TAY: thread about yambs...

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There's been several times where I've had a situation like above and I turned my *** right back around again, to go and bag.

Sometimes you do have to doubleback..or else you'll always be thinking about what could of happened..

Of the 3 times I've done that..I eventually ended up smashing 2/3. Had I not went back a second time and said **** it, it would of never happened.
I feel u on that son. I know I'm one to say F it if I pass a chick up. Dude got to do better.
What should I talk about in texting conversations? Normally this comes naturally for me but with this broad that I caught feelings for, I cant think straight. I dont know how to reply

Also, is it better to text or call to ask a girl to kick it? Will calling her just be too much for her?

This girl is in hs, I dont see her, its the summer.
Whats with these broads not trying to dance in the club? Even in the rachet clubs, all these chicks think they look like Beyonce. Saturday me and my boys in VIP getting our drink on, we down about 70% of bottle then turn our attention to the breezys. They all acting bougy, turning down dudes left and right. No point in even going to the clubs anymore :lol:
Yo! Why broads I'm not feeling throw the P at me.. It can't just be low self esteem or whatever.. But this old clingy *** flame I had way back in summer 11 before I went abroad has hit me up twice.

I haven't talked to this chick in two years and the convo went like " So when you gonna let me kiss your bald head and suck on your d---"

Reasons why I'm not jumping at this like Tyrone fresh out the bing, chicks not that cute.. Fake everything;hair, eyes, eyelashes, wears butt pads in her jeans. Chick got some real image problems, but there still gremlins out there worse than her..

I might have to bite the bullet only because I need to get some savageness out my system and I have not a care in the world for this broad.
Being oblivious and realizing you fumbled the yambs is the worst. Gotta be like running backs looking at game tape on Tuesday of missed holes and fumbles :smh:

Yo! Why broads I'm not feeling throw the P at me.. It can't just be low self esteem or whatever.. But this old clingy *** flame I had way back in summer 11 before I went abroad has hit me up twice.

I haven't talked to this chick in two years and the convo went like " So when you gonna let me kiss your bald head and suck on your d---"

Reasons why I'm not jumping at this like Tyrone fresh out the bing, chicks not that cute.. Fake everything;hair, eyes, eyelashes, wears butt pads in her jeans. Chick got some real image problems, but there still gremlins out there worse than her..

I might have to bite the bullet only because I need to get some savageness out my system and I have not a care in the world for this broad.

I'm here right now. Can't stand it. Them type of chicks good for the drunk top, but no point putting effort into them.
lmao. "ma'am are you aware you owe us yambs?"
[COLOR=#red]Actually preggo trim from a dude who ain't the daddy happens more than people think. Nothing in the world like preggo trim...it's wetter and softer and no way you can get the chick pregnant.[/COLOR]

TRUTH. Yamb i'm messing with now's best friend is preggo (preggo as hell, like... can burst at any minute type preggo) and she keeps telling me about how the BFF is meeting up with a dude on a given night and yadda yadda. I'm sitting there trying to figure out how that even works...

That baby HAS to come out with a dent in his head...

But in all honesty I don't even get how a cat can be THAT attracted to a pregnant chick that isn't their wifey. I know yambs are yambs and w/e else, but yall dudes really out here chasing those pregnant bellies?
Actually preggo trim from a dude who ain't the daddy happens more than people think. Nothing in the world like preggo trim...it's wetter and softer and no way you can get the chick pregnant.

TRUTH. Yamb i'm messing with now's best friend is preggo (preggo as hell, like... can burst at any minute type preggo) and she keeps telling me about how the BFF is meeting up with a dude on a given night and yadda yadda. I'm sitting there trying to figure out how that even works...

That baby HAS to come out with a dent in his head...

But in all honesty I don't even get how a cat can be THAT attracted to a pregnant chick that isn't their wifey. I know yambs are yambs and w/e else, but yall dudes really out here chasing those pregnant bellies?
But in all honesty I don't even get how a cat can be THAT attracted to a pregnant chick that isn't their wifey. I know yambs are yambs and w/e else, but yall dudes really out here chasing those pregnant bellies?
Some do, and sometimes the chick just throwing it dudes.  I had a chick about 2/3 months pregnant (I think) I just know she wasn't showing.
But in all honesty I don't even get how a cat can be THAT attracted to a pregnant chick that isn't their wifey. I know yambs are yambs and w/e else, but yall dudes really out here chasing those pregnant bellies?

[COLOR=#red]For me it was a chick that used to be my girl. The dude who contributed the semen/sperm that initiated her gestation period left her when he found out she was preggo. I was in town and we linked up. She is one of those whose body didn't get all out of shape while pregnant...just looked like she ate a basketball or something :lol:. Anyway those yambs were extremely soft, warm and juicy. Her snatch was already ridiculous, pregg just took it to an intergalactic level. If felt so good to be able to let go off inside of her with absolutely no fear of pregnancy. [/COLOR]

btw im murried n preggo yambs are the illest b

[COLOR=#red]This man knows!! It's like they sprinkled magic pixie dust or something in it. [/COLOR]
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A old head at my job, was telling me he used to circle around his neighborhood twice after work before going home bc he had to mentally prepare himself for his preggo wife. Said it was some of the best box he ever had. Dumb wet and she stayed horny. Never experienced preggo panties but this had me intriged.
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Whats with these broads not trying to dance in the club? Even in the rachet clubs, all these chicks think they look like Beyonce. Saturday me and my boys in VIP getting our drink on, we down about 70% of bottle then turn our attention to the breezys. They all acting bougy, turning down dudes left and right. No point in even going to the clubs anymore :lol:
Yea they throw on a lil dress and some heels and they think they Beyonce once they step in the club...broads stopped twerkin in clubs years ago
Bars > clubs..club yambs put their ***** shield up...remember that one chick on here tthat said she goes to reggae clubs & acts too good to dance lol
Bars > clubs..club yambs put their ***** shield up...remember that one chick on here tthat said she goes to reggae clubs & acts too good to dance lol
Lol, she must not be west indian then.  Nobody Caribbean is going to a dance....to not dance.
Whats with these broads not trying to dance in the club? Even in the rachet clubs, all these chicks think they look like Beyonce. Saturday me and my boys in VIP getting our drink on, we down about 70% of bottle then turn our attention to the breezys. They all acting bougy, turning down dudes left and right. No point in even going to the clubs anymore :lol:

This is the worst, it's one thing for one of the girls in the crew of two to reject one or two cats that's lookin' like bum n_'s or are slop drunk.
It's another thing when two C- shawties twerkin' and won't give one dude in the club some of that good :smh:
I stay trollin when I see this going on, it happened when I was visiting Oakland two months ago, after rejection I told the girl in her ear...
"Anything you want mah, I got you, honest."...
"Red bottoms, Mcdonald's, it's whatever"
I don't think it helped my cause.
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[COLOR=#red]Looking at the WiFi list in my Houston apartment there seems to be some swingers in my vicinity. I think I know who they are too...White couple two floors down from me...wife is hot too.[/COLOR]

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