Originally Posted by gboy1230

ok i dont know if this has been mentioned or not but im trying to play the arcade mode but it keeps on getting interrupted by new challengers from online.... but i dont want to accpect them how do i turn this off??? ill be in a the middle of a match and murkin the computer then that *+%$ will get cut off
on the ps3 on the main menu press R1 and it will give you an option to change it. if on the 360 on the main menu just look a the bottom i thinkyou have to press RB or RT
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by gboy1230

ok i dont know if this has been mentioned or not but im trying to play the arcade mode but it keeps on getting interrupted by new challengers from online....
but i dont want to accpect them how do i turn this off??? ill be in a the middle of a match and murkin the computer then that *+%$ will get cut off
on the ps3 on the main menu press R1 and it will give you an option to change it. if on the 360 on the main menu just look a the bottom i think you have to press RB or RT

aight fo sho i think this worked lol
Originally Posted by Paladizzle

My thumb is messed up right's tough to do ultra combos with just a normal xbox 360 controller


i still havent gotten Akuma yet. I always lose at least once vs Seth on the easiest!!
damn its a crazy amount of people who have this game on here haha

we should get an official SF IV roster thread goin with everybodys PSN's and Gamertags, i was playin quite a few of yall last night, did good against alotof yall, mongooseny gave me a run for my money. and its official, i hate everybody who uses sagat


i went 20 rounds with someone here last night and it was back n forth!
out of 20 rounds i had the most wins
^ill add you tonight, but if i forget hit me up at THExDCxSNIPER

anybody can add me if they want im on COD4 and COD:WaW faithfully, i think the majority my weekend mornings this weekend are gonna be on the SF tho. tonight ifim on, more than likely im gonna be tipsy.
Originally Posted by POSITE FIEND

damn its a crazy amount of people who have this game on here haha

we should get an official SF IV roster thread goin with everybodys PSN's and Gamertags, i was playin quite a few of yall last night, did good against alot of yall, mongooseny gave me a run for my money. and its official, i hate everybody who uses sagat

i use sagat, and i took his money ...

he won the first match, after that it was over ... but he aiight though ... i wish they kept overall stats of how u did versus each person ... kids are def.pullin off combos w/ ease out there ... i ain't really one of them yet ...
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