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I've had a few expire but they were a bunch of meh chicks anyway so I didn't trip :lol:

I haven't got a match on there in a while though
I should have awhile ago..she just bought me Wizards/Cavs tickets though (three rows up from the floor) with daddy's money as a gift :lol:

Man....I want to ghost but it's ridiculous as hell. It's like an experiment
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I mean if you drop her I can still go to the game.

Not even trying to smash dude :nerd:
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I should have awhile ago..she just bought me Wizards/Cavs tickets though (three rows up from the floor) with daddy's money as a gift :lol:

Man....I want to ghost but it's ridiculous as hell. It's like an experiment

You like it man. Whether it's the attention or her, or something else. Only logical explanation at this point :lol:
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I should have awhile ago..she just bought me Wizards/Cavs tickets though (three rows up from the floor) with daddy's money as a gift :lol:

Man....I want to ghost but it's ridiculous as hell. It's like an experiment

Chick reminds me of the crazy chick I used to mess with a few years ago. She bought me Knicks vs Wizards tickets out the blue after I cut her off for being crazy :lol:. I ended up going, having a few drinks and smashing again...beginning the cycle all over again :smh:. Cut her off for good after she did some crazy stalker sht. Now, she's a full blown thot. Dodged a bullet.

Save yourself the time man. Cut that bish off. Trust me. Unless you like the crazy sht....

She might just be for you :lol:
BRUH lmao that's so deliciously stupid
"Be a man when it benefits me specifically"

Right. Wasn't this the same chick that was talking about getting a surrogate and being some uber career driven, power suit wearing modern women or some **** :lol:......but wants to be traditional when it comes to paying for stuff. :smh:

I think USA just likes entertaining this chick and playing with her mind. USA, you might actually like this chick
"I could have gone about this in a better way" :rofl:

I lost it at work when I read that. Idk why. She knows she's completely wrong but she's acting like she just handled it incorrectly.

I've never understood how someone with money could just accept someone else paying for them constantly. It's one thing if you're struggling or broke. It's another to let someone spend on you while you're comfortably stacking bread. Shameful IMO.

Side note: USA is gonna be in this thread,in the future - married to DC with children posting text conversations acting like he's gonna drop her any minute now.
I work a salaried job, I would say I'm paid fairly well for 23. And she's in law school and she pulls money from a trust her parents set up for her, just a few years ago. I'm not sure how much is in it but she used that for spending while she's in school. She's "exhausting her funds" buying plane tickets. :stoneface:

I'm not using my funds to fly her around man. It's not even about the money, it's the principle. I've paid for every single date I've been on with this chick the past few months. At least $1K worth, minimum. Paid for any kind of entertainment. smh
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That's how my ex is and is a part of what led to our demise: I would fly from LA to OAK, pay for the hotel, entertainment and food but she would cop a big attitude I'd I asked to split a $20 lunch. Smfh
That's how my ex is and is a part of what led to our demise: I would fly from LA to OAK, pay for the hotel, entertainment and food but she would cop a big attitude I'd I asked to split a $20 lunch. Smfh

Lunch...lunch. Not dinner, but lunch? :lol:

Girls are ridiculous, but the crazy ones usually have good P.
Females love that choosing which traditional rules they wanna follow. Bet she won't like if you tell her to shut the **** up and fix me sandwhich
That's how my ex is and is a part of what led to our demise: I would fly from LA to OAK, pay for the hotel, entertainment and food but she would cop a big attitude I'd I asked to split a $20 lunch. Smfh
Bay chicks are the most gold-digging/gamed broads up in the nation. 
 I'll give them that. 
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