SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

The Case for Ronda Rousey vs. Sasha Banks | Voices of Wrestling
Rousey has 10-second matches, but we're supposed to believe Sasha has a chance?
  Let the celebs have their squash matches with jobbers, no reason to have them going over on the top stars.
i guess Brady Da Gawd would be a diffucult draft choice for yall this year, huh?...with missing the first few games an' all
if you typically draft 2 qb's it won't be that much of an issue. i had boss brady last year in my money league and lost by 2 points in the semifinals because chip kelly refused to give lesean mccoy goal line carries
So I'm assuming everyone heard about Zahra's comments about black folks?

If they don't let her go, Sext must have greater pull than we're led to believe.
way I personally draft is wait until the second to last round for a defense and the 7th-10th round for a QB.

I've always played in Standard leagues so this PPR thing is new to me..I'll probably just draft the way I normally do and hope for the best..
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