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Every time I think I seen it all I see something else that defies explanation...

I'm in the cafeteria at school and I see this girl about 5'11 or so. So she's tall for a woman. Anyway she's thick as a..idk what man...her ******* were at minimum Gs and her waist was small and she had the "thick flat" stomach (you know the one where technically its not sticking out but if she eats too much on any one day it will pudge out?) and her thighs...good lord the thighs....I just dont understand it....:smh:  truly a sight to behold....

she got dem maseratits ? :nerd:




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I shoulda never posted that link....that would really suck to see her crying in the hallway or something cuz some ish from 5 years ago got brought back.

what would suck is if she sucks and the footage doesn't some how makes its way to da hamsta for future inspection after you exploit ol' girl weakness while she crying on ya shoulder.
wipe her tears with the head and then let her show how she earned that name.
slap away her hands if necessary.
DMV crew
anyone trying to go to the elliot in the morning halloween bash in Claredon VA on october 30th???o

Usually dumb packed. live band good time. and there are all the other bars right next door.

oh and my birthday is that monday
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tdogg2k tdogg2k I'm prolly down with Halloween in Clarendon. What are you gonna be? I'm gonna be Kylo Ren if they ever ship me my voice changing mask :smh:

Little update... One girl is a little too into me and I can't figure Sunday out. Been going raw and creampie every time with the one girl. We prolly with eachother at least 4 nights a week. Usually chill with Sunday a 1-2 nights but she'll leave my place between 10-12. Her last text rubbed me the wrong way (I texted couple DMV cats about it)... but I think she will be about that action next week. Ex been hitting me up too. Haven't had time to go the gym or much time to myself. Calling a timeout and going to NY this weekend.

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I know the feeling man, gained a mean gut over the last few months, gotta get back on my ****. Dunno bout the 30th, that's a friday.
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I have been on a much needed TO the past 3 weeks. No P, fapping, or anything. Just been hitting the gym, studying, and working.
my ex posting thirst traps and subliminals on IG lol caption talmbout "i know you thought we had something special but" FOH

i feel like meek for not responding tho
the thing about females man, they feed off of public attention. once you play into it, no matter what you say you lost. ain't no win in responding
my ex posting thirst traps and subliminals on IG lol caption talmbout "i know you thought we had something special but" FOH

i feel like meek for not responding tho

I'm the worst person to be giving internet advice right now but f it...

Don't respond.
1. She's an adult. If she wants to talk to you she can reach you.
2. Don't validate their behavior. Responding positively or negatively will let her know that she can get your attention that way and she will keep doing it
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1 up to both of yall, needed that validation
i ignored an ex spew on twitter over a year and a half after we broke up when she found out i got a new girl.

it actually went on for mad long.

she was nuts.

it made me angry but best thing i did was ignore her. it killed her.

...but til this day i swore and swear im spitting in her face the day i see her for all that she said.
1 up to both of yall, needed that validation
My ex made it her purpose to let her friends, her fam, mutual friends, and social media that I moved to TX and took advantage of her and her fam. Like she texted my closest homeboy and was throwin' dirt on my name, went on twitter talking about it, and facebook. Yo ex just want you to acknowledge her so she can feel like she still got you in her pocket
Most ex's. Want to let the world know theyre not the problem.
They want to feel like they werent/aren't the villain ever.
Villanizing is a coping mechanism

Im over one of my exs now. But I cant promise if i saw her today there wouldn't be some furniture moving.
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