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Real talk, I watched one back in HS but didnt really pay attention.
But this one was crazy because it showed a lady having her child but the umbilical cord wrapped around the babies neck and them untangling it and ish and all the body fluids coming out because a woman can't control her anus amongst other things[emoji]128561[/emoji]
All I know is I don't care how good or BIG you think your **** game is, seeing a full fledge human being coming out of a vagina makes you question life, the universe and your soul[emoji]128516[/emoji]
Lool. I heard my god sons mom pooped in the bed.....almost makes me want to be like adopt is the way to go
Real talk, I watched one back in HS but didnt really pay attention.
But this one was crazy because it showed a lady having her child but the umbilical cord wrapped around the babies neck and them untangling it and ish and all the body fluids coming out because a woman can't control her anus amongst other things[emoji]128561[/emoji]
All I know is I don't care how good or BIG you think your **** game is, seeing a full fledge human being coming out of a vagina makes you question life, the universe and your soul[emoji]128516[/emoji]


When I was on my OB rotation in med school I never wanted to smash. My girl at the time was not happy :lol:
Man i believe it..Girls are dirtier than men. Been in Female restrooms and they are filthy, The stuff you find in there can be disturbing, fam. :smh:
Re: females being unhygienic

I have a girl in several classes and that has invited me over to her apartment. I've resisted every time.
Main reason is because I saw her in sandals once and her feet were bone dry. Disgusting.
I'm literally texting over ten girls and setting up things to do. I seriously hate it and am about to just stop.
conversation kind of went nowhere when i texted her and i haven't reached out since. might just hit her up later and see if i can pull something off.
yeah i gotta start doing that. i tried chit chatting and it went nowhere :lol: started off well, but faded. should've just made plans after 4th text.
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I miss being younger. i had one girl who was about getting to know me amd just asked questions. i had no problem about it. it was like 21 questions but w no end. it was back and forth between us and cut out the pussyfooting.

anywho , girl from work gave me the number. we met up yesterday for a quick bite at crif dog . walk in to order and shes leaning on me. convo flowing despite the overly loud background. a lot of eye contact ( been working on that ) and a nice walk afterwards to a cab. feeling this girl as she seems like a mature woman. even mentioned as the man i should be walking on the outside. how long should i wait before hitting her up again or plan something else?

p.s. brawd surprised me. ordered the food but when i had to run outside looking for my debit card i thought I lost i came back to her saying she already paid for it. +1 on that
I'm literally texting over ten girls and setting up things to do. I seriously hate it and am about to just stop.


Can't use my presence, height, charm, etc. thru text. Although, This Latina randomly asked am I an *** or boob guy.
When they initiate a sexual convo >>>>

But most wanna do so much ******* small talk so they don't feel like a skeez when we do end up smashing.
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