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When's a fair time to tell a chick you want her to be your girlfriend?

You don't tell her, don't take that away from her. That's her declaration to make. Just keep showing that you want her around and go with the flow. As emotional and fantasy driven as they are, I don't trust any chick I'm thinking of taking seriously that hasn't come out of her mouth about titles or her made up future with you,where you feel like you have to.
"I'm feeling you and I think your feeling me.
I don't like putting titles on things but I do want to be exclusive with you and would like to see where this goes"
Time limits and living for others are man made constraints. If you both are mutually vibing, then do the damn thing.
It's cliche but when you know, you know[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
Don't u hate when you and your friend like the same girl...your friend likes her a lot but the girl really likes u smh....not gonna front I really wanna pursue her but I'm not out of respect for him
Survival of the fittest. Me and my friends aren't allowed to get mad at each other until you're consistently smashing. That's actually a rule we have established. :lol: you guys need to set the ground rules up.
I agree but he's a mentor to me...I can't do it he's 40 somethin she's 31 and I'm 25 lol sounds like a recipe for disaster...
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Don't u hate when you and your friend like the same girl...your friend likes her a lot but the girl really likes u smh....not gonna front I really wanna pursue her but I'm not out of respect for him
Screw him. You know how many times I leave girls alone cause my mans like them and then it never materializes into anything or we end up having a falling out. :smh: I smh to this day at every missed girl cause of this. Recently went out and and met a set of girls. So its three of us and two of them. I decided to be the odd man out and find some other girls. I found the girls and gave them to the party I was with. I found out these brothers didn't do anything with the girls. No phone numbers no nothing. Just talk. I interjected myself back into the group and pulled the numbers with damns.
Screw him. You know how many times I leave girls alone cause my mans like them and then it never materializes into anything or we end up having a falling out. :smh: I smh to this day at every missed girl cause of this.

Bruh this is the story of my life :smh:
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Cmon man I dressed that up for that thread :lol: I'm not asking the chick to be my girlfriend yet, just curious on what the usual procedure is. Never really met someone before that I actually liked enough to get serious with.
Different ways to skin a cat, but you can't argue just letting it grow organically. Not trying to put you out there, just saying don't get ahead of yourself. Curious though, why no sex? did you both have a timeline agreement?
Nah I feel you on the getting ahead of myself thing for sure.

She's my best friend's (female) sister. So I guess that gets attributed to the lack of immediate sex. We've fooled around in my car after the past four dates, just haven't finished the deed yet. We both live at home so that's kind of an issue as well. She doesn't bring people back to her house at all (her mom actually thought she was a lesbian because of that, and I heard that from her sisters not her). I could bring her home one day, but it just hasn't happened yet. She's also 22 and I'm 26, but she's got a legit job and good head on her shoulders.

She's a little weird sometimes when we're out with her sisters and my friends. Her sister's boyfriend is like an older brother to her so she's always hesitant to hook up or hold hands in front of him, which is annoying. Like last Saturday we were in a bar with all of us, and she'd only let me kiss her when we weren't in his line of sight. I get it and the kid is one of my close friends so I don't push the issue, but it's annoying. I don't think he'd really care much anyway since her sisters definitely like the idea of me dating her.
Well you should probably figure out how to escalate sexually if there's no agreement. I'm sure your spot may be more open to it than you think, dudes have a longer leash.
Yeah I could prob bring her home without an issue. We typically go out alone during the week and hang out one of the days together with all of us during the weekend. To get her to my house, I gotta set up a weekend date with just us two so she doesn't need to worry about going to bed early and getting up for work (she's usually in bed sleeping by 11 during the week).

There's been slow progress sexually with each date so I guess I gotta just without coming off the wrong way, escalate it to that next level a little quicker.

I gotta set up a Netflix n chill date as well, pretty sure she'd be open to that.
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Sex doesn't equal intimacy..
No need to rush that.
It's funny how NT throws that around as a litmus test for a healthy dating life/relationship.
Great sex can be learned/achieved through several arenas from practice to reading.
What makes sex better is when you know a persons inner workings.
That's when both parties are actually trying to please and pleasure whether then just shooting up the club.
Sometimes it's better to have an old man jumper then being Steph Curry with the shot boy...
Let that marinate[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
Yeah and that's the thing here. Normally, with chicks, it's always been shoot up the club and move on. With her, I genuinely want to please her since I actually have feelings for her instead of looking to just get a nut off. Me wanting to have sex with her is more than lust or infatuation. And I don't mind the wait since it'll be pretty awesome when it does happen.
Discussion or no, basically all i'm saying is, are you both on the same page? It's easy to guess, but you wanting to ask her for exclusivity sounds like you may not be. This is all assumptions from your small sampling though.
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Nah don't interpret any of what I said as to force sex/discussion/labels, that will be the downfall. Basically again, stay calm, let it grow organically, but communicate openly with 'intimacy' and private time being integral. Hard to explain I guess if you've never been in something both unhealthy and healthy.
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