Day 4 of my UNDS'ing spree . . .

Tyler those blue bucks are super nice I have only worn my new pair around the house so far does that count as UNDS'ing them? haha
Damn I'm not sure if I want these or Taiiwans, I love patent leather, or if I should focus my search on Mushrooms. I wish they didnt come w/ the heftyprice tags
i have yet to unDS mine. im afraid ill wreck them like i did with my wheats. stupid commuters on a packed train.

plus one of my fav pickups from last year
the little orange on the back makes me go bananas

wore these today as the weather was amazing. one of my fav highs for spring time!

doing some spring cleaning. offering these to fellow NTers before they go on ebay. kevin2nd already picked something up:wink: (you should get them sat or monday). please excuse the picture tagging-its for when/if i put them up on ebay- details in the sig. email me dont make this buy and sell

Damn! some heat in this page!

sgtshizzle, those canvas highs are making me insane.... I need some canvas highs.... BADLY.

spacej23, bucks are beautiful.

Does anyone like the green insideout priority undeafeteds? I just got some for $50 shipped and i'm not sure if I should sell them or keep them... I mean, Ilike them alot but I really don't know how much I could make outta them... Anybody any advice?
Thanks for all the kind words team.

And the UNDS'ing Chronicles continue; Day 5 . . .


Paul - Thanks man, and I guess I would consider your caronubucks SKDS(Sorta Kinda DeadStock).

Shizzle - Nice stuff man. Take my advice and UNDS your caronubucks. They look so damn good.

now this is what this thread should be
.. great stuff Tyler and Sgt .. if you've got any size 10.5 canvas lying around I could take them off yourhands

Keep the heat comin folks, hopefully I will be able to wear some forces in the coming weeks!
spacej23 - dope canvas

those white/ black canvas highs are bananas and those white/obsidian(?)/orange lows are super nice. if i wasn't so low on cash this month i'd buythose atmos from you too.

very nice red canvas lows mr. tyler.
Thanks once again for all the kind words team. I really owe a lot to this thread and thepeople who post in here. You guys have made me fall back in love and this time with more knowledge. I'm constantly learning new things and seeing newthings as well. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great and safe day. I'll leave you with this extra picture of my red canvas AF1's . . .


Originally Posted by silversurfer5400

great stuff jay ...

you're so damn right. the orange accent in the back is the dot on the I ... very nice


what are they? 96?

yes, I think so. Jay, a *$%%#@+ brilliant pickup mate! Please show us theincredible (and unique) tongues!
Tyler, dope (95?) red canvas' and '98 nubucks! heat.

Atmos for the evening
Really great stuff Jay especially the white canvas highs I wouldn't mind a pair of those but they must be a nightmare to try and keep clean.

Tyler yet again those are fantastic you are really making me regret not picking up the red canvas lows when I've had the chance.

Very nice Atmos Oli.

I wore one of my grails today.

Oli - Thanks man. Lovely Atmos AF1's.

These came in today . . .


Here's the story behind how I got these. I had ordered a pair of white/grey-tealAM1's via napsize for a pretty good deal and I was super stoked, but I should have known better. I go to sleep all happy and what not, until I woke up outof the blue in the night later on. I had a message from napsize on my phone saying they were refunding my money because someone bought the AM1's before Idid. So, I was pretty pissed/sad and I figured I would jump on YahooJP. Well, I come upon the Syracuse AF1's and they have a couple of hours left andthey still had no bids, so I immediately messaged Juno. He locked them down for me and I then became happy again. I actually thought they were the KnicksCanvas highs at first, but then again it was really late at night and I had just woken up. Anyway, there's my little mini story and I hope you guys enjoythem. I also found out after I bought them that they came with the OG box and it said that nowhere on the auction, so that made me a little happier. Good dayteam.
Originally Posted by spacej23

Oli - Thanks man. Lovely Atmos AF1's.

These came in today . . .


Here's the story behind how I got these. I had ordered a pair of white/grey-teal AM1's via napsize for a pretty good deal and I was super stoked, but I should have known better. I go to sleep all happy and what not, until I woke up out of the blue in the night later on. I had a message from napsize on my phone saying they were refunding my money because someone bought the AM1's before I did. So, I was pretty pissed/sad and I figured I would jump on YahooJP. Well, I come upon the Syracuse AF1's and they have a couple of hours left and they still had no bids, so I immediately messaged Juno. He locked them down for me and I then became happy again. I actually thought they were the Knicks Canvas highs at first, but then again it was really late at night and I had just woken up. Anyway, there's my little mini story and I hope you guys enjoy them. I also found out after I bought them that they came with the OG box and it said that nowhere on the auction, so that made me a little happier. Good day team.


I would stab someone (not literally of course) for those syracuse highs. Let's just say if all your kicks go missing one day you'll know whodid it. Seriously though, your pickups have been amazing. Your inspiring me to get my canvas AF1 game up.

Paul, dope black/green canvas highs.

sgtshizzle, those white/black canvas highs are a thing of beauty.

This last page of AF1s has made me dizzy. All of these canvas highs posted and I have zero. I'm going to have to start hunting for them before summertime.
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