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Made shorty call this ***** up while we're in my car. Had her put him on speakerphone while she told him what it really is. Son tried to get short with it, but once she said "I'm ******* him and him only. Any more questions?" to him on the phone I knew the **** was how I needed it to be.

Props man

Her putting it on speaker phone and saying that shows something tho, in a good way

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I can't judge anybodies relationship but things should have never made it to this point. When a woman truly cares and rides for you, guys/"friends" are put on notice once things get serious.
I can't judge her mental and I can only go by what you posted but something doesn't sit right about this situation. Maybe I'm reading to much into it or maybe from my past my bs meter is a little rusty but the minute old boy gave her the necklace, she should have checked him.
Nobody should have to be coerced, put on speaker phone or have to get out of character to let someone know it's over. The only time, hands or verbal altercations are called for is when it's your wife or dude threatens physical harm on your lady. My wife's ex tried to pull that ish, I let her deal with it but dude came sideways through an email and I went to see if he really was about that life. Needless to say I cashed in that wolf ticket he was selling.
I digress..
Just be careful my dude and don't get caught up in something that could ruin or hurt your life.
Always go with your gut/first mind.
No disrespect Adobe but how long y'all been together? In my honest opinion she didn't shut down his advances from the beginning. Clarifying who you're sleeping with usually don't happen if it's just a dude trying to holla and got nowhere.

Glad the lines of communication worked for you though.
Nah I hear ya. I'd never throw hands over a chick I'm not married too. "***** can get you caught up" - Big K.R.I.T. We'll see how things go from now on.
Yea, I too smell something funny with this entire situation.

My girl tells me of every dude that tries to holler at her. Dudes at gas stations, on facebook, IG, etc. So hearing a girl needing to be basically forced and supervised to clarify her relationship status to me seems like she either enjoyed the attention dude was giving her, they been fooling around/she been emotionally cheating with him (confiding in him to the point where feelings are starting to really grow),  or she don't really respect what y'all have. 

To me that convo you sat in on was for your benefit and not a legitimate clarification. She got on the phone and said what you wanted her to say so you could let this go, not because she actually feels that way.

I pray I'm wrong because I do believe you at the very least REALLY like her. Just be careful man. Prob want to get clarification on why dude felt so comfortable giving her that gift
I went to see if he really was about that life. Needless to say I cashed in that wolf ticket he was selling.

Classic quote.

but yes as others have said. the fact dude even got her a necklace is shady enough on her part.

i've been with my girl almost 10 months and I have a lot of love for her and the only trinkett i really have gotten her so far is a hard rock cafe pin from Japan.
So that goes to show if dude buying her a necklace. He was given reason to give it to her.

yea she played a good show for you on the phone. but who knows what she text ole boy prior or after (if she did at all. hopefully not)

You never told us, what she had to say about the whole situation of him giving her the necklace.

did she show you said necklace and was like he gave it to me i dont know why?
Just noticed we're on Page 400 now. this thread blew up quick. Thanks Mugen for restarting this.

Her grandfather passed not that long ago. That's his claim for it. Sure.

That's her ex or good friend or something???

did they have that type of strong bond/relationship before for him to have given it to her out of a sympathizing gesture?

Just baffles me a bit with that reasoning. unless they were close and the necklace meant something to the grandfather.

like he got a pendant of an Eagle because her grandfather always use to talk about eagles or something
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"Wolf Ticket" shows my age[emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji]
But for my dude, I want to be wrong because I don't want to sound jaded from past hurts. I even showed my old lady this situation and she is saying the same thing.
I just can't put my finger on why this rubs me the wrong way. It might not even be what a lot of us are thinking but in the end I hope it works for Homie and they flourish in their relationship after this bump in the road.
"Be Happy not Naive"
"Wolf Ticket" shows my age[emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji]
But for my dude, I want to be wrong because I don't want to sound jaded from past hurts. I even showed my old lady this situation and she is saying the same thing.
I just can't put my finger on why this rubs me the wrong way. It might not even be what a lot of us are thinking but in the end I hope it works for Homie and they flourish in their relationship after this bump in the road.
"Be Happy not Naive"
I'm a younger dude and I know wolf ticket and I think it's time to start using that phrase again lol

But yea, def wish all these concerns are just us overthinking things, never wish anybody to be hurt or cheated on
Sleep on it bruh, y'all convo and this situation ain't over until you can say you understand everything and there's no questions about it.

She got a bunch of explaining to do, to me.

I'd be grillin' her man, but rest ya mind for now and even a couple of days if needed because this situation runs deeper than eye level
i was texting this girl all afternoon and she was telling me she was going out and i didnt plan on it. around 1am she sends me a text to come to this club , i show up , she doesn't even acknowledge me the whole time, luckily a few of my boys were there. Why would she tell me to come, to not even talk to me?
i was texting this girl all afternoon and she was telling me she was going out and i didnt plan on it. around 1am she sends me a text to come to this club , i show up , she doesn't even acknowledge me the whole time, luckily a few of my boys were there. Why would she tell me to come, to not even talk to me?

She was probably nervous? But I'm not going with that...

I'm gonna go with that she mass texted that invitation to a few guys to see who would come out. And her interest went towards the guy she's most attracted to. You were probably slot 3 bro... You gotta move up them ranks!
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I'm not fighting anyone :lol: But I told him straight up to fall back. Stay in your lane. He caught feelings so quickly it was crazy.

My guy :pimp:

Letting em know you not for the play play >

But if **** escalates, just fall back, ain't worth it.
The simple solution is to walk away. She accepted a gift from another man, that's a automatic red flag and she should be dismissed immediately. No talks no nothing. Just walk away. Hit that eject button man
The simple solution is to walk away. She accepted a gift from another man, that's a automatic red flag and she should be dismissed immediately. No talks no nothing. Just walk away. Hit that eject button man

Take her out.... Then while on the freeway....

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i was texting this girl all afternoon and she was telling me she was going out and i didnt plan on it. around 1am she sends me a text to come to this club , i show up , she doesn't even acknowledge me the whole time, luckily a few of my boys were there. Why would she tell me to come, to not even talk to me?

Man you gotta take an L break.
i was texting this girl all afternoon and she was telling me she was going out and i didnt plan on it. around 1am she sends me a text to come to this club , i show up , she doesn't even acknowledge me the whole time, luckily a few of my boys were there. Why would she tell me to come, to not even talk to me?

Get rid of her. Or do the same to her, but that's petty...

Or smash and never speak to her again.
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