TEAM AM FAM aka AIR MAX FAMILY THREAD (New Application Process)

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gooeywooey- We've been buying the JD AM 90 form Ebay. The seller is located in Utah.
I'm sure they bought a huge lot from JD or their supplyer.
r3k4- Yes, until fore mentioned buyer runs out of his stock, we all will have a pair.
I was 98% sure those were fake. I questioned the seller about the box and he said it was like that when he bought them in America!

BrickSB- Here's the link for the Footscapes
They come up to GBP 78.98     
Brick - I take those over the Parrtas any day man
.  Take that back -- I'd take the Parrtas, then sell them, then buy all the JD lights, some id's, and about 5 different pairs from skit
. That's just me though.

Originally Posted by HK Feet 27

larrivee7 - I appreciate the positive response!  Where is Wall headed?  I know one thing is for sure....Kentcuky.  < That was the lettering on his jersey for a photo-shoot right?
I don't know man, the Nets maybe
.  No, but nothing has been announced or anything but I can't imagine he would be coming back to Kentucky after the year he had.  I really think Wall or Cousins will be the #1 pick and Patterson will go too.  Hopefully Bledsoe and Orton stick around
.  Who knows though.  I was bummed they lost, but the season was incredible and tons of fun to watch, no matter what happens.

And I was joking about the uniform misprint a while back in here.  Their new uniforms were fresh off the presses for the shoot for Slam Magazine and Wall's jersey had the misspelling on it.  People acted like it was embarrassing or something, but Coach Cal was the one who posted the pic on his Twitter

I'm sure a lot of people saw these, but I thought I'd share................... fake OG huaraches: 





Notice "Made in U.S.A." on the soles
Originally Posted by eastlasmokeshop

Not having black pattas ftl

Im not even getting my hopes up for that pair. I know if they cross my path I bound to empty the clip'S
Mike and Cris - Nice pick up's Fam!

HBDay daaznfella

Greg - wore my red ones this past weekend and now seeing yours make me regret not picking those up

G - yes, that is the spot

Nice Samples back there HK. I'm such a sucker for samples
Wasn't the GREYONE shop somehow involved with the cws? 

I think they were involved but as far as I remember the store didnt even get them

Nice rotation L! It was nice seeing and playin ball with you this weekend. Maybe we can have the lil summit there in June....
denverairforce - You provided more info than I knew, haha.  It's greatly appreciated!  The cork material/design was definitely used on this shoe but since I threw them in the washer so many times the colors have faded and the cork design is not as visible.

Ray - Thanks for the positive feedback!  I thought GreyOne used the AM1 Atmos Viotech for some type of promotion or maybe they used the cork pack as well?

brickSB - Thank you!

gooeywooey - Thank you!  Yeah it was probably me posting them last year in this thread.  I haven't seen anyone else with them but I'm sure someone is holding out and keeping their pair DS.

larrivee7 - I'm definitely surprised that Kentucky didn't advance into the Final 4 but that's college ball for you!  I'm looking forward to see how Wall holds his own in the NBA next year along with the elite PG's already in the league.  Those fake huaraches actually look pretty cool, haha.

This is the other "One's By Nike" sample colorway I mentioned earlier. (Picture from Gusto's blog)
^really had to just show the black pattas eh? lol

i miss my atmos, but i just didn't want to deal with a 9.5, when I KNOW a 9 woulda been better, some day again we'll meet

r3-thanks man, Little known fact, That I was born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia....Have the MOST vietnamese name (Viet Nguyen), DOn't understand a lick of it, and speak fluent well as being to a filipino wife who speaks fluent tagalog and english...with two pugs...and a shoe room...hahahahhah

ricky-still waiting on my surprise package from  you as well....hahhahha
whudup Fam!

dope stuff all around!

Ricky...dope samples.

L...nice rotation! Pattas grrr......

Mike...good to see you got your hands on a pair sir! Hopefully you can still pay your mortgage this month

V...I think Imma pass on those budget bacons..180s too I dont need a third pair of em haha.

Elliot...glad someone in here got em! I just wish they were a 13
dope Vios too...theres a pair in the B/S right now...just not quite the condtiotn I'd like em. Oh well...the search continues.

what I wore on saturday...

then switched into these, to chill with some friends and watch the UFC fight and get waaasted....

IMO these ^^ are a very under rated pair of kicks.

Peace Fam!
Sup Fam- another rainy/windy day, think Imma stay in

Thanks R3,Gooey- So are were those AM90 from JD sports or a FL exclusive??

FN- Those footscapes are tempting, and I see a couple other things on that site  

Saw these this morn, I'm assuming these are part of the "Ones" pack also? 300301173353

Sdub- I'm feeling those quilteds, I heard the leather is pretty good on those

How you guys feel about these- Chili 24/7

Also, the AM90 Infrareds -These are on back order on eastbay, tel 1-800 826 2205, product number 25018107, LKS1FAB2 20% off (theyll ship to you once they come in)
sdubl- LOL funny Guy. Its more like eating noodles, rice and spam for the next few weeks.

rl- that shoe in general is something I'd actually have to see. Do you know how much them infrareds are? Just might have to squeeze a couple pairs in. LOL
Tak- Infrareds come out to about 85 bucks shipped, just got off the phone with them. They will ship on or before July 9th, come to think of it.. I should have ordered 2 pairs
daaz: you were born in KL?? i had no idea... no wonder you can speak cantonese better

shaun: you're right, those quilted am1s are really underrated. but they never quite hit the discount racks the way they should have, otherwise i really would have gotten a pair of them...

tak: squeeze a couple of pairs of infrareds?? man, you have a problem...

rl: i think those were footlocker exclusives. i remember i was browsing for them on FL oz website and talking to modz about them..
Originally Posted by r3k4hsttub

daaz: you were born in KL?? i had no idea... no wonder you can speak cantonese better

shaun: you're right, those quilted am1s are really underrated. but they never quite hit the discount racks the way they should have, otherwise i really would have gotten a pair of them...

tak: squeeze a couple of pairs of infrareds?? man, you have a problem...

rl: i think those were footlocker exclusives. i remember i was browsing for them on FL oz website and talking to modz about them..
Already squeezed. I couldnt resist!  "Hi, my name is Mike TAK and I have a problem"

James- SMH soon youll have them!
Originally Posted by RL Treyce

Tak- Infrareds come out to about 85 bucks shipped, just got off the phone with them. They will ship on or before July 9th, come to think of it.. I should have ordered 2 pairs

Over the phone only? Can't find them online.

Edit: Answered in retro. Phone order only for now...
RL - that item number you posted is the actual released pair of "Book of Ones" (and that price is crazy high, I'd say $200 is even high for those). the other two posted are samples. I don't think there are any other pairs.

HK - haven't seen that sample pair before, they look almost like curries. curry corks. haha.

and regarding GreyOne - is that shop affiliated with the graff writer Grey from the bay area?
FAM! I got a chance to get my hands on another pair of Gundums, this time they have been used. Can I get your opinions on whether you think these will still be rockable. Dude is asking $125 including shipping...debating whether its worth the risk.

BTW...those 95s that were in the JD ad are now up on their site in case anyone is interested.
Shaun- nice AM 93s, yeah i watched UFC too i am tired of GSP though all he does is tackle people and kill time, but i am just a hater
^^^ Well it all depends on if you have the $125 to spare if they DON'T hold up, there is no telling if they will or not, if you wanna try, do it!!!!
Whats crackin Fam?

I spent about an hour and half yesterday going back and forth between my Apartment office and USPS trying to figure who lost my package... Im waiting for a phone call from USPS to 100% confirm that they dropped it off then all #$%& gonna break loose on my apartment manager for losing my kicks!!!

Tak - Dope Pattas bro! Glad u got em!
Brick - Lights are clean! But I wish I was breaking out some Pattas too...
JordanLovah - Awesome rotation!!!
Shaun - Nice 93s! I keep seeing those leather AM1s on the auction site for cheap but I keep sleepin on em... I'll pull the trigger eventually.
HK - Props on the sample Book of Ones! I've never seen em before...
Bay - I see ur problem, I've seen a lot of 98s fall apart... Like James said, if you got $125 to spare...
Cris - Clean shot of the IDs!

And finally WIWT...

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