I don't think i've ever even implied that, nor even saying to rush into it, but sounds like you haven't even discussed it.
That's the Cancer in you[emoji]128518[/emoji][emoji]128518[/emoji]
No shots fired..
You know you the homie..
Maybe it came off that why but that 10,000 thread has me feeling some type of way..
Everybody lives by their own code or time table. For me I've always followed my own drummer.
Have I've been hurt more because of it?
Hell yea..
What I'm trying to convey is that sex is easy.
If your mouthpiece is right and you carry yourself well, there should be absolutely no reason for not getting laid.
Intimacy is different.
Being vulnerable and actually liking what someone has to say takes a lot of effort and no fear.
So you can ask for exclusivity but still court and have fun without titles. I was my wife's "Special Friend" the whole time we were exclusive until I asked her to be my wife.Sex is better when there is a connection. I mean I can understand having conversations about the subject but sometimes as you said, passion can happen organically and sex can occur after that.
I just don't put time tables on two grown adults liking each other since my wife and I didn't follow the Steve Harvey workout plan.
Basically to end this tangent if you are feeling her and vice versa, speak your mind and just enjoy the journey.
There is no right or wrong way of doing things but your conversations need to be open and listening skills need to be laser focused.
Let the sex happen at its own speed[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️