Take your damn shoes off when u in the house! vol. personal hygiene

i dont give a damn if you wear shoes or not in my house...just dont get that $!!@ too dirty.

thats why we clean the carpet.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Cash is King

I was a shorty my guy hes round 5 years older than me he had a party he set @+@# up where he let nobody bring there shoes inside im talking 50-100 heads jammed in a crib ALL FRESH J'S in the hall haha i was 8 or 9 grabbed them went home with about 50 pairs of fresh jays man i would have killed if those were my shoes i remember some1 had cool greys thats the only js i remember cause i had em i got paid though i just did what i was told was a young kid. yeah no shoes in the house though ha
Were you also told to never use punctuation?

      im laughing at you not what you said my man 14,000 posts wow and last guy had 5,000 DONT READ IT VOL. GOO OUTSIDE GET YOU A REAL LIFE LIFE 14,000 POST COUNT

READ MY POST ON HERE FOR YOUR ANSWER      http://niketalk.com/topic/308298/Dumb-things-you-ve-heard-people-say?page=5

do yall not have mats in ya'll doorway??? do you not mop/vacuum on the regular???

i could never walk around barefoot...that's dirtier than anything to me...even in my own home...and i'd rather not get my socks dirty...that's what house slippers are for...i never really think much off it, but i walk around in my shoes sometimes...i'm not too anal about it....then again, i have hardwood floors and dark carpet...

i'd be more weary about somebody rockin some dirty %+% socks on my floor
I don't chill around my house with shoes on... But if im coming home I don't mind walking through my house or up to my room before I take them off.
Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by j4ck

damn. you insulting like 70% of members on NT with that statement. GL bruh

racial sensitivity is considered paramount when it comes to the caucasian and african american populace in the U.S.
yet when any other ethnicity is mentioned it is stereotypical to not take other racial sensistivitys as seriously, and
some are even done in a humorous fashion because it is customary which it a double standard.

yet people get offended when i talk about the hygiene level of white/black people.

in the dark ages white people almost never bathed. even the wealthy would consider it a luxury to bath once a month.
and this cultural standard was brought to the U.S. ( though far more advanced today)
and after Africans were made as slaves and freed they incorporated Caucasian customs such
as hygiene level and religion etc.

while in many asian/middle-eastern/greece/italy etc. their cultures emphasized cleanliness with sauna's/bath houses/cultural standard etc.

if this offends you then instead of saying im "rascist" or "ignorant" explain your stance with a convincing argument.
also pookie have you even travelled anywhere in the world? or even in the U.S.  for that matter?
your argument is that white people didn't bathe in the dark ages? The #++%+*% DARK AGES? Hundreds of years ago? Really? wow....

and have I traveled? yes, just returned from Austria on Tuesday. And regardless of where I have been or haven't been - your statement is quite idiotic...BAR NONE, one of the dumbest things I have read on this forum over my 10 year membership.....BAR NONE 

NEVERMIND...pointless arguin with folks over the webs
Originally Posted by Based Mod

to the people complaining about having guests with bad hygiene walking around the crib barefoot, yall ever been inside a public restroom? ever walked through a big puddle of piss on the floor? yeah well your guests are dragging pee all over your crib now.
Originally Posted by Based Mod

to the people complaining about having guests with bad hygiene walking around the crib barefoot, yall ever been inside a public restroom? ever walked through a big puddle of piss on the floor? yeah well your guests are dragging pee all over your crib now.
Yeah this is exactly the kind of stuff I think about.  I hate when people wear shoes in the house, I just imagine all that stuff they walked on outside is now all over the floors.  I only wear slides around the house and I refuse to wear them outside to keep them "clean".  Occasionally I walk around the house with just socks on, but never barefoot, because I think that's dirty also.  Most people I know consider me some kind of "germaphobe", not just for that but for a lot of other things, but I just consider it basic cleanliness.
Originally Posted by Anathema

Originally Posted by Based Mod

to the people complaining about having guests with bad hygiene walking around the crib barefoot, yall ever been inside a public restroom? ever walked through a big puddle of piss on the floor? yeah well your guests are dragging pee all over your crib now.
Yeah this is exactly the kind of stuff I think about.  I hate when people wear shoes in the house, I just imagine all that stuff they walked on outside is now all over the floors.  I only wear slides around the house and I refuse to wear them outside to keep them "clean".  Occasionally I walk around the house with just socks on, but never barefoot, because I think that's dirty also.  Most people I know consider me some kind of "germaphobe", not just for that but for a lot of other things, but I just consider it basic cleanliness.
ya'll just talking about the floors doe. imagine the kids that wear sneakers onto their beds...
Originally Posted by JJ Jumpman 23

Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by sevit86

racial sensitivity is considered paramount when it comes to the caucasian and african american populace in the U.S.
yet when any other ethnicity is mentioned it is stereotypical to not take other racial sensistivitys as seriously, and
some are even done in a humorous fashion because it is customary which it a double standard.

yet people get offended when i talk about the hygiene level of white/black people.

in the dark ages white people almost never bathed. even the wealthy would consider it a luxury to bath once a month.
and this cultural standard was brought to the U.S. ( though far more advanced today)
and after Africans were made as slaves and freed they incorporated Caucasian customs such
as hygiene level and religion etc.

while in many asian/middle-eastern/greece/italy etc. their cultures emphasized cleanliness with sauna's/bath houses/cultural standard etc.

if this offends you then instead of saying im "rascist" or "ignorant" explain your stance with a convincing argument.
also pookie have you even travelled anywhere in the world? or even in the U.S.  for that matter?
your argument is that white people didn't bathe in the dark ages? The #++%+*% DARK AGES? Hundreds of years ago? Really? wow....

and have I traveled? yes, just returned from Austria on Tuesday. And regardless of where I have been or haven't been - your statement is quite idiotic...BAR NONE, one of the dumbest things I have read on this forum over my 10 year membership.....BAR NONE 

NEVERMIND...pointless arguin with folks over the webs
Yes....hundreds of years ago....if you read what he said you will understand why I said HUNDREDS....you curse word
Soon as you walk through the door shoes come off my mom don't play that

I can't stand people that get mad that they have to take their shoes off when they enter the house.
when my old place was carpeted i asked people to do so. where i live now its hardwood floors downstairs so i dont anymore.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by Based Mod

to the people complaining about having guests with bad hygiene walking around the crib barefoot, yall ever been inside a public restroom? ever walked through a big puddle of piss on the floor? yeah well your guests are dragging pee all over your crib now.

yup or even coming back home from clubbing or strip club.. them bathrooms are
.... your also gonna walk around downtown, come to my crib, walk around, kick your feet up like its the cleanest thing in the world?... PLUS I HAVE KIDS.... aint no one tracking that #!#% around my house where my kids crawl and play on the carpet..
I'm black, and always take my shoes off. Not because of hygiene just because it's more comfortable walking around with socks. Or if I'm at someone's house I don't want to mess up their floors
Never barefoot, that's how you catch a cold
I'm black, i wear shoes in my house and will continue to do so. I do what I want in my damn house and it's still probably cleaner than yours, u mad?

Op I hope you step on a rusty nail.
Originally Posted by AEA18

Soon as you walk through the door shoes come off my mom don't play that

I can't stand people that get mad that they have to take their shoes off when they enter the house.
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

do yall not have mats in ya'll doorway??? do you not mop/vacuum on the regular???

i could never walk around barefoot...that's dirtier than anything to me...even in my own home...and i'd rather not get my socks dirty...that's what house slippers are for...i never really think much off it, but i walk around in my shoes sometimes...i'm not too anal about it....then again, i have hardwood floors and dark carpet...

i'd be more weary about somebody rockin some dirty %+% socks on my floor
So mats and a vacuum gets rid of stains and bacteria on carpet now?  Maybe if you didnt walk in your house with shoes on from the start, your socks wouldnt get dirty.  
As Joe Camel Smooth put it, the OP is epically stupid.

I've never heard a generalization such as the one that Americans particularly those who are white and black have the worst hygiene. I could easily talk about Eastern Europeans, people from the Middle East or people of the Indian sub continent.

No one walks around their living quarters for extended periods of time with footwear on.

Plus people mop if they have hardwood or linoleum floors and vacuum/steam clean if they have carpet.
Originally Posted by sevit86

I've always wondering this.
Having been brought up in a Korean house hold, it always baffling to me that other
people particularly white and black people, dont take their shoes off in their own house.
One of my friends wouldnt even take her shoes off when she was sitting in bed doing homework.
I just hit her with the

Most of them when they do take their shoes of have a putrid stench of unfathomable evil emanating
from their feet. that is shocking to say the least. be it on hard wood or carpet.

YOUR TREKKING IN DIRT/FECES/BACTERIA/ etc. and who knows what into your house.

or when they wear sandals, have a level of athletes foot and dead skin build up that would be offensive in any context.


you %#!$*$ kidding me?
black ppl are the worst when it comes to this $##*.  i do it because i think its proper but some black people go ham when people dont take off their shoes.  where you live at? how many black people do you know?  what the +%%* are you talking about?
you have no clue what you are talking about.  quit generalizing, because the vast majority of blacks i know would have a problem with keeping shoes in the house.

ignorant %!* mofo
Stains can still happens without wearing shoes. If you live in your house, it’s going to get dirty. What happens when you have a repairmen, a Cable guy, a plumper, etc. are you going to make them take their shoes off too.
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

do yall not have mats in ya'll doorway??? do you not mop/vacuum on the regular???

i could never walk around barefoot...that's dirtier than anything to me...even in my own home...and i'd rather not get my socks dirty...that's what house slippers are for...i never really think much off it, but i walk around in my shoes sometimes...i'm not too anal about it....then again, i have hardwood floors and dark carpet...

i'd be more weary about somebody rockin some dirty %+% socks on my floor
So mats and a vacuum gets rid of stains and bacteria on carpet now?  Maybe if you didnt walk in your house with shoes on from the start, your socks wouldnt get dirty.  
if you wipe your feet on the mat, there won't be any stains...bacteria??? give me a break...

i can understand not wanting people to walk around but don't act like that +++%+ the dirtiest thing ever...because i've been around people who "traditionally" take shoes off in their culture and they smell like they don't even know deodorant exist 
Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by sevit86

I've always wondering this.
Having been brought up in a Korean house hold, it always baffling to me that other
people particularly white and black people, dont take their shoes off in their own house.
One of my friends wouldnt even take her shoes off when she was sitting in bed doing homework.
I just hit her with the

Most of them when they do take their shoes of have a putrid stench of unfathomable evil emanating
from their feet. that is shocking to say the least. be it on hard wood or carpet.

YOUR TREKKING IN DIRT/FECES/BACTERIA/ etc. and who knows what into your house.

or when they wear sandals, have a level of athletes foot and dead skin build up that would be offensive in any context.


you %#!$*$ kidding me?
black ppl are the worst when it comes to this $##*.  i do it because i think its proper but some black people go ham when people dont take off their shoes.  where you live at? how many black people do you know?  what the +%%* are you talking about?
you have no clue what you are talking about.  quit generalizing, because the vast majority of blacks i know would have a problem with keeping shoes in the house.

ignorant %!* mofo

Originally Posted by TheEmperor45

Stains can still happens without wearing shoes. If you live in your house, it’s going to get dirty.
Duh, the point is not to bring dirt from outside thats on your shoe and transfer it on your carpet. 
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