TAY: thread about yambs...

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Long story short
This older chick I been seeing for a while took the last straw about a month ago demanding what I will do(she left an item at my crib but she wanted to come over to my place late into the night to pick it up at that). Had to let chick know life doesnt work like that so I cut her loose. She has been texting/facebook message me saying that she was stress from work and life. Telling me that she sorry and should have been up front me with about alot of things. Its a like a every three days to week she will contact me some how. Today she called and I didnt answer so maybe this will be the last time I hear from her. Sometimes I wonder if it hard for chicks to move on after a dude.(We were never together as a couple)

Little more to the story but this the short end.


HOW often do chicks get shut down, though...

you rocked her world b/c she didnt have the backup d...

90 percent of the time, woman are snuggle up to a D... you left her before she was able to get gassed up by guys trying to smash and her confidence is shot...

do you know how RARE women have to deal w/ rejection? like, a pretty woman may get rejected a few times in her life...

as a man, we just start accepting rejection from grade school... but chicks... its different...

What is this? I hate when females do this ****, it's the biggest annoyance in the world. We're not even dating, and it's to this point... I'm trying my best to get to the yambs, and cut her loose already. Started talking to this mixed chick on the bus, been doing a lot of eye contact since we noticed each other, and caught her staring dead at me in the line. I brushed it off even though I noticed, love playing that chase game with females.
Long story short
This older chick I been seeing for a while took the last straw about a month ago demanding what I will do(she left an item at my crib but she wanted to come over to my place late into the night to pick it up at that). Had to let chick know life doesnt work like that so I cut her loose. She has been texting/facebook message me saying that she was stress from work and life. Telling me that she sorry and should have been up front me with about alot of things. Its a like a every three days to week she will contact me some how. Today she called and I didnt answer so maybe this will be the last time I hear from her. Sometimes I wonder if it hard for chicks to move on after a dude.(We were never together as a couple)

Little more to the story but this the short end.

HOW often do chicks get shut down, though...

you rocked her world b/c she didnt have the backup d...

90 percent of the time, woman are snuggle up to a D... you left her before she was able to get gassed up by guys trying to smash and her confidence is shot...

do you know how RARE women have to deal w/ rejection? like, a pretty woman may get rejected a few times in her life...

as a man, we just start accepting rejection from grade school... but chicks... its different...

1000% truth
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Give some details of what was the last straw for you...or was she just annoying?
Excuss the grammar

Like I said this was not the first time I had to let her go over some nonsense. I posted about her about a year ago saying that she was getting annoying and too attach to me. Lets say I dont respond to a text she sends me but the text doesnt require a text back (the ones where you put ok or alright as a respond) she would tell me that im ignoring her text and now she is furious with me. Saying things like she wanted the old me back and that I changed. She would get into the this mode where she would pick a fight about the most simplest reasons. There was this one time she came thru in the morning to chill a few months back and everything was going good. She brings up something about us that was in the past that I thought we drop but was still in her system.(It must of been about us having sex or some chick she thought I was seeing). I talk with her about it while playing GTA5 for about 30 mintues but seem like she was not getting a understanding that not all men think the same. Told her that she is use to dudes in the south, so thats is all she knows. I get to yelling at her about why she not understanding things are not as simple as she make things seem.(the day is somewhat coming back to me. Think I told her that she is not the perfect female that she think she is. No female I ever talked with said that as a respectable women I deserve this or that. Felt like her parents sold her this fairy tale on how a women should act/be treated). Went on for a while of me telling that words should matter to her and that they are just words get over it. If I call you a *** then does that make you a ***. She left like she needed to debug the situation. I told her to bounce she wouldnt so I left my crib that day. She hits me back later on that day saying she loves me, cant concentrate on her day with out making things right with us, and that no one will love you more then I do ever in life.(some other chick told me this before she left for Cali and I would believe her more than this older chick). Now to the recent event, chick had left her cake dish at my place(she bake me a cake for my for my birthday) and that she wanted to get her photos out a book she borrow from me. It was around 1130pm 12am so im like na she dont need to come thru for her books tonight(she had been asking to come by to get them before then to). She tells me i want to chill with you at first but then switch her tone to I wont be long just want to get my stuff, I'll be there 5 min max. Still tell her no. So she tells me I will be there in 30 min to get my stuff, you open the door give me my stuff, I say good bye it that simple. Im like ***** what!!!! Told her u got life confuse and u never getting your stuff back for saying that. If you come thru you going to be outside. So this duck actually come to my apartment. I told my boy before she got there not to anwser the door. So she is out there for 20 min knocking and calling my phone to come to the door. She goes back to her car texting me that she is crying and friends dont do this to friends. Im like whatever. I get text back on random days until today about how sorry she is and other stuff.

She just go from one extreme to the next to make things in her mind feel that she is right. If I say I dont want to talk with you any more she would say I was feeling the same way so im not tripping.

@30121baller she is just socially awkward to me at times. Like she was so focus in her school work that she didnt get a chance to live her life while she was in her teens and 20s. Just her thought process drive me at times, like her lfie is text book .
Yooo this one hood joint had the kids room in the room (**** I think it was a closet for real). I had no idea the until I was putting in work then I heard this petrified-to-the point of tears yelp "mommy I need to use the bathroom!". The kid (about 8 ) opened the door, went to the bathroom while we were under the covers, when she was done I went right back to work, **** it. Poor kid though.
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No dambs given. I smashed a chick when her son was in the crib 3 feet away.

I smashed a chick when her son was in the same bed, used to shoot off inside of her too :smh:

Now she has 3 kids, none by me. I dodged a huge bullet

I smashed one a year ago where the son was in the crib 5 feet away...

She wanted to go again, lying in her bed naked. All of a sudden we hear a knock on her sliding glass door.

It's her baby's daddy. She goes out like wtf are u doing here at 8 am? She comes back in and tells me she's gunna let him in and me out at the same time. Me through the door and him through the glass.

Craziest situation I've been in.

Dude then dropped her off at my pad at 2 am one night to get her back blown out, smh at these guys.
She's being od with it though, she just told me she threw up because she was thinking about what if something happened to me...

Sounds like my first girlfriend. My internet was @#$% back then, so I'd get disconnected from AIM sometimes. Shed blow up my phone saying "wtf, you're scaring me" "dont ever do that again" "what's going on with you ?!?!" Honestly she drove me crazy too with her psycho @#$@ but I didn't want to break up with her cause she had suicidal thoughts pretty often. I just started not showering and being grimy as Hell around her until she got sick of me and left me for some dude who looked exactly like me :lol:
She's being od with it though, she just told me she threw up because she was thinking about what if something happened to me...

Sounds like my first girlfriend. My internet was @#$% back then, so I'd get disconnected from AIM sometimes. Shed blow up my phone saying "wtf, you're scaring me" "dont ever do that again" "what's going on with you ?!?!" Honestly she drove me crazy too with her psycho @#$@ but I didn't want to break up with her cause she had suicidal thoughts pretty often. I just started not showering and being grimy as Hell around her until she got sick of me and left me for some dude who looked exactly like me :lol:
This. My last relationship was like that, I turned a cold shoulder and basically did what you did (minus the showering lol). She got the hint, and broke it off. I breathed the biggest sigh of relief in my life that day. But this girl, I doubt she's suicidal. Just on that, what happened to us?! I thought we were going to last. She hates the fact that I'm leaving to NYC for college, THESE YAMBS CANT HOLD ME BACK
Damn アミーゴ アミーゴ I wouldn't have messed with her after that.

But those suicidal chicks man I just blow em off. My ex used to threaten to cut herself so I would tell her that I had a box cutter in the car if she wanted to use it. Needless to say she was bluffing. Call em out on it and they'll realize how silly they're being.
Man y'all are wildin.

I try to block out just hearing about a kid, I couldn't imagine smashing with one right there
Damn アミーゴ アミーゴ I wouldn't have messed with her after that.

But those suicidal chicks man I just blow em off. My ex used to threaten to cut herself so I would tell her that I had a box cutter in the car if she wanted to use it. Needless to say she was bluffing. Call em out on it and they'll realize how silly they're being.

I thought he was just there picking up lil man.

The ruthlessness sometimes :smh:

But on the other hand, ya'll would be proud of what I did last week.

Met a girl at the bar, flirting and what not. Tells me she has a man and asks if I'm cool with that.

I literally grab her hand, shake it and say... "I gotta go." and bounce.
Yea Cook that was definitely a good move, I've done some grimy stuff but messing with another mans woman is something I can't do. I've never done and would've played that situation exactly the same.
suberzat1 suberzat1

Why don't you just drop her stuff off at her place when she is not there at let it be??
Block her number and Facebook..
Yes it's hard for some women to move on once they truly like you or trust you( I said a couple pages back once you gain a woman's trust...) and they project that on to the next man they date or get involved with( had my fair share of "victims" in my past..
Let that go breh, I know it's the principle of how she is talking to you but your well being and life exceeds being right and trying to prove a point...
Or find a mutual spot you can drop her stuff off to her and have a homie come so nothing will jump off...
At the end of the day, sometimes being right causes more problems..
@ecook0808 you're a better man than me

Yea Cook that was definitely a good move, I've done some grimy stuff but messing with another mans woman is something I can't do. I've never done and would've played that situation exactly the same.

I've never knowingly done it. Headed out tonight, good luck to my boys in here! Don't get anyone pregnant... Unless ur name is mugen hahaha.

Why don't you just drop her stuff off at her place when she is not there at let it be??
Block her number and Facebook..
Yes it's hard for some women to move on once they truly like you or trust you( I said a couple pages back once you gain a woman's trust...) and they project that on to the next man they date or get involved with( had my fair share of "victims" in my past..
Let that go breh, I know it's the principle of how she is talking to you but your well being and life exceeds being right and trying to prove a point...
Or find a mutual spot you can drop her stuff off to her and have a homie come so nothing will jump off...
At the end of the day, sometimes being right causes more problems..
This was realest advice I have got since coming to TAY bro! If im every in your city I got you on a drank.

I did try to be the bigger mature person and drop her stuff of at her crib one day before I went out of town like the nice guy that I am. Just rethought about when the day came.

A few pages back people was talking about the avenge looking chicks should get some play instead on judging them before you get to know them. Was at this house party a few week back and got this chick number since she said she seen me around campus. I thought nothing of it since she was wearing some weave or a wig. I usually dont give chicks a time of day but I was feeling good off the drank plus it was homecoming. Im think im going to get me few sessions of sloppy top and call it a day with this chick. We been talking on the phone lately and she is made cool/down to earth. She tells me that she is rocking her nature hair now. Now im thinking she looking like these chicks around town with the short hair looking like a dirty tennis ball. She tell me do you want to see a picture. Im like why not got to be nice to get the yambs. The pictures are sent and im like damn baby girl got some hair on her, what was I thinking only wanting sloppy top. She needs to be put on the team and I been looking for a point guard for some time now. 

I want to put some pictures up showing what im talking about but since we had that situation of that dude rating to the chick or other NT member doing the same. Think I will hold out on the pictures for now.

What im trying to say is all this chick I thought nothing of because of there hair I could have been in them guts. The semester not over yet so I can put some on the team to smash since im looking to get serious with this European chick.
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