadoken

I think Akuma is really good against Zangief...that "OH YEAH!" spin move ain't workin on me homey I'll slide behind yo !*$ and hadoken thenrepeat

I didn't let a dude get up last time he would be half way up then I'd Crouch kick and knock him down then repeat
I dont understand how people kept the voices in English in this game. The English voices are horrible compared to the Japanese and dont do certain charactersjustice at all.

Hearing M. Bison's Ultra and hearing M.Bisons scream when he loses in Japanese>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AllEnglish voices
^ nice mod of the te stick up there. how did u remove the extra button slots btw? i want to do the same thing cause they get in the way at times.
Originally Posted by rcdp

^ $20 for entrance is stupid IMO
I just put a message on the SRK forums... if you are only spectating its 2 bucks to get in! I'm defntly just going to watch... I love towatch SF4 vids I dont know about u guys
Originally Posted by RetroXIII

i know this is for 4, but any nt'ers on GGPO or 2DF for some ST or 3S?

i have st on ggpo. had it since 08, been on like a 7 month hiatus. wanna run some matches on st later? whats ur handle on there
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

^ nice mod of the te stick up there. how did u remove the extra button slots btw? i want to do the same thing cause they get in the way at times.
print art with first 6 holes and 6 hole plexi-glass.
button plugs ($1.50 each)

Once i get my new artwork printed out ima post pics of my stick.
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