TAY: thread about yambs...

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I don't care a lot but it could be interesting to see the range of responses especially if folks are honest about the number and quality

This. It simply adds context to people's advice/stories/questions. Nothing more, nothing less. I usually hang in the 6-8 range, but I'm guilty of a few sub 5's.
In regards to RaySweatShirt's "break the ice" line of which college you go to... probably could've gone with which part of town you from

for the folks in this thread with the high yamb count: would you extend the conversation or keep it short to avoid being in RaySweatShirt's situation of moments of silence

Ask where they're from, compliment on the looks, a one or two sentence opinionated take on the current situation/ place you're at. Give digits. Wrap it up.
Does that sound about right
Im in late 40's possibly early 50's..to some thats nothin but imo thats kinda alot considering I lost it at 17..I only had 4 bodies on me till 19 im 23 now..ive only smashed 1 chick since my bday July 16th...
This. It simply adds context to people's advice/stories/questions. Nothing more, nothing less. I usually hang in the 6-8 range, but I'm guilty of a few sub 5's.

No, the number thing was how many u have smashed not what they are lol.

Right but if someone throws out insanely high numbers it would be funny to see how many sub 7's they knocked down

If someone has banged like 100 bad ones I would want to hear their perspective on what works for them
lol thats not the case bro, its the fact that I'm sure some of the NTers on this site go or heard of the college I go to so if I get snitched on then its game over because basically everyone knows everyone where I'm from. 
its all good son i was just wonder....keep up the work tho
In regards to RaySweatShirt's "break the ice" line of which college you go to... probably could've gone with which part of town you from

for the folks in this thread with the high yamb count: would you extend the conversation or keep it short to avoid being in RaySweatShirt's situation of moments of silence

Ask where they're from, compliment on the looks, a one or two sentence opinionated take on the current situation/ place you're at. Give digits. Wrap it up.
Does that sound about right
Based on my experience, never break the ice with a serious question. Break the ice with a cocky (but not serious) comment that gets them laughing. In moments of silence, make a joke out of it and blame it on them (again in a fun/cocky/joking way). I personally haven't given my number since my early 20's. It never worked for me. I only take theirs and if they don't give it, no problem, that's peace. 
Right but if someone throws out insanely high numbers it would be funny to see how many sub 7's they knocked down

If someone has banged like 100 bad ones I would want to hear their perspective on what works for them

You could just text me :nerd:

For every chick you smash and dash on makes it less likely for you to have a committed relationship.
this broad is keeping me guessing, I have never fw a female so unpredictable in my life.
sometimes she replies to my texts, sometimes she doesnt. I ask her whats up with that n she says shes really bad at replying smh.
I've asked if she hates me but shed say no. Acts all positive in person but she is terrible at texting.

Do I call her tmrw n ask her out to chill? We went out once and I asked if we could go again and she said yeah, I just never took the time to set that up .

Were going to different colleges, this could all be meaningless/pointless but a part of me just doesnt want to give up. Maybe see her one more time and restore false hopes, i dunno.
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if i was to really count how many bodies ive had it would easily be past 80. the amount of strippers, and cooperative women in the south and l.a. 
Dmv chicks are something else man smh
 their ratchetness level is something crazy
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Dmv chicks are something else man smh

 their ratchetness level is something crazy

:smh: Ready to choke one out now.

I'm 20 something, only one sub 5 at the age of 30. May kick it into overdrive to force one outta my head though. Actually might be 3 sub 5 now that I properly think about it.

this broad is keeping me guessing, I have never fw a female so unpredictable in my life.
sometimes she replies to my texts, sometimes she doesnt. I ask her whats up with that n she says shes really bad at replying smh.
I've asked if she hates me but shed say no. Acts all positive in person but she is terrible at texting.

Do I call her tmrw n ask her out to chill? We went out once and I asked if we could go again and she said yeah, I just never took the time to set that up .

Were going to different colleges, this could all be meaningless/pointless but a part of me just doesnt want to give up. Maybe see her one more time and restore false hopes, i dunno.

Forget her, never speak to her again, enjoy college.
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the amout of bad chicks in dc outweighs the ratchets imo...depends what area your in I guess...

I take that back cuz ive dealt with some terrible *** dc chicks
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Aye can anyone give me an overview of the yamb situation in Greensboro NC and the vicinity? Might be moving there soon. I'm 21 if that helps.

Plenty of ***** flowing through Greensboro....so many colleges in Greensboro....you have to be a true herb not to have at least a team of 3 :lol: ...I had good times down there

If you're not gonna be in school your best bet is to hit the downtown scene on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday nights
Plenty of ***** flowing through Greensboro....so many colleges in Greensboro....you have to be a true herb not to have at least a team of 3
...I had good times down there

If you're not gonna be in school your best bet is to hit the downtown scene on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday nights
This man knows...

About to hit 30 next year...but I see a lot of NT moving on to older yambs. 
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