TAY: thread about yambs...

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Yambily. I love my girl and plan on making her my wife.

However there is a chick I work with that I had a damn wet dream about last night. Legit woke up to sticky draws and ****,a 30 year old man :smh:. We have chemistry we work in different parts of the building but we always end up working by each other. She's knows I have a girl and never really flirts but I know she's feeling me. Like we just kinda gravitate to each other, hell our FedEx delivery guy asked her why she's always looking at me the way she does, she turned red and said "he has a girlfriend, I can't do anything with him"

Its crazy she's literally everything I'd want in a main. She's pretty, has her MBA already, real family oriented. I threw a barbeque around the time she first got hired and introduced her to my girl because they have a lot in common. She's new in town and I figured my girl could show her around.

I'm to the point now to where I'm going to avoid her at work, its like the devil knows I'm trying to do right and wants to throw temptations at me. Sad thing is I actually even plotted a solid gameplan to smash. The thing scares me most about this is it isn't a purely lu****l attraction, I like her. She tells me stories about how she doesn't have anyone to date, has a hard time meeting people and my mind wonders to a bad place.

Its like I try to be a lame girlfriend simping dude but that draws more attention than if I was single and running the streets. The more I talk up my girlfriend the more it seems yambs are interested.


:smh: :smh:

Why is lu ****l bleeped out :lol:

as a fellow tied down TAY'r.... I feel you :lol: I just always go with the 80/20 rule.... **** may look sweet but I mean it's new, it's in the beginning, is she really gonna stay as perfect as you think and do you think she's really even that great? Or is it just you starting to settle with your current and you are feeling "antsy." Give it time, distance yourself like you said and if she doesn't respect the sanctity of your relationship she a lil' runner anyway :lol:
out here in Jax FL. went to reggae club and everyone stood around the dance floor not on it. not being from FL no dambs are given. so I went out pulled a girl and no one still went out til like an hour later...sad..
in DC people are on dance floor at like 9 pm
I drunk texted her for a bit then I dropped the ball. I told her I was drunk then I asked some dumb random question, now she hasn't. Text back. I have nooo game whatsoever smh
out here in Jax FL. went to reggae club and everyone stood around the dance floor not on it. not being from FL no dambs are given. so I went out pulled a girl and no one still went out til like an hour later...sad..
in DC people are on dance floor at like 9 pm
You must be hitting rachet spots in DC, because for the most part DC chicks are similar(tweet all night, stand around looking good, but barely dance and when they do its with their girls)
shorty staying with me for the weekend. after a great night out with her and her fam... she woke up and checked my phone while i was sleep.
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You must be hitting rachet spots in DC, because for the most part DC chicks are similar(tweet all night, stand around looking good, but barely dance and when they do its with their girls)
the spot I went to in Jax was a reggae club ...nuff said.

just weird tobne, this social technology is keeping eveyone from, interaction
So I went out with the fellas (7 deep) last night and on the way to our destination we stop in front of this Spanish bar that was pack from the inside on out. Myself as well as the 4 people I'm with wasn't old enough to get in so the other 2 people said they were going to hurry up and scope the scene out , get digits, then dip so me and my 3 other friends were just posted outside chillin and after a while my friend and I split from my 3 other friends. So me and my homie just chatting it up and I'm noticing from the corner of my eye that a group of chicks are staring at us but I didn't pay no mind to it but out of no where two chicks break out from that group and one of the chicks starts chatting it up with one of my homies so while she was asking him question I pulled the other one to the side and start chatting it up with her. She was about a 7-8 on a scale of 10, redbone, and a little taller then me but she was mad cool. I'm a short guy and she was a lil taller than me and tall chicks give ya boy a little intimidation but I still went in

Me: What's your name?
Her: Leah
Me: Hey I'm Ray nice to meet ya so you and your girl from round here?
Her: Yea we live in ******

Me: So what college u attend?
Her: *****
Me: Word, I use to go there but I'm trying to get into graduate school

After that it was a wrap, basically was asking her what she wanted to do in life and talked about more irrelevant things chicks like to talk about, gave her my digits and told her to hit me up and her and her friend dipped. My confidence was high after that.

As you can see my mouthpiece is mad rusty, there was even one period of silence because I simply didn't know what to talk about and I try not to have long awkward pauses in a conversation so any tips on what to talk about to close up the silent gaps????

But anyways shortly after that we walk off and my confidence is mad high so I see another group of chicks outside and I start chatting it up with one of the girls in the group, that mass was too fat to pass up. They were looking at us mad hard so I said **** it might as well. The ***** I talked to was so stuck up bruh but I know where I ****** up at when I was talking to her

Me: Hey I'm Ray , this my homie ****** and your name is?
The girl and all her girls were just looking at us ******ed 

Her: *******

I can already tell she wasn't interested plus her friends kept making slick comments from the side of there mouth.

Me: You and your girls look nice tonight, what yall getting in to?

The girls in her group give me a weird look while she proceeds to talk

Her: Thanks and I don't know (she said it in the lowest mono-tone voice ever)

Me: So u from around this area
Her: Yea
Me: What school you go to 
Her: I graduated from ******** High School
Me: I meant what college you go to?

Her: None
Me: *I gave here the "*****" face* So you not in school? (I'm still giving her a stupid face for the simple fact that she could have said she's not in school instead of saying "none" like I'm a ******g facebook profile she's answering to.)

Her: I go to **********
In the back of my head I'm like "***** stop wasting my time with that dumb ****"
Me: Cool well I'm bout to go see whats poppin tonight  , talk to ya later
Her: Nice meeting you Ray


The moment I knew I ****** up in that convo was when I complimented her and her girls
 never put the P on a pedestal. Plus I can guarantee if she was by herself or with at least one other chick I would have got the digits cause her girls was making slick comments the whole time probably because they weren't getting any play from anyone around smh. I learned a lesson yesterday, don't go off hollering at a pack just go after the 1s and 2s or sometimes 3 in a group.

Sidenote: Twitter and Instagram is playing a big factor in gassing these garden tools up, they need to learn there place

Sorry for that long read. 
So I went out with the fellas (7 deep) last night and on the way to our destination we stop in front of this Spanish bar that was pack from the inside on out. Myself as well as the 4 people I'm with wasn't old enough to get in so the other 2 people said they were going to hurry up and scope the scene out , get digits, then dip so me and my 3 other friends were just posted outside chillin and after a while my friend and I split from my 3 other friends. So me and my homie just chatting it up and I'm noticing from the corner of my eye that a group of chicks are staring at us but I didn't pay no mind to it but out of no where two chicks break out from that group and one of the chicks starts chatting it up with one of my homies so while she was asking him question I pulled the other one to the side and start chatting it up with her. She was about a 7-8 on a scale of 10, redbone, and a little taller then me but she was mad cool. I'm a short guy and she was a lil taller than me and tall chicks give ya boy a little intimidation but I still went in

Me: What's your name?
Her: Leah
Me: Hey I'm Ray nice to meet ya so you and your girl from round here?
Her: Yea we live in ******

Me: So what college u attend?
Her: *****
Me: Word, I use to go there but I'm trying to get into graduate school

After that it was a wrap, basically was asking her what she wanted to do in life and talked about more irrelevant things chicks like to talk about, gave her my digits and told her to hit me up and her and her friend dipped. My confidence was high after that.

As you can see my mouthpiece is mad rusty, there was even one period of silence because I simply didn't know what to talk about and I try not to have long awkward pauses in a conversation so any tips on what to talk about to close up the silent gaps????

But anyways shortly after that we walk off and my confidence is mad high so I see another group of chicks outside and I start chatting it up with one of the girls in the group, that mass was too fat to pass up. They were looking at us mad hard so I said **** it might as well. The ***** I talked to was so stuck up bruh but I know where I ****** up at when I was talking to her

Me: Hey I'm Ray , this my homie ****** and your name is?
The girl and all her girls were just looking at us ******ed 

Her: *******

I can already tell she wasn't interested plus her friends kept making slick comments from the side of there mouth.

Me: You and your girls look nice tonight, what yall getting in to?

The girls in her group give me a weird look while she proceeds to talk

Her: Thanks and I don't know (she said it in the lowest mono-tone voice ever)

Me: So u from around this area
Her: Yea
Me: What school you go to 
Her: I graduated from ******** High School
Me: I meant what college you go to?

Her: None
Me: *I gave here the "*****" face* So you not in school? (I'm still giving her a stupid face for the simple fact that she could have said she's not in school instead of saying "none" like I'm a ******g facebook profile she's answering to.)

Her: I go to **********
In the back of my head I'm like "***** stop wasting my time with that dumb ****"
Me: Cool well I'm bout to go see whats poppin tonight  , talk to ya later
Her: Nice meeting you Ray


The moment I knew I ****** up in that convo was when I complimented her and her girls
 never put the P on a pedestal. Plus I can guarantee if she was by herself or with at least one other chick I would have got the digits cause her girls was making slick comments the whole time probably because they weren't getting any play from anyone around smh. I learned a lesson yesterday, don't go off hollering at a pack just go after the 1s and 2s or sometimes 3 in a group.

Sidenote: Twitter and Instagram is playing a big factor in gassing these garden tools up, they need to learn there place

Sorry for that long read. 
What college she went to or go to should NEVER be a make it or break it with a chick if you only want the yambs. IF your looking for a relationship, still try to ease into that question.  Your follow up question of what area you from should never be what college you went to..

Call me naive, but I don't think any of the regulars that post in this specific thread are lying on their ****.

If so, that's them. :lol:
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We should have a numbers thread. It would insane amount of lying but whatever

Those have been done before. Not worth its own thread. Just post in here

Started at 17, 28 now. ~5 years of "committed" relationships

Started off slow, ~25 since 09
So I went out with the fellas (7 deep) last night and on the way to our destination we stop in front of this Spanish bar that was pack from the inside on out. Myself as well as the 4 people I'm with wasn't old enough to get in so the other 2 people said they were going to hurry up and scope the scene out , get digits, then dip so me and my 3 other friends were just posted outside chillin and after a while my friend and I split from my 3 other friends. So me and my homie just chatting it up and I'm noticing from the corner of my eye that a group of chicks are staring at us but I didn't pay no mind to it but out of no where two chicks break out from that group and one of the chicks starts chatting it up with one of my homies so while she was asking him question I pulled the other one to the side and start chatting it up with her. She was about a 7-8 on a scale of 10, redbone, and a little taller then me but she was mad cool. I'm a short guy and she was a lil taller than me and tall chicks give ya boy a little intimidation but I still went in

Me: What's your name?
Her: Leah
Me: Hey I'm Ray nice to meet ya so you and your girl from round here?
Her: Yea we live in ******

Me: So what college u attend?
Her: *****
Me: Word, I use to go there but I'm trying to get into graduate school

After that it was a wrap, basically was asking her what she wanted to do in life and talked about more irrelevant things chicks like to talk about, gave her my digits and told her to hit me up and her and her friend dipped. My confidence was high after that.

As you can see my mouthpiece is mad rusty, there was even one period of silence because I simply didn't know what to talk about and I try not to have long awkward pauses in a conversation so any tips on what to talk about to close up the silent gaps????

But anyways shortly after that we walk off and my confidence is mad high so I see another group of chicks outside and I start chatting it up with one of the girls in the group, that mass was too fat to pass up. They were looking at us mad hard so I said **** it might as well. The ***** I talked to was so stuck up bruh but I know where I ****** up at when I was talking to her

Me: Hey I'm Ray , this my homie ****** and your name is?
The girl and all her girls were just looking at us ******ed 

Her: *******

I can already tell she wasn't interested plus her friends kept making slick comments from the side of there mouth.

Me: You and your girls look nice tonight, what yall getting in to?

The girls in her group give me a weird look while she proceeds to talk

Her: Thanks and I don't know (she said it in the lowest mono-tone voice ever)

Me: So u from around this area
Her: Yea
Me: What school you go to 
Her: I graduated from ******** High School
Me: I meant what college you go to?

Her: None
Me: *I gave here the "*****" face* So you not in school? (I'm still giving her a stupid face for the simple fact that she could have said she's not in school instead of saying "none" like I'm a ******g facebook profile she's answering to.)

Her: I go to **********
In the back of my head I'm like "***** stop wasting my time with that dumb ****"
Me: Cool well I'm bout to go see whats poppin tonight  , talk to ya later
Her: Nice meeting you Ray


The moment I knew I ****** up in that convo was when I complimented her and her girls
 never put the P on a pedestal. Plus I can guarantee if she was by herself or with at least one other chick I would have got the digits cause her girls was making slick comments the whole time probably because they weren't getting any play from anyone around smh. I learned a lesson yesterday, don't go off hollering at a pack just go after the 1s and 2s or sometimes 3 in a group.

Sidenote: Twitter and Instagram is playing a big factor in gassing these garden tools up, they need to learn there place

Sorry for that long read. 
dude what the colleges you and the chick go to. You cant tell a story but leave out details. Nobody trying to come to your school or get the yambs from the college. Would be nice to know.....not even a big deal.
Graduated high school at 13. College at ~30. Somewhere around 85 at this point. Was CRUSHING from 25-27. Almost 30 years old.

Edit - most of my friends are around 25-35, but I've got a few friends who are over 200. I can't even fathom that.
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its actually better to compliment the whole group or atleast show most of your attention to the group as a whole instead of the girl you're singling out
its actually better to compliment the whole group or atleast show most of your attention to the group as a whole instead of the girl you're singling out
I don't know man, those **** were mugging the **** out of me after a simple compliment, they probably think of the compliment as me being 'thirsty' or whatever term these birds use these days
dude what the colleges you and the chick go to. You cant tell a story but leave out details. Nobody trying to come to your school or get the yambs from the college. Would be nice to know.....not even a big deal.
lol thats not the case bro, its the fact that I'm sure some of the NTers on this site go or heard of the college I go to so if I get snitched on then its game over because basically everyone knows everyone where I'm from. 
What college she went to or go to should NEVER be a make it or break it with a chick if you only want the yambs. IF your looking for a relationship, still try to ease into that question.  Your follow up question of what area you from should never be what college you went to..
I actually never thought about it like that, you right, keep that college **** out of the convo
Almost all the chicks I smash have gone to college.

Never thought anything of the college question, either it's a throwaway question or it leads to a connection
Yea most of the girls i smashed were from my campus anyway :lol:

For the randoms i meet i really never ask what school they go to unless they bring it up.
Graduated high school at 13. College at ~30. Somewhere around 85 at this point. Was CRUSHING from 25-27. Almost 30 years old.

Edit - most of my friends are around 25-35, but I've got a few friends who are over 200. I can't even fathom that.

Either your that Ninja or you took a few L's
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