entertaining show but in a cheap way. tonight's episode was predictable; even a few episodes back you could tell hardman was behind it all. i did enjoy the scene where harvey and mike both got high. i just wish this show would put more faith into their viewers instead of trying so hard to create drama. character's overly happy? kill their parent/grandparent.

this show is like a poor mans mad men. it's entertaining but is way too simple and predictable imo.
Mike stays messin up. Hes just way to eager to get yams, he keeps missing rachel. Did it with jenny, and now this married chick

Completely agree! I just found this thread, didn't know it existed prior to today. The episode today was great but I honestly didn't like the ending with Mike, Tess and Rachel. Mike stays screwing up a great dude really Tess over Rachel, really?! I just thought they could have really done without this new character Tess, out of nowhere and honestly it's the only part bothering me about this episode.

The series is awesome, and this episode was great. I was hoping it was already on TWC On Demand, I thought this episode had a bit of everything and thought it was great how they got rid of Hardman. January is too damn long away. I will say that the foreshadowing about Harvey going after Jessica should be interesting.

Exact thing I was gonna say.

Episode was great.
Episode was great.
Game of thrones joke was awesome along with the Shaq joke lol
Only thing I have a problem with is the love triangle it's getting old.
They need to bring back the hot chicks that worked at the firm 5 years ago
I thought that was gonna be Jenny at the funeral. Guess she's gone for good :smh:

This guy playing Mike Ross is a pretty good actor. Did I miss something or was it never explained what happened to Mike's parents? I don't recall anything even in passing. This ep was the first time I think they were even referred to and all was said was they were taken away from him. They die? I wasn't sure on that or if they got arrested. I'm probably ignoring something from the first 3 eps of season one.

I was totally spot on about Hardman planting the memo that Donna allegedly overlooked. :lol: @ Louis on the outside looking in at the end.

Great ep.

Louis: "I always pay my debts...I'm a Lannister" :lol:
I chuckled at that. First time i've seen a GOT reference on another show :smokin

That girl tess looked like donnas little sister
At the same damn time :evil:. I wonder if they'll introduce Tess' husband when the show comes back. He could find out and want to kill Mike which would be entertaining. Mike still could've had it all if he asked Rachel if she wanted to join in :D.
Good call for those of you who simply predicted that Daniel Hardman doctored the "lost document" from CM Motors.

Excellent summer finale building up anticipation and more drama in January. Louis' Lannister line was gold for avid "GoT" fans. Also the writers continuing to develop Harvey and Mike's close friendship. Harvey only knows Mike Ross out of all the associates at the firm. Plus the obvious smoking session between the two main characters, and plotting to prank Louis.

I'm curious how Hardman is going to try getting back at Harvey and Jessica.

Of course the writers and production team drop the Mike and Rachel forbidden love sub-plot right at the end of the episode. "The couple that could never be."

Season 2 thus far has really developed Louis Litt's character. "You got Litt up!" He's a villain but still manages to endear himself to some despite insecurities and moments of douchebaggery. I really wonder if he voted Hardman out for self-interest or to do the right thing after Jessica, Mike, and Harvey revealed Hardman's frivolous actions with the document. Will he unify with the winners (Harvey and Jessica) or continue to fight them with more power now as senior partner?
entertaining show but in a cheap way. tonight's episode was predictable; even a few episodes back you could tell hardman was behind it all. i did enjoy the scene where harvey and mike both got high. i just wish this show would put more faith into their viewers instead of trying so hard to create drama. character's overly happy? kill their parent/grandparent.

this show is like a poor mans mad men. it's entertaining but is way too simple and predictable imo.
I don't know why in the world you would compare this show to Mad Men. There is no comparison at all. It's not even the poor man's version.

You need to enjoy or just take the show for what it is. It's nowhere near the type of drama MM has been.
He probably compared it because it's set in an office and people wear suits.
Love this show. The entire cast has such a good chemistry with one another.
They went dark there for a minute when Harvey almost punch Louis. Totally took a different tone for those few seconds. I want to get my hair cut like Mike Ross but I never know what to say to the barber. It's pretty close anyway, just needs a different way of getting the front like that.
Can't believe Harvey smoked with mike.

Than admitted it to everyone.
Yea Harvey smoking!

Shequille O'Bryant
It's weird that they make such a big deal out of weed. Mike turning to weed is not so bad compared to someone going on a drinking bender. He was grieving the death of his grandmother and then smoking mellowed him out and gave him the munchies.
It's weird that they make such a big deal out of weed. Mike turning to weed is not so bad compared to someone going on a drinking bender. He was grieving the death of his grandmother and then smoking mellowed him out and gave him the munchies.

...sigh...because doing drugs regardless of what can be and is usually grounds for termination at most professional places of work. This is something that in the real world would not only cause them to loose their jobs but probably be disbarred.
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