TAY: thread about yambs...

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When a girl says I don't usually do this that means you showed her something that made her change her standards or whatever for you. It's a good thing, good game.

You guys really need to understand that females operate diff. Find out and you'll have an abundance

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I read all that, kinda confusing but I got it.
You don't know dude all that well so I'd proceed to attempt yamb acquisition :lol: if ol boy ain't get cheeks then you might not either but it's worth a shot before break.

This is true we've only really hung out once and that was the night we met.

Don't even converse with the chick, straight up ignore her, she is only interested in getting one over on your dude because she caught feelings for him. No girl is worth the trouble between bros, especially a girl who had no interest in you before the saltiness occurred. If you decide to smash, once the deed is over she will quickly ignore you and you might loose your homey too in the process.

This is also true. We still dap each other when we see each other in the hallway and I don't know her track record with dudes to be able to judge how vindictive she can be (if at all).
Alright homes, I just did not know what alpha comments you were referring, I do believe the majority of advice in the thread is utter BS and just damb foolish :smh:. IMHO, I wouldn't put the side note down, but to each his own. Looks like you are one of the few cats that are faithful in the thread and I applaud you for that :smokin. Just too much bad advice here to confuse guys that are actually looking for a viable options for their situation
:lol: yeah...i personally would never come in here for legit advice.
once in this thread i just said that i took my girl's virginity and we're going to the same college and that i basically am good in my relationship...just to get flooded with "it ain't gone work" and "ohhh she gone be thirsty for more D" replies...and i didn't even ask for advice! :rofl:
so yeah i feel you...NT in fact IS the Heman Woman Haters Club.
I wouldn't give up just yet, to be quite honest. Especially if she's younger than you. Younger women can't make up their mind about what the hell they want. All you gotta do is change your approach.

What approach would that be? :nerd:

As of now she's on the back burner but I would like to know just because.
"it ain't gone work" and "ohhh she gone be thirsty for more D" replies...and i didn't even ask for advice! :rofl:


I still stand by my statement that the majority of NT is populated by 12-14 year olds :smh:, heck I'll push it to 16 year olds as well. You guys need to get off NT and stop worrying about damb sneakers and practice your game fambs. The foambs are not going to automatically get you them yambs :rofl:
What approach would that be? :nerd:
As of now she's on the back burner but I would like to know just because.

Refresh us with your story again, background, CLIFFS for the lazy people who will say "smash and dash", and pics for them thirsty dudes before they say ductales :lol:
Refresh us with your story again, background, CLIFFS for the lazy people who will say "smash and dash", and pics for them thirsty dudes before they say ductales :lol:

So this chick that I've known for a long time hit me up a few times on FB saying how we've both been in the city for quite some time and still haven't ran into each other yet and what not. We exchange numbers and continue to text each other or whatever, I hit her up the other day (my earlier post) and she tells me to bring her soup so I tell her to give me a minute because I was at a friend's house and I needed to get to my crib to freshen up and get some ingredients for said soup. Once I tell her to give me 45 min, she tells me that she's just gonna go back to sleep.


-Chick from childhood says we should chill
-she gets sick
-wants soup
-I agree to bring soup
-she no longer wants soup just "sleep"
-I have 0 game 0]:smh::x
Refresh us with your story again, background, CLIFFS for the lazy people who will say "smash and dash", and pics for them thirsty dudes before they say ductales

So this chick that I've known for a long time hit me up a few times on FB saying how we've both been in the city for quite some time and still haven't ran into each other yet and what not. We exchange numbers and continue to text each other or whatever, I hit her up the other day (my earlier post) and she tells me to bring her soup so I tell her to give me a minute because I was at a friend's house and I needed to get to my crib to freshen up and get some ingredients for said soup. Once I tell her to give me 45 min, she tells me that she's just gonna go back to sleep.


-Chick from childhood says we should chill
-she gets sick
-wants soup
-I agree to bring soup
-she no longer wants soup just "sleep"
-I have 0 game
She wanted Soup...not you....once you couldn't bring the soup in a timely matter she was done with you. You would've wasted you time anyways sounds like you would've went over there and she would've been "sick" and boring until you left.  Its weird the first meeting in a long time would be about you bringing a "gift" or whatever.  She got options and you still in line pleaboi grab a number
I wouldn't give up just yet, to be quite honest. Especially if she's younger than you. Younger women can't make up their mind about what the hell they want. All you gotta do is change your approach.

What approach would that be? :nerd:

As of now she's on the back burner but I would like to know just because.

Well your main goal is to make yourself more of a challenge. This girl is the one who suggested that you kick it with her. You just gotta find out with what intentions she meant it.

Anyway, she tested you by asking for the soup. She wanted to know how easily she could get you to do things for her. Unfortunately, you failed :lol:. It's okay man, we've all made similar mistakes. You just have to learn from them and adjust. Only if she was your gf, should you have gone out of your way to get soup for her. If it were me, I would have just been a **** and said something like, "Well how sick are you? I'm not trying to catch anything right now lol. Let me know when you're better."

You gotta be kind of a jerk sometimes just so you don't play right into their games. I recommend that you make yourself seem like a more busy guy, and she has to compete for your time and attention.

Think about it. If she has multiple options, do you wanna be the dude that she can manipulate and have you over at the snap of her fingers? Or do you wanna be the guy who is going to be more of a challenge? The guy who has a lot of options himself.
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-Chick from childhood says we should chill
-she gets sick
-wants soup
-I agree to bring soup
-she no longer wants soup just "sleep"
-I have 0 game 0]:smh::x

The problem was that you didn't get wat she dishin out, nom sayin'. The type of soup she wanted aint no store bough ish or some thing u make from the bodega fambs, nom sayin'. Its the ole natural soup, called the man chowda mah dude. U should have hit up that bish, "will be there in 15, got a fresh batch for ya, you will be sure to like it, nom sayin'. :pimp:" You took too long to get what she was sayin, nom sayin', so she got dat der man chowda from another delivery boy, nom' sayin'. She wanted the D but uz to slow to oblige her, ya feel me fambs. I just hope it wasn't mistah steal yo girl :nerd: or u beez in trouble, nom' sayin :smh:. In mah opinion I was just stop what u are doin cuz it aint working, ya feel me. Next time u see her just WIO and b like soup is ready girl :smokin. If dat dun open the yambs up, u musta not hav been rollin in da hemi n not rockin dem foambz, ya feel me. If YNS, der is a problem, betta solve dat, ya feel me, before you end up forever alone :rolleyes, nom sayin.



In all seriousness, just follow the steps I have in my sig and listen to the advice I gave you when you asked the same question before. Picking up girls is not something you pick up quickly, you need to practice and disregard females that ain't showing you the love. Good luck brah.
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Thanks for the advice sir and to the other guy up there I'm 22 years old.

Some tips for you and everyone else who is struggling.

4) Hangout vs Dating = I always tell her girls that I am not interested in a relationship but wouldn't mind one if one does comes along. This puts it her mindset that you are not a thirsty dude or at least thats what you are trying to portray. This saying gives a good excuse to go after other girls without any remorse. Always use the term hangout, less serious than date and gives you a great way to get to know the chick without being too serious. Leave the dating thing after you get to know the girl and are serious. Peep the Mike "the Situation" and his girls Paula situation, and yes I watch the Jersey Shore.

I didn't proofread, will edit later

I more or less agree, but I will tell you this: there are some girls who will tell you that if a guy asks them to hang out, then it is hanging out. If a guy asks them on a date, then it's a date. It is the way you act around her when you meet up and how she responds that will determine what it is, though.
Anyway, she tested you by asking for the soup. She wanted to know how easily she could get you to do things for her. Unfortunately, you failed :lol:. It's okay man, we've all made similar mistakes. You just have to learn from them and adjust. Only if she was your gf, should you have gone out of your way to get soup for her. If it were me, I would have just been a **** and said something like, "Well how sick are you? I'm not trying to catch anything right now lol. Let me know when you're better."
You gotta be kind of a jerk sometimes just so you don't play right into their games. I recommend that you make yourself seem like a more busy guy, and she has to compete for your time and attention.
Think about it. If she has multiple options, do you wanna be the dude that she can manipulate and have you over at the snap of her fingers? Or do you wanna be the guy who is going to be more of a challenge? The guy who has a lot of options himself.

Great advice Trav, I agree she was definitely trying to test you out with the whole soup thing but you failed. Like I stated before, do not act like the BF before you are the BF. She got other guys and other friends she can ask but don't be that guy. I also agree with the comment being more busy and the only way to pull that off is too actually be a busy dude, get some activities and hobbies to fill your time up. When you meet another females you are interested in, just invite them to things you are already doing, this is a great because you are not changing your life to fit her needs plus it gives them the impression that you do not need them to have a good time, which is completely true if you fill your life up with ish you like to do. This also teaches you to be more selective of girls who fit into your lifestyle rather than adjusting to their life style. I always keep the attitude that if one girl isn't feeling me or putting me through mindless games, there are easily 10 yambs out there to go after, nom sayin'
I more or less agree, but I will tell you this: there are some girls who will tell you that if a guy asks them to hang out, then it is hanging out. If a guy asks them on a date, then it's a date. It is the way you act around her when you meet up and how she responds that will determine what it is, though.

Yuppp, I agree that it depends on how you react with the girl. I always keep a cool, calm demeanor whenever I go out with girls. I guess the more accurate term I am referring to is "casual dating", I just call it hanging out like going out for coffee, drinks, etc. I am probably going to edit the hangout term with the causal dating term. What you think Trav?
I think hangout is fine. Sometimes I just wanna kick it with a girl and find out what she's like. I think it's a good term for going out for coffee, going on a day adventure, food festival, etc.
Anyway, she tested you by asking for the soup. She wanted to know how easily she could get you to do things for her. Unfortunately, you failed :lol:. It's okay man, we've all made similar mistakes. You just have to learn from them and adjust. Only if she was your gf, should you have gone out of your way to get soup for her. If it were me, I would have just been a **** and said something like, "Well how sick are you? I'm not trying to catch anything right now lol. Let me know when you're better."
You gotta be kind of a jerk sometimes just so you don't play right into their games. I recommend that you make yourself seem like a more busy guy, and she has to compete for your time and attention.
Think about it. If she has multiple options, do you wanna be the dude that she can manipulate and have you over at the snap of her fingers? Or do you wanna be the guy who is going to be more of a challenge? The guy who has a lot of options himself.

Great advice Trav, I agree she was definitely trying to test you out with the whole soup thing but you failed. Like I stated before, do not act like the BF before you are the BF. She got other guys and other friends she can ask but don't be that guy. I also agree with the comment being more busy and the only way to pull that off is too actually be a busy dude, get some activities and hobbies to fill your time up. When you meet another females you are interested in, just invite them to things you are already doing, this is a great because you are not changing your life to fit her needs plus it gives them the impression that you do not need them to have a good time, which is completely true if you fill your life up with ish you like to do. This also teaches you to be more selective of girls who fit into your lifestyle rather than adjusting to their life style. I always keep the attitude that if one girl isn't feeling me or putting me through mindless games, there are easily 10 yambs out there to go after, nom sayin'

Seriously, himHOTdemNOT, just follow this and you'll be fine. There's a lot of useful knowledge in there that JYabbz has given you. Do these things and you'll find out how interested she really is.
Nique get on my nerves but he's a solid, standup dude--- only guy in here who really advocates NOT cheating and NOT playing games (male or female).

Only follow his advice if you are looking for more than yambs; most of the other guys in here only advise on how to get yambs...which, hey that's the purpose of the thread so can't knock him.
I know it's basic knowledge but holy ish. You cannot argue with females yo. Every time I do I just apologize cause even when I'm right I'm wrong somehow. My ex came to my crib today to pick up her shaker bottle but she came in cause she wanted to pee

Then shows me a letter she typed for me just sayin how I'm not the guy she thought I was an all this about how I'm throwing our relationship away. Yes blame me for the stuff YOU did which made me end it

I can't help but laugh at the stupid ish these females be on nowadays man it's kinda sad how close minded these people are
for the last time... this just is NOT true.

Yea i have no idea why a lot of dudes think thats "game." Never made sense to me. If you genuinely like the girl (and if her feelings are the same for you) you dont have to make believe you're busy 24 hours of the day. There shouldnt be any competition.

As far as a random jump off though, there's a difference between pretending your're busy and not giving a ****.
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I know it's basic knowledge but holy ish. You cannot argue with females yo. Every time I do I just apologize cause even when I'm right I'm wrong somehow. My ex came to my crib today to pick up her shaker bottle but she came in cause she wanted to pee

Then shows me a letter she typed for me just sayin how I'm not the guy she thought I was an all this about how I'm throwing our relationship away. Yes blame me for the stuff YOU did which made me end it

I can't help but laugh at the stupid ish these females be on nowadays man it's kinda sad how close minded these people are

I got in a heated argument with my girl about why I didn't like that the fact that the show Scandal had a black woman as the president's jump off.

My girl hates all things related to cheating but she tries to justify this broad being the President's jumpoff talking about they fell in love.

I point out the obvious logical fallacy in all this and she legit gets upset with me and I end up apologizing.

Women :smh:
I disagree. You have to be a jerk sometimes to establish that you are playing by your rules and not hers.

out of curiosity how old are you? You sound really young with that mindset

You're a woman, right? I respect your opinion. Don't take any offense to it. I'm just advocating for men to stand their ground sometimes, so the woman doesn't walk all over you and always get what she wants from you easily. And I'm not saying that men have to seem busy 24/7, but busy to an extent where you're not willing to leave what you're doing at the moment to go make soup for a girl right after she asked you to.

It's different if you're in a relationship, though. The advice I was giving him was to find out if this girl likes him or not. I'm not saying that all of this has to continue once you have her :lol:.
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