Take your damn shoes off when u in the house! vol. personal hygiene

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by j4ck

Originally Posted by sevit86

and BAR NONE white/black people in america are the filthiest in general when it comes to hygiene.

u mad bro?
damn. you insulting like 70% of members on NT with that statement. GL bruh

racial sensitivity is considered paramount when it comes to the caucasian and african american populace in the U.S.
yet when any other ethnicity is mentioned it is stereotypical to not take other racial sensistivitys as seriously, and
some are even done in a humorous fashion because it is customary which it a double standard.

yet people get offended when i talk about the hygiene level of white/black people.

in the dark ages white people almost never bathed. even the wealthy would consider it a luxury to bath once a month.
and this cultural standard was brought to the U.S. ( though far more advanced today)
and after Africans were made as slaves and freed they incorporated Caucasian customs such
as hygiene level and religion etc.

while in many asian/middle-eastern/greece/italy etc. their cultures emphasized cleanliness with sauna's/bath houses/cultural standard etc.

if this offends you then instead of saying im "rascist" or "ignorant" explain your stance with a convincing argument.
also pookie have you even travelled anywhere in the world? or even in the U.S.  for that matter?
your argument is that white people didn't bathe in the dark ages? The #++%+*% DARK AGES? Hundreds of years ago? Really? wow....

and have I traveled? yes, just returned from Austria on Tuesday. And regardless of where I have been or haven't been - your statement is quite idiotic...BAR NONE, one of the dumbest things I have read on this forum over my 10 year membership.....BAR NONE 

NEVERMIND...pointless arguin with folks over the webs
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by j4ck

Originally Posted by sevit86

and BAR NONE white/black people in america are the filthiest in general when it comes to hygiene.

u mad bro?
damn. you insulting like 70% of members on NT with that statement. GL bruh

racial sensitivity is considered paramount when it comes to the caucasian and african american populace in the U.S.
yet when any other ethnicity is mentioned it is stereotypical to not take other racial sensistivitys as seriously, and
some are even done in a humorous fashion because it is customary which it a double standard.

yet people get offended when i talk about the hygiene level of white/black people.

in the dark ages white people almost never bathed. even the wealthy would consider it a luxury to bath once a month.
and this cultural standard was brought to the U.S. ( though far more advanced today)
and after Africans were made as slaves and freed they incorporated Caucasian customs such
as hygiene level and religion etc.

while in many asian/middle-eastern/greece/italy etc. their cultures emphasized cleanliness with sauna's/bath houses/cultural standard etc.

if this offends you then instead of saying im "rascist" or "ignorant" explain your stance with a convincing argument.
also pookie have you even travelled anywhere in the world? or even in the U.S.  for that matter?

edit: also if you take care of yourself why take offense to my statement it doesn't apply to you.
You're taking this way too far, just let it go
oh my god
this guy is epically stupid 

i doubt he believes what he wrote though.....but he won't admit it hence the absurd convoluted defense of his statement
Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by j4ck

damn. you insulting like 70% of members on NT with that statement. GL bruh

racial sensitivity is considered paramount when it comes to the caucasian and african american populace in the U.S.
yet when any other ethnicity is mentioned it is stereotypical to not take other racial sensistivitys as seriously, and
some are even done in a humorous fashion because it is customary which it a double standard.

yet people get offended when i talk about the hygiene level of white/black people.

in the dark ages white people almost never bathed. even the wealthy would consider it a luxury to bath once a month.
and this cultural standard was brought to the U.S. ( though far more advanced today)
and after Africans were made as slaves and freed they incorporated Caucasian customs such
as hygiene level and religion etc.

while in many asian/middle-eastern/greece/italy etc. their cultures emphasized cleanliness with sauna's/bath houses/cultural standard etc.

if this offends you then instead of saying im "rascist" or "ignorant" explain your stance with a convincing argument.
also pookie have you even travelled anywhere in the world? or even in the U.S.  for that matter?
your argument is that white people didn't bathe in the dark ages? The ##*$$+% DARK AGES? Hundreds of years ago? Really? wow....

and have I traveled? yes, just returned from Austria on Tuesday. And regardless of where I have been or haven't been - your statement is quite idiotic...BAR NONE, one of the dumbest things I have read on this forum over my 10 year membership.....BAR NONE
im using it as one example. many cultural standards of course has changed over the centurys but what im implying
that the attention to cleanliness is different for different people in different countries and from all the ones I've traveled to
I've noticed that white/black people in America from my experience are less cleanly. and that is in regards to my original point of the thread.

and the fact that you think points from our history dont affect the present is a very ignorant point of view.

and yes BAR NONE is a bit of an exaggerated stance but generally speaking thats the way it seems...
in my household you either take off your shoes or crawl around on your knees. idk about any other person's home, but everyone has their reason for doing stuff. OP has no reason to attack more than half the board with comments.
To the people who wear shoes indoors: what do your carpets look like? 

You can't be serious comparing bare feet to the bottom of a shoe, which has been through spit, dog @#$%, urine, and who knows what else. Terrible excuse for wearing shoes indoors.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

To the people who wear shoes indoors: what do your carpets look like? 

You can't be serious comparing bare feet to the bottom of a shoe, which has been through spit, dog @#$%, urine, and who knows what else. Terrible excuse for wearing shoes indoors.
wood and ceramic floors...no carpet here..
Originally Posted by TeamCharisma69

in my household you either take off your shoes or crawl around on your knees. idk about any other person's home, but everyone has their reason for doing stuff. OP has no reason to attack more than half the board with comments.

thats it im done, u guys really arent understanding when im coming from.
to each his own. and pookie im not arguing with you, i was just trying to get u to explain your side more convincingly
in a debate format.

ya'll crack me up

gotta love NT
im BLACK, AND my family takes off their shoes before coming in.. we leave the shoes at the door... 

i live on my own and still follow that not just becuase it tradition but it makes sense... 

dont want all that nyc
on the floor when i drop a piece of chicken.. then i gotta make sure i pick it up within 3 seconds kiss it hold it to the sky and ask GOD to magically rid my food of all its germs ... nah 
Still remember the 1st time I went to a friends house folks told me I had to take my shoes off I thought about the holes in my socks and said I forgot to get my house keys and dipped hard

Now I buy new socks every 6 months or as soon as they start getting loose
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

the fungus feet and carpet theory is the craziest thing ive ever heard. people who take their shoes off are less likely to have fungus on their feet, just fyi
What about visitors?

Will you provide slippers for guests?  I walk around in sandals at home, I hate walking bare foot.  It's just dirty to me.  You don't know what people have on their feet it may be safer to have your guests keep their shoes on.
i mean ive never really thought of it as being barefoot in my place. usually people wear socks (im up north tho). but i see your point i guess. i would hope people with muck on their feet would wear socks though and not barefoot around in sandals. and if a girl can't walk around barefoot in my place because of whats in between her toes, i don't want her over in the first place
I trust my hygiene, so yeah, barefoot in my bedroom...yes.  However, in a common area, can't do it even if folks wear socks.

There are too many people out there that just don't take care of themselves.

This is not throwing shots, just a culture shock.  My brother grew up in NorCal, I grew up in SoCal, I've always had Filipino acquaintances.  A couple of his boys are Filipino.  When I got invited to eat, %+*$ threw me off.  They went ham on their grub with no utensils.  Straight culture shock.  All hands, had me like this:


Shook it off, but it's common from what I heard.  Not talking tacos either.
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Hmm not really big deal to me unless there shoes are visibly dirty (mud caked on the sides)
WHat about the bottom of the shoes? Any dirt or germs on the bottom of your shoes will obviously be transfered your house carpet/floor since you're walking .

BTW it sounded kinda bias when op said "particularly white and black people".

I have some friends who are white and some friends who are black and when I enter their house they always say "make sure you take ur shoes off", and they don't wear their own shoes inside their houses either
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Still remember the 1st time I went to a friends house folks told me I had to take my shoes off I thought about the holes in my socks and said I forgot to get my house keys and dipped hard

Now I buy new socks every 6 months or as soon as they start getting loose
 This reminds me of a time I wore a sock I didn't mean to with a pretty big hole in it that became huge with a couple hours wear. I'm sitting at my boys crib high out of my mind and look down at my foot and just 
 I'm pretty sure the 3 people in my proximity saw it too, which was the worst part, it was so bad I couldn't even acknowledge it 
 Throw em away every time there's a hole now

If you don't have indoor slippers you're doing it wrong. Can't wait to get the ugg joints for the wintertime 
im good wit my chancletas.. Where im from walking around barefoot or with socks in the house is corrected.
Originally Posted by Cash is King

I was a shorty my guy hes round 5 years older than me he had a party he set @+@# up where he let nobody bring there shoes inside im talking 50-100 heads jammed in a crib ALL FRESH J'S in the hall haha i was 8 or 9 grabbed them went home with about 50 pairs of fresh jays man i would have killed if those were my shoes i remember some1 had cool greys thats the only js i remember cause i had em i got paid though i just did what i was told was a young kid. yeah no shoes in the house though ha
Were you also told to never use punctuation?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Cash is King

I was a shorty my guy hes round 5 years older than me he had a party he set @+@# up where he let nobody bring there shoes inside im talking 50-100 heads jammed in a crib ALL FRESH J'S in the hall haha i was 8 or 9 grabbed them went home with about 50 pairs of fresh jays man i would have killed if those were my shoes i remember some1 had cool greys thats the only js i remember cause i had em i got paid though i just did what i was told was a young kid. yeah no shoes in the house though ha
Were you also told to never use punctuation?
to the people complaining about having guests with bad hygiene walking around the crib barefoot, yall ever been inside a public restroom? ever walked through a big puddle of piss on the floor? yeah well your guests are dragging pee all over your crib now.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I trust my hygiene, so yeah, barefoot in my bedroom...yes.  However, in a common area, can't do it even if folks wear socks.

There are too many people out there that just don't take care of themselves.

This is not throwing shots, just a culture shock.  My brother grew up in NorCal, I grew up in SoCal, I've always had Filipino acquaintances.  A couple of his boys are Filipino.  When I got invited to eat, %+*$ threw me off.  They went ham on their grub with no utensils.  Straight culture shock.  All hands, had me like this:


Shook it off, but it's common from what I heard.  Not talking tacos either.

 @ that part. but what did you do then, use your hands also? or did you ask em for a fork
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