TAY: thread about yambs...

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worst thread ever.

now I'm freaking out cause condom ripped a bit aka a hole in the tip (not from her)

I didn't notice anything dripping til i dropped it and picked it back up but i'm freaking.

What made me recheck / think about it was their was a random single hair on my d that wasn't mine after.

Do i have the aids?
girl is a certified skeeze so def worrisome

Doctor tomorrow.
......Lord have mercy!!!!...scary **** my brotha. Just can't be smashing whatever, have some standards
ran into the ex yesterday. got a number from one of my boys sister (got his blessing before hand)

my mind all kinds of. effed up right now though. ex kinda took me for a loop....
I miss that mental and verbal challenge I use to get from her.....
ran into the ex yesterday. got a number from one of my boys sister (got his blessing before hand)

my mind all kinds of. effed up right now though. ex kinda took me for a loop....
I miss that mental and verbal challenge I use to get from her.....
how you going to handle that sister situation?
It's a homie ive been great friends with for about 5 years (huge when you become my age and dont have that many friends)
He was the one who wanted me to be put on. He knows my intentions are pure and she grown. plus her past dudes are all douches from what he told me. wanted to roll on one .

I'ma take her out see what she about..
not going to do her dirty.

PS. (what happened to the reps? seems like everyones went down, i had like 355 and others i've seen go down. )
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So I think I found out my problem. I treat the girls I'm not into like crap and somehow get them to like me. The girls that I am into, I treat them nicely and what not, and get friend zoned. I don't choose to switch modes like that, that just naturally happens. I guess I need to learn how to be a jerk 24/7. This is my theory for my girl issues, which I believe y'all been mentioning this whole time lol.
:rofl: I'm not that stressed. I think I'm a bit of a hypochondriac though.

Just got mad drunk and took down someone with a reputation by mistake. oh well :rolleyes
So I think I found out my problem. I treat the girls I'm not into like crap and somehow get them to like me. The girls that I am into, I treat them nicely and what not, and get friend zoned. I don't choose to switch modes like that, that just naturally happens. I guess I need to learn how to be a jerk 24/7. This is my theory for my girl issues, which I believe y'all been mentioning this whole time lol.
If you just trying to get "yambs", your theory is correct..
If you are looking for cuffing season, then you are playing the game all wrong. If you have to be an *** to get a girl to like you for who you are, rethink that situation because that girl has deep seeded issues.
Actually retract what I said in the beginning, nobody likes a doormat, whether as a friend or lover. It's not even about finding a balance with being a douche or nice guy.
Pride in yourself
Being truthful
Walking away from situations that don't benefit you
Stop making these women more special then they are, etc... Are all tenents of the game and TAY FAM.
These are the basics to any mans game. Have conviction within you and stop being s scared to take losses...
FDB and move on if she is not down for the play, acting out of character is going to do more damage to you in the long run(also your reputation)...
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ran into the ex yesterday. got a number from one of my boys sister (got his blessing before hand)

my mind all kinds of. effed up right now though. ex kinda took me for a loop....
I miss that mental and verbal challenge I use to get from her.....

Same here, I miss her every now and then. Not that i've been looking, but I haven't ran into the female that gives me a similar or better challenge as yet. I remember i sent her a friend request months ago during the worst of it and she never accepted (glad she didn't), and she still hasn't. Now I see her and my best homie are friends now when they weren't the whole time. Just brings up memories of when we all were cool, ******g **** up.
M Mark Antony Yea man no chick has ever kept me so entertained, so intrigued and wanting me to choke the living daylights out of her all at the same time.

its just wild because I'm so mellow chill and drama free. she can be chill with me but also bring the hood out at times..
arghh hhhh hh. gotta get her out my head though. ..
M Mark Antony Yea man no chick has ever kept me so entertained, so intrigued and wanting me to choke the living daylights out of her all at the same time.

its just wild because I'm so mellow chill and drama free. she can be chill with me but also bring the hood out at times..
arghh hhhh hh. gotta get her out my head though. ..

Same here, she knew how to press those buttons, anyone else I just keep it moving. Part of us working was I was the chill one, whereas she was the worry wart, I had a calming effect on her. For me to get mad/disappointed at anyone it just means I care. I miss being quiet together, I miss missing her even though I saw her a few hours ago, and I'll see her in a few hours. I can barely squeeze out any of those feelings with any female these days. Aww well, thus is life. She wasn't the first i've felt that way with, for certain won't be the last.
Man, can one of you dudes post something g dope about your girlfriend? I want to believe in the relationship.
Same here, she knew how to press those buttons, anyone else I just keep it moving. Part of us working was I was the chill one, whereas she was the worry wart, I had a calming effect on her. For me to get mad/disappointed at anyone it just means I care. I miss being quiet together, I miss missing her even though I saw her a few hours ago, and I'll see her in a few hours. I can barely squeeze out any of those feelings with any female these days. Aww well, thus is life. She wasn't the first i've felt that way with, for certain won't be the last.

Yea I hit her up saying we should do lunch. I don't plan on trying to date her again but yea just miss having her around, we were mad cool.. Are arguments were mainly/ 99% her but since im so chill i snap her out of that stuff and its all good again.

@am1 relationships are real bro. companionship, sex, someone to make you better keep you motivated
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Real talk, I've been single my entire adult life. I don't even know if I'm the relationship type, I want to believe they're gravy, but I can't even envision the fairy tale. I think I'm ******.
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