Take your damn shoes off when u in the house! vol. personal hygiene

i am in my shoes right now lol on the pc....

But nah my aunt who is spanish be telling me that take my shoes off.

my moms aint even trippin on that.
Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

Originally Posted by pookieman

Korean = country
Black/White = skin color

Shut up with your ignorance

....you're reaching bro
How so?  How is OP gonna generalize an entire race of people based of his limited occurrences? It's just downright stupid/racist. 

And for the post police, my bad - I left an 'n' on the end of the word.  Oops. Won't do it again. My sincerest apologies.
Dude is def reaching

most asian people i know never wear shoes inside the house
lol at people caring about what they do in their own home.
and i usually take my shoes off after i sit down and wanna be comfortable.
i have lived with my mom who made me take them off and my dad who didn't care. wasn't much different at either place. its called a vacuum
My white friends NEVER took their shoes off, I had to let them know everytime they stepped foot into my living house.

These are the same friends that had 4 day old pizza crusts, molding lasagna residue on plates, about 20 cups of milk, and dirty drawls all over their bedroom floors
Generalizations. If a person is accustom to a certain way a living that they were RAISED doing, why does it matter? Everyone lives by a different rule of thumb. We all have different hygienics anyway. Just cause one persons feet may exhibit a certain odor does not mean a person of the same or different race may do the same. Everyone's make-up is different.
I'm not Asian but we always took shoes off in the house. The entrances had tile so it wasn't a big deal, but before you walked on the carpet you almost always did. Partially so you don't stain or dirty up the carpet, but for me it was just logical... socks and shoes aren't as comfortable as bare feet. Plus I'm generally hot from being outside so I take off whatever will help cool me down.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

the fungus feet and carpet theory is the craziest thing ive ever heard. people who take their shoes off are less likely to have fungus on their feet, just fyi
What about visitors?

Will you provide slippers for guests?  I walk around in sandals at home, I hate walking bare foot.  It's just dirty to me.  You don't know what people have on their feet it may be safer to have your guests keep their shoes on.


Not racist. You can say It's a stereotype, but racist

I take off my shoes and I'm Mexican
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Hmm not really big deal to me unless there shoes are visibly dirty (mud caked on the sides)
Basically. I'm not gon take my shoes off to run and grab somethin out the house just to have to put em back on. Pointless. When I know I'm in the house, I take em off and put my slides on, other than that, no go. Now when I get a nice house w/ some nice carpet, that rule will be in effect, until then....
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

the fungus feet and carpet theory is the craziest thing ive ever heard. people who take their shoes off are less likely to have fungus on their feet, just fyi
What about visitors?

Will you provide slippers for guests?  I walk around in sandals at home, I hate walking bare foot.  It's just dirty to me.  You don't know what people have on their feet it may be safer to have your guests keep their shoes on.
i mean ive never really thought of it as being barefoot in my place. usually people wear socks (im up north tho). but i see your point i guess. i would hope people with muck on their feet would wear socks though and not barefoot around in sandals. and if a girl can't walk around barefoot in my place because of whats in between her toes, i don't want her over in the first place
Originally Posted by sevit86

and BAR NONE white/black people in america are the filthiest in general when it comes to hygiene.

u mad bro?

damn. you insulting like 70% of members on NT with that statement. GL bruh
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

....you're reaching bro
How so?  How is OP gonna generalize an entire race of people based of his limited occurrences? It's just downright stupid/racist. 

And for the post police, my bad - I left an 'n' on the end of the word.  Oops. Won't do it again. My sincerest apologies.
I was born and raised in boston 12yrs/seattle 7 yrs/ live in chicago rinnow. lived in florida 1 yr. traveled to holland/germany/netherlands/china/japan/canada/england/india/tunisia/united arab emirates/France/ and a few others i cant rememeber off the top of my head. gonna be going to greece and rome the coming year. and i've lived in korea on and off for the majority of my life.

and BAR NONE white/black people in america are the filthiest in general when it comes to hygiene.

u mad bro?
oh....my fault. Not mad at all, just amused by your stupidity. Carry on with this hole
Damn, and i had a legit argument about cultural differences, and a story about how my asian dude takes his shoes off at house parties when everyone else is just trodding through. Aww welp, it's an idiot's game now.
Get your




Don't know what yall talking about with the racist angle. I'm black and I despise that shoes on everywhere shh. Fools sleeping with their shoes on, walking on any type of terrain, and then on the carpet and bare floor like it's nothing.
Originally Posted by j4ck

Originally Posted by sevit86

and BAR NONE white/black people in america are the filthiest in general when it comes to hygiene.

u mad bro?
damn. you insulting like 70% of members on NT with that statement. GL bruh

racial sensitivity is considered paramount when it comes to the caucasian and african american populace in the U.S.
yet when any other ethnicity is mentioned it is stereotypical to not take other racial sensistivitys as seriously, and
some are even done in a humorous fashion because it is customary which it a double standard.

yet people get offended when i talk about the hygiene level of white/black people.

in the dark ages white people almost never bathed. even the wealthy would consider it a luxury to bath once a month.
and this cultural standard was brought to the U.S. ( though far more advanced today)
and after Africans were made as slaves and freed they incorporated Caucasian customs such
as hygiene level and religion etc.

while in many asian/middle-eastern/greece/italy etc. their cultures emphasized cleanliness with sauna's/bath houses/cultural standard etc.

if this offends you then instead of saying im "rascist" or "ignorant" explain your stance with a convincing argument.
also pookie have you even travelled anywhere in the world? or even in the U.S.  for that matter?

edit: also if you take care of yourself why take offense to my statement it doesn't apply to you.
I remember I went to some distant family members house one time and she asked us to take off our shoes..I hit her with the 

It is a culture thing..but I don't see a problem with wearing shoes around the house.
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