TAY: thread about yambs...

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My girl is 19 and basically wants to smash every night but I don't want to hit it all the time, maybe a few times a week...then when I tell her that it gets into some 'oh you don't like having sex with me anymore...' ish. Anyone else dealt with this?
i'm guilty of being like that.. whoops.
My girl is 19 and basically wants to smash every night but I don't want to hit it all the time, maybe a few times a week...then when I tell her that it gets into some 'oh you don't like having sex with me anymore...' ish. Anyone else dealt with this?
i'm guilty of being like that.. whoops.
blue still trolling... :smh:

on the real... every time I had a chick that likes to have sex all the time...

means she doesn't like being alone....

so please do not get attached... cuz as soon as y'all stop talking... she's going to be her nymph self with the next guy and it will tear your heart up.

speaking from experience famb. trust
blue still trolling... :smh:

on the real... every time I had a chick that likes to have sex all the time...

means she doesn't like being alone....

so please do not get attached... cuz as soon as y'all stop talking... she's going to be her nymph self with the next guy and it will tear your heart up.

speaking from experience famb. trust
how am i trolling if i'm just saying my input? :nerd: :lol: it is my guy after all.... it's not the same guy from like 4 months ago.
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That female to male ratio
i'm up at Howard too
word? you on campus or have your own spot g
Count your blessing cause it ain't that bad

My cuz got 4 by 3. (2 by ex wife)

My cuz in South Dakota got 6 or 7 by 2 I believe

My boy got 5 by 4

My other guy got 5 by 2

I'm definitely not about that life.

Your boys are on track for a triple if the don't chill :lol:

But my advice to you Ant is to be upfront with her. If she says "im not interested" what did you lose, you still got yambs at the crib. Not being upfront with her will and she will start catching feelings and when ish hits the fan she might try to blow your spot up.

Play it safe and honest. Women that don't have anything to lose act as that. Nothing to lose.
I smashed a married chick who told me she was divorced. Ended up hiding in closet and her crazy ex popped up one day at like 2 and dude found me lol. He ain't say nothing outta shock I guess. I walked passed him and left.
Had a homie of mine who was shot and killed over some married yambs. I'd say stay away from those situations. There are plenty of other yambs to go around for us all to eat on.
I once had an encounter with an engaged chick who was on vacation. I think she's married with a kid now.
I had a boy get shot and killed by a chick's crazy ex boyfriend back in high school. I dont even think they were even talking like that, they were coworkers and he was walking her to the bus stop.

After that day i vowed to never talk to a chick with a crazy ex or one in a relationship.
Need advice yambily.....

My boy smashed this girl on campus (one night stand) and caught feelings. I just met this girl about a month ago and she slowly started frequenting bars and day drinking with all of us. I played the whole "dont show her any attention" game and it worked. Recently she's been hinting to my other friend that she wants me to smash (telling him to invite me, asking random questions about if i'm free tonight, grinding up on me, etc).

Would you guys make a move? Keep in mind my boy who smashed has feelings for her and he's also always there when she's there. Only reason i'm asking is because i'm i'm all about bros over ****......
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Need advice yambily.....

My boy smashed this girl on campus (one night stand) and caught feelings. I just met this girl about a month ago and she slowly started frequenting bars and day drinking with all of us. I played the whole "dont show her any attention" game and it worked. Recently she's been hinting to my other friend that she wants me to smash (telling him to invite me, asking random questions about if i'm free tonight, grinding up on me, etc).

Would you guys make a move? Keep in mind my boy who smashed has feelings for her and he's also always there when she's there. Only reason i'm asking is because i'm i'm all about bros over ****......
Don't care what anyone says. If any chick has been with or is a general ex of your friend/family/co-worker, you leave her alone. If you want to avoid unnecessary drama and you value your relationship with your friend/family/co worker, then leave that chick alone. Too many other yambs out here.
Crazy *** night last night man. So my boy hits me up asking me if I wanted to go bar hopping, im down for anything so I said yes. He tells me a couple of his friends from work are coming with him too. When people start showing up at his when we pregame this one dude bring his sister and shorty was gorgeous with a nice rump on her. For the sake of the thread lets call her "Tammy". I didn't pay any attention to Tammy since every guy there (there was 4 of us not including her bro) was instantly spitting from the get go. I just introduce my self and I know she's feeling me but I just mind my own after that. So my boy decides to throw salt on me on the ride downtown by mentioning a couple females from nights were we go out I smash and never talk to again to assure I won't have a chance with Tammy. She kind of laughs it off replies "guys will be guys". So we get downtown and when we get there this one guy that was with the group, lets call him Ramon, won't let leave her out his sights. He's talking her up all night, buying her drinks. This other friend I have is downtown too since its his bros birthday and texts me to meet him at another bar. I split from the group and let Ramon have Tammy. So I'm kicking with my boy and his bro going from bar to bar and I notice Tammy at a bar by herself. I ask her where everyone else went and she said she had to get away from Ramon cus dude was being mad thristy. I talk her up a bit Tammy buys ME a beer and she asks me if I wanna dance. She throws that mass on me and by the way she was dancing I could tell she was down for the business. Last call comes around and we decide to go look for the rest of the group. We step out the bar and Tammy all on me trying to kiss me and hold my hand. We find the rest of the group and theyre all looking at me with oceans of salt water. Her brother at this point was trashed and didn't know what was going. Everyone else was pretty wasted so Tammy decides she gonna drive us back to my boys apartment. Ramon tries to sit shotgun but she tells him I already called it. Ramon rides in the back and tries to play hero by taking care of her brother. We get to my boys crib Ramon and two other dudes go home, her bro is passed out on the couch, my boy goes his room and that just left me Tammy to sleep in living room with her bro. Fam, I literally smashed this girl with her brother not even 5 feet away haha

Moral of the story. Don't be that clingy desperate dude. **** never works out. Mind your own and if shorty is feeling you she'll let you know somehow
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