Is it never coming to xbox1??
I think that Sony has funded the development of this game, and if that's true it won't be coming to Xbox One without Sony themselves allowing it.

But Xbox One has Killer Instinct though. Amazing game. I actually like that both consoles have their own exclusive fighting game.
Season 2 with a big update alongside Akuma and Sagat and I can see the game having a mini Resurrection sales wise.
This game needs all the help it can get. If you ask me, the 6 characters that should be part of season 2 are the 6 most popular characters not in SF yet:

Which would make it:

1. Akuma

2. Sakura

3. Sagat

4. Q

5. Cody

6. Poison

The next would be:

7. Dudley

8. Blanka

9. Evil Ryu

10. Makoto

11. Fei Long

12. Guy
The sales number for this game made me so sad the other day. As much as I love this game capcom is at fault for a poor marketing and the initial release of the game as pretty much a beta that turned so many people off. It feels like fighting games are getting ready to go back into hiatus.

Akuma is a welcome edition. They're definitely going to need more characters but I like where they've been going with DLC. I still need to buy Urien but capcom always has my support.
I'd say just fighting games that don't have a strong single player portion. MKX thrived selling over 5 million copies and Injustice 2 is gonna be a big seller also. These days you can't just appeal to the esports crowd/ put out an unfinished product if you want to succeed in the genre. You either have to go all out with a robusta SP story mode from the start or have the game be free to play like Killer instinct or DOA and offer characters to buy

Also I'm not counting smash in this because Nintendo games are in their own separate category and don't follow the trends of other games in the industry
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I'd say just fighting games that don't have a strong single player portion. MKX thrived selling over 5 million copies and Injustice 2 is gonna be a big seller also. These days you can't just appeal to the esports crowd/ put out an unfinished product if you want to succeed in the genre. You either have to go all out with a robusta SP story mode from the start or have the game be free to play like Killer instinct or DOA and offer characters to buy

Also I'm not counting smash in this because Nintendo games are in their own separate category and don't follow the trends of other games in the industry


Which is why I wonder what Capcom was doing when MK showed not once but twice what a good robust single player would do for the game.

Yea they have the esports side locked down which no other fighter can get close to but it was their opportunity to get in but they got a lot of the basic stuff wrong and were rightfully punished for it.

Hopefully Season 2 can be some what of a fresh start



New Stage
I've been saying all along that they could make the sickest Dubai-inspired Rashid stage. That looks nice.

Looks like they're definitely prepping for a proper old school arcade mode where every character has their own stage, with Karin's beach stage, upcoming retro SF2 Bison stage as well, not to mention the Akuma stage.
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arcade mode?

theres a demand for arcade mode?

for what? lol

there story mode, survival, online and V.S. i dont see what arcade mode offers that the other modes dont.
Story Mode is 1 round, 3 people, on Super Easy mode.
Survival is not the same as Arcade Mode.
Not everybody plays online (I certainly don't).
VS mode against a computer is boring. There's no wondering who you're gonna fight next.
Based on the tilting effect, im assuming tourney players wont be fans of the new stage.
As awesome as Akuma is, I still think it's too little to give this game a proper shove forward. They need to release a proper update, with at least 4 characters, stages and an arcade mode at once for it to generate enough hype and get people to talk about this game in order to forget the horrible launch it had. Give me something like:


in one big upgrade. These small single character addition upgrades won't do that much, I'm afraid.

arcade mode?

theres a demand for arcade mode?

for what? lol

there story mode, survival, online and V.S. i dont see what arcade mode offers that the other modes dont.

Only thing that will save this game is they release it on Xbox
As awesome as Akuma is, I still think it's too little to give this game a proper shove forward. They need to release a proper update, with at least 4 characters, stages and an arcade mode at once for it to generate enough hype and get people to talk about this game in order to forget the horrible launch it had. Give me something like:


in one big upgrade. These small single character addition upgrades won't do that much, I'm afraid.

arcade mode?

theres a demand for arcade mode?

for what? lol

there story mode, survival, online and V.S. i dont see what arcade mode offers that the other modes dont.

Only thing that will save this game is they release it on Xbox
Well that's not going to happen. Capcom made their bed already with Sony. Just next time out they need to launch PS4, Xbox,switch,PC day one with a full story mode, no kissing characters, tone back the micro transactions
Well that's not going to happen. Capcom made their bed already with Sony. Just next time out they need to launch PS4, Xbox,switch,PC day one with a full story mode, no kissing characters, tone back the micro transactions

Sadly I know [emoji]128532[/emoji] that's honestly one thing that'll keep me away from this game.
I feel if they stuck with the plan of releasing it before 2019 they would've got it right. It came out too soon. Once they got the money from Sony they jumped the gun.
Like literally USFIV just released then boom SFV I thought it was a rumor.
Only thing that will save this game is they release it on Xbox
Killer Instinct is an Xbox (smaller marker) exclusive, and it's doing pretty well. Console exclusivity is not an issue.

Gamers are still not willing to forgive Capcom for the launch issues. But there's plenty of time to turn it around. The first version of SF3 was like the least popular SF in history and by the end of the series, Third Strike became known as the greatest SF ever.

This game just needs content, and plenty of it. I just don't think that releasing stuff in small chunks like this will make big enough of a splash.

BTW, I bought the Rashid stage. It's straight fire, my favorite stage in the game along with Karin's beach stage.
Killer Instinct is an Xbox (smaller marker) exclusive, and it's doing pretty well. Console exclusivity is not an issue.

Gamers are still not willing to forgive Capcom for the launch issues. But there's plenty of time to turn it around. The first version of SF3 was like the least popular SF in history and by the end of the series, Third Strike became known as the greatest SF ever.

This game just needs content, and plenty of it. I just don't think that releasing stuff in small chunks like this will make big enough of a splash.

BTW, I bought the Rashid stage. It's straight fire, my favorite stage in the game along with Karin's beach stage.

The console exclusive titles are super wack (ie. Killer Instinct) that game is a graveyard and every FGC player knows that. Nobody
was rushing to buy a Xbox one nor a 150+ dollar fight stick for one trash game sorry.

Same thing can be said about this rushed Street Fighter title. Actually it's even worse because of next gen console, you had to
buy the PS4 if your coming from Xbox, the game and a stick (if you didn't mod it). PC was the best bet but the stick issues
day one was terrible. Hell I'm pretty sure my PS3 stick won't work on the PS4, so I still would have to come out money for a stick
to enter tourny's.

After Capcom Cup this game will drown unless they make major changes with the lag issues, and of course add Akuma, Sagat
dropping with actual dates and no push back.
Exclusivity wasn't the problem, it's the fact that the game was rushed with less people working on it than the previous game.

For the competitive scene, SFV is doing much better than SFIV ever did and is only growing more with the CPT.

Arcade release will see a bigger uptake in Asia too alongside the updates.

The base game is good so there's always a chance to resurrect it with the casual players.
If the last type of this trailer is anything to go by then it looks like Blanka will be in season 2.
Please let it be true! My favorite fighting game character ever! I would also welcome the remake of the classic SF2 Blanka stage.

BTW, guys check out my new Blanka figure from BigBoysToys:

It cost me $120, well over $150 with the customs expenses 
 So it wasn't exactly cheap. But it looks amazing in person and can light up and make the classic electricity noise if you put batteries inside.
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