Take your damn shoes off when u in the house! vol. personal hygiene

Jul 29, 2006
I've always wondering this.
Having been brought up in a Korean house hold, it always baffling to me that other
people particularly white and black people, dont take their shoes off in their own house.
One of my friends wouldnt even take her shoes off when she was sitting in bed doing homework.
I just hit her with the

Most of them when they do take their shoes of have a putrid stench of unfathomable evil emanating
from their feet. that is shocking to say the least. be it on hard wood or carpet.

YOUR TREKKING IN DIRT/FECES/BACTERIA/ etc. and who knows what into your house.

or when they wear sandals, have a level of athletes foot and dead skin build up that would be offensive in any context.

I've never met anyone who did that but apparently a lot of people do it. I just wear Nike slides around my house. And they've never left my house either so they're clean.
i always take my shoes off..

the most i walk in the house with shoes on is 2 steps..

side note if i gotta brand new pair of kicks i will walk all around in the house 

but the moms comes at me with the "who has been walkin' the house with their shoes on?!?!"
I don't understand it either, it makes no damn sense. It's a disgusting American habit. My European cousins ALWAYS take their shoes off in their own homes.

The worst thing is when dudes bring their shoes in on my carpet
leaving brown footprints all over and @#%$
My parents don't care whether my shoes are on in their house. I've never cared whether people had shoes on in my apartment. I kinda like the idea of not wearing shoes though.
shoes always come off in my house...indian family tho, so it's not surprise
No, that's why we invested in a home shampooer and vacuum.

Don't be trapping foot fungus in my carpet.
Shoes always come off, but then again, grew up in an Asian home. For some reason, I thought everyone did it until I went over to my friend's house and when the mom saw me taking my shoes off, she was thanking me for it. lol
If Im running in the house to grab something, then running out I'm not taking off shoes for that quick 1,2 mins. Plus there isn't half as much tradition with the feet in other cultures/race.

I wear what I want tho in my house, its mostly socks. If the mood strikes I'll wear steel-toe boots. Its my damn house.
im black and i always take my shoes off, hell most of the time i dont have socks on either
Originally Posted by Dakingii

im black and i always take my shoes off, hell most of the time i dont have socks on either

same, only I wear socks always. shoes off is a MUST
I don't know why, but I have always had the mind state to stay ready. I don't know if I have seen to many movies or what, but I keep my shoes on until I get the feeling of complete shut down mode. I guess I'm like if some #$%^ pop off the sneaks are on and I'm ready for whatever. If I don't have them on then there are some at the room I will be in except my bathroom.
Grew up doing it, so it's never been an issue in my house. Even if I didn't, I don't see anything remotely appealing about having shoes on all day.
all my friends are asian, so we all take off shoes. but i get what you're talking about.
the fungus feet and carpet theory is the craziest thing ive ever heard. people who take their shoes off are less likely to have fungus on their feet, just fyi
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