4 3 2 1 earth beelow us :rofl: song was stuck in my head for days.
Bunk being Rachel's dad is cool to me :smokin. I started watching The Wire a few weeks ago and am on season 5 now.

I agree with people saying White Collar has gotten stale. Burn Notice hasn't been interesting for the last 3 seasons and is just confusing now. Maybe they should do crossovers on some of the USA shows to freshen up some of the shows :nerd:.

I feel the same way about Burn Notice, they keep stretchin it out w/ randomness. Never got into White Collar, Royal Pains was weak after the first season, and Kate needs to make up her damn mind in Fairly Legal.

I don't get why they just don't low keys send Mike to Harvard or even NYU to become an actual lawyer or somethin, or even pawn him off as a paralegal
^Because he helped someone cheat in undergrad and i think he got kicked out of school for that so it's not possible to apply to law schools.
Does Mike even have an undergrad degree or went to college? Sending him to school would also leave a trail of paperwork for people to find. Harvey basically screwed over the whole practice and their clients by hiring him. I'm not sure what would happen to the validity of all the cases he worked on if the secret was found out. The firm would lose all of their integrity as well.
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There's a pretty simple way to solve Mike's problem. Remember how he got his printed degree from Harvard? I never understood, why he didn't just ask the girl who helped him out, to sort out his undergrad somewhere.

Problem solved.
I wanted to punch Hardman in the face, deposing of Jessica like that. I'd give it to her in a second.
Does Mike even have an undergrad degree or went to college? Sending him to school would also leave a trail of paperwork for people to find. Harvey basically screwed over the whole practice and their clients by hiring him. I'm not sure what would happen to the validity of all the cases he worked on if the secret was found out. The firm would lose all of their integrity as well.
would do nothing to the cases.

Mike would be prohibited from ever practicing law again and Jessica and Harvey would be disbarred.  No one else would be implicated because they couldn't have known but those two would lose their licenses and the firm would crumble without them.  That's part of the reason Mike doesn't want to tell Rachel.  Not just because it'd get out, but because she'd be compelled to report it or face the same fate when it eventually got out.

Realistically, though the premise of this show is ********.  For the first half of season 1 Mike wasn't actually admitted to the NY Bar and had zero documentation.  In the information age he never would have made it past his first appeal before someone realized there was an impostor masquerading as a lawyer.  People look up opposing counsels all the time.

Once they started forging documents, then things get a little trickier, but there's still the issue of him not having a license and continually filing documents with courts with his name on it.  Law school degree a licensed lawyer does not make.
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The Indian applicant from the first episode is going to out him. Calling it now.  She's the only person on the show we've seen so far that seems smarter than Mike. (not a better lawyer, just more intelligent.)

i bet she holds a grudge over losing the job.
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Yo Louis telling Daniel what time it is :wow:

EDIT +1 on the Indian chick. Only two more episodes left in the season :frown: ~
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Man, they really got Hardman going hard with his swan song. Straight up saying reckless things to get back at them

Ep almost made me think it was just another one where Louis comes out looking like a lame but that threat :nthat: Still feel sad about how he got played.

Monica Eaton though :evil:

Great ep, seems like the season is ending too soon.
Realistically, though the premise of this show is ********. For the first half of season 1 Mike wasn't actually admitted to the NY Bar and had zero documentation. In the information age he never would have made it past his first appeal before someone realized there was an impostor masquerading as a lawyer. People look up opposing counsels all the time.

Once they started forging documents, then things get a little trickier, but there's still the issue of him not having a license and continually filing documents with courts with his name on it. Law school degree a licensed lawyer does not make.

Not sure completely if it was in the 1st half of the season but fairly early in the 1st season Harvey has a client who has a problem with his daughter that's an expert hacker. Mike helps her out, bonds with her a bit. She not only forged documents in computer files but she's the one that backlogged his enrollment to Harvard along with w/e else was necessary for him to seem like a legit candidate to work at the firm. It was notable cuz she even faked his bar test exam and license and that's something he didn't need to fake given how many ppl he's done the test for.

Still I do agree the premise is too wild and loose. I thought though had Mike handled any cases solo they'd have to be looked again due to him basically being a criminal.
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if his client LOST a case they could review the judgment since he wasn't really licensed to represent them and they couldnt have known but i'm pretty sure all that would happen is he'd face criminal charges for practicing law illegally.  harvey and jessica would be suspended or disbarred.  it won't negatively affect cases he won for clients, but would kill their firm. i'm not certain on that though.
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The reason I say it might affect cases I remember countless eps from Law & Order where a dirty lawyer was exposed and all his cases were looked at and defense attorneys could bring all the cases back to trial cuz the lawyer was dirty or at least that threat was made when dealing with lawyers that were possibly dirty.

Now that's not completely the same thing with Mike cuz in those examples those lawyers worked with the mob, killed pp, etc. but in essence since Mike would be a criminal the same thing might apply.
The reason I say it might affect cases I remember countless eps from Law & Order where a dirty lawyer was exposed and all his cases were looked at and defense attorneys could bring all the cases back to trial cuz the lawyer was dirty or at least that threat was made when dealing with lawyers that were possibly dirty.

Now that's not completely the same thing with Mike cuz in those examples those lawyers worked with the mob, killed pp, etc. but in essence since Mike would be a criminal the same thing might apply.

if anything, it would be alot of money paid out. Usually we see crooked DA's get their cases overturned, people getting appeals etc. but this for the most part is corporate law.
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The reason I say it might affect cases I remember countless eps from Law & Order where a dirty lawyer was exposed and all his cases were looked at and defense attorneys could bring all the cases back to trial cuz the lawyer was dirty or at least that threat was made when dealing with lawyers that were possibly dirty.

Now that's not completely the same thing with Mike cuz in those examples those lawyers worked with the mob, killed pp, etc. but in essence since Mike would be a criminal the same thing might apply.
hmmm, you're right to a point.

the reason those crooked lawyers' cases would be thrown out is because of how they got evidence and there was witness tampering, etc.  it was all criminal cases and there were constitutional issues involved.

in mike's case since most of the stuff he touched was corporate and civil litigation the parties they beat in trial would probably move to have the judgments overturned so they can sue again, Mike's firm's clients would sue for malpractice when that happened, then there'd be oversight issues raised about how a fake was practicing law right under jessica's nose.

their firm wouldn't be able to handle all the suits arising from the 2+ years of work mike's done, and harvey and jessica would lose their licenses.  it'd be armageddon for their practice.

i think... i dunno man.  i'm still learning this ish myself
  what i DO know, is that Mike would have BEEN caught.  And this whole "there's only Harvard" talk makes me wanna slap someone everytime i watch the show.  feels batman
Great episode.

Out of curiosity, anyone have any idea, how much the main cast would be making if this was an actual law firm??
Great episode.

Out of curiosity, anyone have any idea, how much the main cast would be making if this was an actual law firm??
mike: $146-180,000

Rachel: $70-85,000 (maybe up to $100,000 depending how long shes been there)

Louis (now that he's a senior partner) Harvey & Jessica: about a million/million plus
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thanks for the answer.
I'm kind of surprised, I would've thought Harvey and Jessica would earn much more.
I remember something like Harvey saying, that he has a 10 000 dollar hour rate, which would be around 20 million on an annual basis, I suppose he was just joking.
Damn, Rachel making good money. I only know one person who worked as a paralegal and she was hot as hell too.
mike: $146-180,000

Rachel: $70-85,000 (maybe up to $100,000 depending how long shes been there)

Louis (now that he's a senior partner) Harvey & Jessica: about a million/million plus
Mike wouldn't be making that much first year.. Louis is a senior partner.. that doesn't automatically make him an equity partner.. so Harvey and Jessica may still make more than him
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