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Girl I was supposed to grab drinks with mid day Saturday... Has to go see her tax guy, wants to move it up to tonight smh.
That's why I make plans super fast... but half the time I forget about the plans unless I'm super digging the girl or she comes back around and says, "Hey! Are we still on tonight!?"
I miss being younger. i had one girl who was about getting to know me amd just asked questions. i had no problem about it. it was like 21 questions but w no end. it was back and forth between us and cut out the pussyfooting.

anywho , girl from work gave me the number. we met up yesterday for a quick bite at crif dog . walk in to order and shes leaning on me. convo flowing despite the overly loud background. a lot of eye contact ( been working on that ) and a nice walk afterwards to a cab. feeling this girl as she seems like a mature woman. even mentioned as the man i should be walking on the outside. how long should i wait before hitting her up again or plan something else?

p.s. brawd surprised me. ordered the food but when i had to run outside looking for my debit card i thought I lost i came back to her saying she already paid for it. +1 on that
Why would you wait?
If she is about the nice guys are "thirsty" or that dumb Steve Harvey Logic, then you don't need her but if you really feeling the situation, hit her up with(do not text this).
"Hey I enjoyed our time together and I would like to treat you since I was just trying to dine and dash".
Say something witty or make fun of yourself. A woman who is really feeling you will ALWAYS make time and actually calling her in this highly digital, passive aggressive era we live in will get you bonus points.
If it feels right and the vibe is good, why wait..
If you wait you are leaving the door open for the next man.
You are not guaranteed another second.
Live it up brethren[emoji]9996[/emoji]️
I feel incredibly guilty. Ran into a girl I was seeing months back, while food shopping in town. She was not my type quite frankly, more docile than I'm used to. Big heart though, and immensely intelligent. Got busy with work (so I tell myself) and broke off all communication. The kicker, I discovered tonight, is she recently lost her father and I wasn't there for her in her greatest time of need.
I feel incredibly guilty. Ran into a girl I was seeing months back, while food shopping in town. She was not my type quite frankly, more docile than I'm used to. Big heart though, and immensely intelligent. Got busy with work (so I tell myself) and broke off all communication. The kicker, I discovered tonight, is she recently lost her father and I wasn't there for her in her greatest time of need.

That's not on you. How many times did she contact you? What was the relationship like?
Why not make plans for the weekend?

Why would you wait?
If she is about the nice guys are "thirsty" or that dumb Steve Harvey Logic, then you don't need her but if you really feeling the situation, hit her up with(do not text this).
"Hey I enjoyed our time together and I would like to treat you since I was just trying to dine and dash".
Say something witty or make fun of yourself. A woman who is really feeling you will ALWAYS make time and actually calling her in this highly digital, passive aggressive era we live in will get you bonus points.
If it feels right and the vibe is good, why wait..
If you wait you are leaving the door open for the next man.
You are not guaranteed another second.
Live it up brethren[emoji]9996[/emoji]️

quite true . i want to proceed w caution though. im not trying to mess this up
Why not make plans for the weekend?

Why would you wait?
If she is about the nice guys are "thirsty" or that dumb Steve Harvey Logic, then you don't need her but if you really feeling the situation, hit her up with(do not text this).
"Hey I enjoyed our time together and I would like to treat you since I was just trying to dine and dash".
Say something witty or make fun of yourself. A woman who is really feeling you will ALWAYS make time and actually calling her in this highly digital, passive aggressive era we live in will get you bonus points.
If it feels right and the vibe is good, why wait..
If you wait you are leaving the door open for the next man.
You are not guaranteed another second.
Live it up brethren[emoji]9996[/emoji]️

quite true . i want to proceed w caution though. im not trying to mess this up
what do u mean by not trying to mess up?

Don't be so accommodating to these chicks
the only thing you can mess up in life is not experiencing it. I mean i get not dating somebody you work with( i personally dont **** where i eat) but if the situation looks good and the vibe is right, sometimes you have to step out on faith. Theres nothing wrong in taking your time and getting to know somebody because we all know that we send our representatives at the beginning of every relationship, but dont miss out on possibly a good experience by being in your head. I would have never met my wife if i kept staying in my head, you have to take calculated risks to ascertain greatness. No successful person got by without taking that chance, now granted this could potentially **** your paper up but if you two are mature about it and set guidelines and rules IF things dont work then i see no problems in going down this road. Even if you didnt work with her, you have to set down a foundation with any woman you meet. I dont care if she is your best freind until the end, you have to set perimeters in relationships so boundaries dont get crossed and blatant disrespect creeps in. Have an open discussion on how you feel about the situation and go from there. Your biggest asset to any relationship(family,friend,professional) is communication, dont shy away from it, embrace debate,lol.

edit: To the homie feeling bad about letting a girl go in her time of need. I dont know what the situation or relationship was like but as i have gotten older, you dont owe anything to anyone unless you have a child. The biggest thing that you could have created was a false security blanket when you knew in your heart you didnt have feelings for her, nor did you want to create a friendship with her. The thing with people is no one wants to get played or feel like they are the fool. So say you stayed communicating with her and you were her shoulder to cry on and that is only going to make her like you more and her feelings grow. One night she comes over in a need for someone to hold her, you smash and she ask the dreaded question"where is this goin". BONG-BONG, not only have you been her knight in shining armor but now you have created a relationship based off of tragedy and false pretense and that will lay heavy on you. In all honesty you have to take care of you and your circle. You cant be out here like that because alot of women leave dudes when the chips are down. Not saying you are a bad person, if you werent feeling her, then so be it. But its better to leave a situation then to lead someone on only because they were in a time of need. Thats when you lean on your circle, not just somebody your dating/seeing.

i apologize if that is harsh or i took your relationship out of context but i dont think you did anything wrong.

How many times did she contact you?

What was the relationship like?
Three or four times over a month's span, before she gave up.

Short-lived. Worked out together, shared books, encouraged each other to participate in volunteerism. Panera was our thing, as corny as that sounds. She loved their mac & cheese.

Edit: She has a new boyfriend now, and wasn't thrilled to see me. My hands are tied.
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Just broke up with my girl of 2 years. Was preparing for a "things need to improve" talk and ended up breaking it off. 2 weeks before my Bday. My personal situation makes this 100x worse. Kinda numb and down but I'm good though. I think I needed this :smh:
How many times did she contact you?

What was the relationship like?
Three or four times over a month's span, before she gave up.

Short-lived. Worked out together, shared books, encouraged each other to participate in volunteerism. Panera was our thing, as corny as that sounds. She loved their mac & cheese.

Edit: She has a new boyfriend now, and wasn't thrilled to see me. My hands are tied.
Did you just stop responding to her, or did she choose not to reach out because you didn't?
The only thing you owe someone in this world is the truth. I can understand if that young lady was perturbed by the sight of you but let's be real, anything in life is rarely met with closure unless two mutual adults communicate that things are not working out for them.
Every situation, every encounter, every smash, every handshake shapes your perception of the world. I firmly don't believe in coincidence or surendipity but whether every decision you have made until now has lead you down this road in life. You can't let your past stunt your growth. You have to embrace the education of every event. Now were people mess up is they don't let go of the shame, guilt, hurt but whether let it eat at them and then it manifests into reckless behavior that gets you caught out in these streets. Okay let's be[emoji]128175[/emoji], you didn't tell her the truth but maybe her situation is a lot better now then what you could have offered. Rarely does a woman give two dambs about what you are doing because penis is thrown at them daily and there's always someone to fill the position. All you can do is understand the mistake, acknowledge the **** up, learn from it and become a better man. Dwelling on the past lost or mistakes inhibits you from becoming better. Every girl, job or situation is not meant for you but what is important is the lessons and knowledge you obtain to so you can create a better life and future for yourself. Trust that girl is not worried about you and if she is, then that's a demon she has to fight and learn from. Once again we all fall down but it's up to you to either get back up or throw mini pity parties. Too many atrocities are being committed amongst mankind today. If you have health, a decent job or mission to improve your life goals, roof over your head, can eat/exercise, appropriate means of travel, you are ****** Blessed and worrying about some girl, that you had no interest in should not take your focus off your current situation.
Live for today, Control what's in front of you now and leave your past to the birds.
Don't forget but remember what brought you to this place and improve from here on out.
Until next time fellas, probably be a dad by my next post[emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128526[/emoji]
Be Easy[emoji]9996[/emoji]️
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Felt this had good relation this thread. 

I was with some people I know a couple of days ago and we were talking about where we were going to go. Class was over and we wanted to do something. Me and my boy were like idk and just watching girls walk by and talking about other stuff and this girl we knows goes, "Y'all are so indecisive omg. Guys shouldn't even be indecisive, they shouldn't be allowed to be indecisive - only girls are allowed to be indecisive." I wanted to say something but I chose to save my breath and just ignore her.

What are your thoughts on that? I feel like anyone, male or female, can be indecisive. You of course shouldn't be indecisive ALL THE TIME but I feel like occasionally it's okay depending on the circumstances. For example with me most of the times I'm indecisive (in regards to plans), it's because I want to see if she's going to suggest something. You know bring something different to the table, have a different opinion instead of me being the "deciding factor" all the time
Sounds like you're young, there would be a lot to break down there. But to be brief

-pay no mind to girls about the affairs of men
-indecisiveness is unattractive in general, but that will wither away just like all the other traits of youth as you grow and be more self actualized
-Women will almost never have plans. They will not recognize this, and no logic will make them see it.
- They will however, take note of your lack of decision making skills
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