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:lol: I used to smash with my pants down to my knees... when I was done, I pulled it up and bounced. :lol:

Mannnn those were the days. :smokin

Could never do that
I'm the type of dude to get low, spread my legs and thrust. Can't do that with ya pants to ya ankles. I need all the space I can get to stretch myself out as much as possible.


:smokin I feel ya bro... It was mainly the jump offs.
Btw.... My girl just hooked me up with the baddest head job I've had in a minute!!!!

Toes curled, kegalled out and **** :lol:
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I ALWAYS have one. Even if I know nothing is gonna happen. 

But when a girl does that in-between the legs, hip to hip, grinding move...it's impossible not too get a stiffy.
Do you ALWAYS get a stiffy when dancing with a chick?

I've actually ejaculated when dancing with chicks. On 2 separate basement sweat box party occasions. Went through a little dry spell at that time. Idk if they ever noticed :lol: (I would hope not)..I'm pretty good friends with the 2nd one right now.

Only way they'd notice is if they felt the hard pipe, then all of a sudden they felt it soften up.
I've actually ejaculated when dancing with chicks. On 2 separate basement sweat box party occasions. Went through a little dry spell at that time. Idk if they ever noticed :lol: (I would hope not)..I'm pretty good friends with the 2nd one right now.

Only way they'd notice is if they felt the hard pipe, then all of a sudden they felt it soften up.

Hilarious. Some chick's patties do feel amazing.
Do you ALWAYS get a stiffy when dancing with a chick?

in my early teens...always :lol:. then in my later teens it stopped for a lil. now I do again but I haven't gotten twerked in a like over a year (don't go to club or parties as much anymore)

I've actually ejaculated when dancing with chicks. On 2 separate basement sweat box party occasions. Went through a little dry spell at that time. Idk if they ever noticed :lol: (I would hope not)..I'm pretty good friends with the 2nd one right now.

Only way they'd notice is if they felt the hard pipe, then all of a sudden they felt it soften up.

guilty of this too in my early teen years :lol:. happened twice at my basement parties and another at a college party I was at but I was only a sophomore in high school. I think I was just excited I was getting twerked on by a grown woman :rofl: :evil:. all that slow grinding, twerking, and dry humping :evil: was like sex to me until I got the real thing.
I have never been brought to the brink of the mountain top from a dance. But I do remember two girls from college with the PHATTEST of phatties dancin' on me and man.......it was like I was dancing with a cloud while chewing 5 gum with one girl and the other girl had me pinned against the wall and had me stuck betwixt her cheeks in glorious matrimony

Had like a 40% for a minute the other day on some rotund african booty. Joint was so perfectly round, brought it back down though.
Had like a 40% for a minute the other day on some rotund african booty. Joint was so perfectly round, brought it back down though.
Remind of this african chick i was drawn to in college, booty banging and her lips were full and always juicy. Hate how I screwed it up by both being lazy in the class we shared so didn't impress her and didn't try to pursue her cause I thought I blew it. Missed out on a lot of skinz cause I took myself out of the game for small mistakes
So im turnin my girl into a freak. She wouldnt wana have sex twice a day like i would want or initiate, wich is frustrating at times. But now shes more intune with herself and what not.

Now im just tryna get her to be down for it whenever wherever.
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What's good guys. Looking for some post-game analysis...

There's a group of friends from my college days that I kick it with every time I'm back in my home town. We party last Friday and I end up smashing one of my friend's younger sister. When I first met her a year ago, he said that if I ever smashed he didn't want to know since he noticed we were always talking and then again heavy on Friday.

Been on a dry spell, so I smashed again the morning of, but then the sobriety and pillow talk started to change our original perceptions of each other. She tells me she might be flying to her home this week for the holidays, so I try to set something up again on Sunday to get some since I won't see her again for another few months and because I'll be flying out myself before the end of the year. With persistence, I get to her place Sunday night. She's blitzed. My rustiness showed and she got turned off with me overthinking things. It was all downhill from there. I get kicked out after trying over and over lol.

My one homie outside of this group had thought I never gave her the chance to bask from Friday night. I think it's still open ended though. He thinks I could still salvage it with no expectations although having her as a Buddy would be ideal. I agree to save face since I will probably kick it with her brother when I'm back again. Have yet to message her about what to say/do. She said she might be in my city in the new year.
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^ I believe it's very salvageable, it was a drunk night, You weren't performing. Some girls take that to heart and think something is wrong with them. I would let it die down but keep texing. keep yourself fresh on her mind.

That's if you're trying to wife it.

as far as that being your homies little sister like he said keep that between her and yourself. If you're trying to wife her be persistent, if like i said earlier drop hints and messages every now and again but not often.
My girl be wanting to me to cum on demand and I can't do it, just sex or really long amounts of oral (like 2hrs+ lol). I wish I could but I can't just masturbate into it or from an HJ
:lol: I can picture your girl asking you "Are you going to come yet?"

With the

View media item 1317790

Face on, with you pulling the snoop avatar in response, haha..
shiiieeeddddd ... not me...

her: can you cumb

me: sure

her: but let me know when you do it because i want to see it

me: see what?

her: the cumb!

me: too late

her: :angry: :smh:

i buss on demand, fambs... no shame in my game. i can go for 5 minutes or 5 hours.
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My girl be wanting to me to cum on demand and I can't do it, just sex or really long amounts of oral (like 2hrs+ lol). I wish I could but I can't just masturbate into it or from an HJ
I feel your struggle but it takes TWO HOURS of oral?


How often do you fap?
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