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2hrs bro......nah

my ish finnicky, sometimes I can go for hours others 5-10 mins. for me i gotta find a good stroke and keep it there with no interruptions. can't slow down, can't switch positions, can't do nothing other than that. If i do or she do, i'm not gon splash at all
Y'all dudes WILIN talking about 1-2 hour head. 

A few good minutes of head and I'm in the P, every time. F that. I'm not waiting around for an hour getting domed when I could be up in my girl. No way.
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 for me i gotta find a good stroke and keep it there with no interruptions. can't slow down, can't switch positions, can't do nothing other than that. If i do or she do, i'm not gon splash at all
I'm the same way; I have to be in the zone while pumping before I bust

That's why I'd rather catch head, it feels a lot better for me since it's condomless stimulation and I'm a guaranteed bust after a litlle bit
head does nothing for me man, I blame it on the fact that my first time all I could think is "So this is what the inside of a mouth feels like" smh
Give me 2 or 3 mins of head and I'm ready to stroke. Head is like warming up the car on a cold morning to me.
shiiieeeddddd ... not me...

i buss on demand, fambs... no shame in my game. i can go for 5 minutes or 5 hours.


I can barely bust off head. It has to be A1 for me to nut. Usually when I do but off head it's because of the use of hands. The mouth isn't tight enough
I really don't understand females man.

If you're upset or take issue with someone, then TELL THEM instead of acting strange until they have to ask

"Is something the matter? Are you upset with me or something?"


"Are you sure?"

"No, what makes you ask?"

"You've been acting weird the past couple of days"

"Well actually something has been bothering me"
and they be so proud of that ish man it's like wtf

my girl quick to ask me to be open about if i'm upset or bothered about something and if i don't tell her that i am when she think i am she get upset and i gotta play that '"what's wrong''Nothing'" game

I stopped that tho, i ask you whats wrong you say nothing cool. Don't say nothing to me
What gets me annoyed is the fact that if there's something bothering you, tell me instead of acting strange with me for 4 days and waiting for me to ask

 I give a **** about her and her feelings lol if something's wrong tell me
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What gets me annoyed is the fact that if there's something bothering you, tell me instead of acting strange with me for 4 days and waiting for me to ask

 I give a **** about her and her feelings lol if something's wrong tell me
man....then theres so many pics up on IG talmbout when your girl mad at you grab her and kiss her or sit her down and talk to her. i'm dating a grown woman, not no 5 year old. closed mouth don't get fed last time i checked
That's so irritating. She just mad for no reason as far as you know because she won't tell. I will say though, asking "what the **** is wrong with you?" is not the move.
Bruh...I'm in deep **** cuz of the whole she hung out with another dude...they dead  just friends...

I feel like such a goof up.

Yea...im cool it with asking nt f it people period for advice...
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Bruh...I'm in deep **** cuz of the whole she hung out with another dude...they dead  just friends...
I feel like such a goof up.
Yea...im cool it with asking nt f it people period for advice...
You got to have trust in your girl if anything going to come out positive. But I know you starting to see that
Bruh...I'm in deep **** cuz of the whole she hung out with another dude...they dead  just friends...

I feel like such a goof up.

Yea...im cool it with asking nt f it people period for advice...
LOL I told you man. That's why I didn't say anything aside from it didn't seem right.

But dudes was flat out stating that your girl was getting gutted like they were in the room with her
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That's so irritating. She just mad for no reason as far as you know because she won't tell. I will say though, asking "what the **** is wrong with you?" is not the move.
lmfao, this past weekend we were supposed to take the kids on this lil santa thing at the mall and i had to work that night so when i got off i saw she texted me saying she was hungry (which i have no idea who breaks her legs and fingers which leave her incabable of getting food) so i was like order a pizza and told her what i wanted. she text me back asking where i was, within 1 min of her sending that i reply back "omw" this girl calls me. now i'm pissed cause she bout to say some simple ish that she could have texted me. first question out her mouth, "You on your way home?" I was like "YEA" she was like why you yelling, told her i JUST texted that she got mad and hung up.

got home, she still mad, talking bout why would she talk to me if i'm yelling. so i'm like whatever. ask her if she want pizza she like whatever. started to order me one and leave her hungry but i was like nah. so i ordered us some pizza. she was "mad" all night till later on when we started playing with my daughter, and of course i had to initiate it all.

We didn't go to the santa clause thing but come to find out she was calling to see if i still wanted to go. but i woulda thought that woulda been understood unless i say i don't wanna go
2hour lettuce[emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji]
My wife's the first one to have me like this after 10mins..

I would think that would hurt after awhile.
Coromanti Coromanti
Always listen to your gut and not your head.
Your brain will have you coming up with the most crazy scenerios..
You will know when your girl is cheating or out in them streets. Study body language, voice inflections. People will tell you everything strictly off non-verbal communication.
Who wants head for 2 hours though? Head is only for getting it up, or draining the pipe right then and there.

Haven't been in TAY for a while. Update on my month.

- still kickin it with my girl, she's cool and I think she's special :wow:
- smashed a little side piece in my back seat while I was parked in her drive way at 4am and she cracked my door handle :smh:
-Tinashe came up to me at work and was choosing and I didn't capitalize :smh: :smh:
Who wants head for 2 hours though? Head is only for getting it up, or draining the pipe right then and there.

Haven't been in TAY for a while. Update on my month.

- still kickin it with my girl, she's cool and I think she's special :wow:
- smashed a little side piece in my back seat while I was parked in her drive way at 4am and she cracked my door handle :smh:
-Tinashe came up to me at work and was choosing and I didn't capitalize :smh: :smh:
shiiieeeddddd ... not me...

her: can you cumb

me: sure

her: but let me know when you do it because i want to see it

me: see what?

her: the cumb!

me: too late

her: :angry: :smh:

i buss on demand, fambs... no shame in my game. i can go for 5 minutes or 5 hours.

I've can and have done the same, i never understood why they ask to see it. lol i don't want to see my own.

head does nothing for me man, I blame it on the fact that my first time all I could think is "So this is what the inside of a mouth feels like" smh
LMAO..... My first head was by a nice plump lady. felt like warm wet cotton candy. busted in about 90 secs.

Sounds also make me blow fast. i can be stroking for like 20 mins, but as soon as I hear a loud moan or scream. it's over.
(tested this by plugging my ears once (she was reverse cowboying) I was about to cum. closed my ears and I was good.

(Porn got my sexual mind distorted) (I guess better that than my attraction to females)

LOL I told you man. That's why I didn't say anything aside from it didn't seem right.

But dudes was flat out stating that your girl was getting gutted like they were in the room with her :x  

Trust Trust Trust, no one in here knew your girl @Don Adidda and you know majority of the dudes in here are a bit Jaded so why you were taking the most negative of post here and believing them over your Gut (as Mugen said)
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