I just got caught up on this show, im just getting into season 2

I am in love with Rachel :wow: If I was mike I would have beeeen sucked a fart out of her butt
mike is the most annoying character on TV. I wish they could kill him off somehow. The new associate Harvey hired is fine. So was the one Luis tried to hire.
Only caught parts of the ep, will watch again @ 1am. I didn't know today was the premiere and just stumbled on the channel.

I too am getting tired of Mike always wanting to do good on this bull **** morality guilt trip trying to change how the world works in law like his own **** don't stink. It started off not so much his fault cuz Harvey hired him and kept him on, worked not get him exposed after knowing the truth but now this dude is strutting around like he about to become a real lawyer when his *** got this corrupt way in to the biz, now he banging married chicks and getting high any chance he gets :lol:
Season looks like its gonna be dope

Mike is gonna get his shoulders clapped by that chicks husband
Great show last night...

I think this season someone will find out about mike I don't know who but someone will.
I think Louis will find out about Mike. He's is then gonna have to choose between staying loyal to the firm or exposing them all.
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