Taxi 12's - December '13

I'm sorry if your inability/unwillingness to do your own research is irksome. What have you contributed to this thread, exactly?
How do you get the gift card version?
My $20 reward always comes in my email..
I'd like to know this as well. I actually got a card in the mail with the reward however it was just a coupon code like someone stated earlier. Any of you guys have any idea if I'd be able to call them after making the order and making them apply it?
After they fixed the free shipping thing on fnl, using my wc coupon online has become pointless for popular releases.. 
After they fixed the free shipping thing on fnl, using my wc coupon online has become pointless for popular releases.. 
Wow they fixed it??? Wtf
broke my heart b 
A major retailer in my local mall today was handing out tickets at 7pm. It was first come first serve. I had to work, but went directly after to wait in line. It was 1pm when I got there. I expected there to already be a huge line, but there wasn't a single person there. I got in line by myself and waited for the madness.... nobody ever came. Not one single person. At 4pm, after 3 hours of standing by myself, the manager came out and just gave me my size ticket early, and I went home. I thought this was suppose to be a huge release, and not one single person came to get a ticket for a guaranteed pair. Am I wrong? Does nobody really want these? I'm dumbfounded by what happened today.
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A major retailer in my local mall today was handing out tickets at 7pm. It was first come first serve. I had to work, but went directly after to wait in line. It was 1pm when I got there. I expected there to already be a huge line, but there wasn't a single person there. I got in line by myself and waited for the madness.... nobody ever came. Not one single person. At 4pm, after 3 hours of standing by myself, the manager came out and just gave me my size ticket early, and I went home. I thought this was suppose to be a huge release, and not one single person came to get a ticket for a guaranteed pair. Am I wrong? Does nobody really want these? I'm dumbfounded by what happened today.
Did the store communicate the time and day of the ticket release to customers?
Did the store communicate the time and day of the ticket release to customers?
Yes, I asked him. Because I thought it was so crazy. Said he had been telling everybody for the past week (in store and on the phone). That's how I found out. I went Thursday and was looking at the Jordan section, and he came right up to me and told me.
Yes, I asked him. Because I thought it was so crazy. Said he had been telling everybody for the past week (in store and on the phone). That's how I found out. I went Thursday and was looking at the Jordan section, and he came right up to me and told me.
Where do you live?
I'm so confused right now. I just passed by my spot and it's youngsters out there camping, chairs and the whole nine, at 7 pm, for a GR. I didn't think these were limited. Am I the one who is tripping. F it. NDC in the morning.
I'm so confused right now. I just passed by my spot and it's youngsters out there camping, chairs and the whole nine, at 7 pm, for a GR. I didn't think these were limited. Am I the one who is tripping. F it. NDC in the morning.
you can just point and laugh at those kids. Gonna be an easy cop.
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