Taxi 12's - December '13

Whew barely got through on ndc after multiple attempts.. Good luck to the rest of you trying to get pairs
I'm completely in the same boat with ya. I know that pain of the 7.5. Since Nike doesn't carry that size, I held a 8 in cart on NDC. And kept waiting to get through FNL....but it was gone by the time I got on the site not even a chance to click it. So I went with an 8. Now praying these don't run big, not trying to swim in my shoes man smh lol. 
the 7.5 is rough man -_- i really hope they dont run big im praying lol these are one of my most wanted releases of the year
This exactly why I don't do online releases smfh bigger hassle than my usual methods of fcfs at my local mall
I called the Finish Line yesterday at my local mall and they were sold out by the afternoon and people were camping at other stores since yesterday morning. Can't do the camping.

I just take my chances online.
Glad it worked for you!

Yea I copped on NDC but I wanted to get my little cousin a pair. He's the same age I was when I first got them in '97.......wasn't gonna even attempt to get him one but that link was smooth sailing. I wish I had a backdoor link on them Bel Air's I missed lol. That ish still sits with me I missed out on them lol.

Props though man.....real good look.
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finally got through on FNL for my 8.5

I can close my eastbay link that I was supposed to be in line for an hour
Well then you are fortunate that PayPal worked for you. I learned my lesson on the bred release to never use it for such things. Either way, congrats to those that copped.
Finishline let me do everything except process my payment. Now I've had the timer for 43 minutes. Always trolling. 
Just gotta wait. Have multiple browsers open on multiple devices. One of them has to load eventually.
Thanks, trying that now
On that backdoor link dude just posted?'s RETRO 12+12/14/2013+buy-it

Its letting me go straight through.....
Yea, still at spa page for me
open up a bunch of windows and wait for one to get thru
Thanks I just did that and i'm waiting now
I got 37 mins to wait on eastbay for checkout. How are you guys getting on finishline? I haven't been able to even go on the site period I just keep getting that 30 second timer.
Wow I suck. All you guys getting through. I'm still waiting in line.
Got it to work at NDC. Waiting in line paid off. I even had to refresh because I got a connection error. Then all of a sudden I got through the line plus I got through on eastbay at the same time. Not greedy though. Only checked out at nike.
Well then you are fortunate that PayPal worked for you. I learned my lesson on the bred release to never use it for such things. Either way, congrats to those that copped.

Yea Paypal is suicide. I did that with them Bel Air's....never again. And the only reason I used it was because I thought it would speed up the process......boy was I wrong.
Finishline let me do everything except process my payment. Now I've had the timer for 43 minutes. Always trolling. 
check your bank account. that's what happened to me and i have about 4 size 11 orders. trying to cancel 3 of them
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