Teens toss shopping cart four stories, Woman in Critical Condition

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Lock up the parents.

.......and then give the kids the dealth penalty, that way the parents can have a front row seat for their child last moments.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Niketalk's morals and perspective are a !!+#!@$ joke.

death penalty for a 12 year old kid.... you're sure he was trying to kill her.

its a sad story but if this was your nice, your nephew, your little brother you wouldn't be shouting death penalty. maybe think about a view somewhere in between the two.

It's to set an example to these little goons running around these days.
When I was 12, I was busy thinking about playing ball in the courts, my video games, Saturday morning cartoons and chilling with my friend.

Never did it cross my mind..."Hmmm I think I'll push a cart off a 4 story building today!"
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

The kids don't deserve the death penalty, but at least molest them.

I hope she recovers though.
where are the damn parents...

the bad part is whatever happens to the kids who did it, the kid who tried to stop them will probably get something too
Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Reminds me of the time some kids were dropping frozen turkeys into a highway...

Death penalty.

They're 12 years old....

it'll be better than what the lady's 10 yr old son will do when he gets a little older.
I've done dumb things - at 12 years old u UNDERSTAND it's wrong - but you still don't have PERSPECTIVE how far or dangerous something could be
So It should not be a slap on the wrist - But It should not be death penalty - Killing a child is never right - No matter what. They should work the rest of their lives trying to repay society for what they did - especially to her 10 year old - but killing them will just make them martyrs, not provide closure, and NOT aid that 10 year old boy.

....but they should not go free because they had understanding that they KNEW it was wrong
To those saying they need the death penalty I understand the anger that makes you feel that way. I just don't think killing 12 year old kids/hoodlums is the right thing to do. They definitely deserve to be locked up, but kids do dumb %@%% without even thinking of the consequences. Not all 12 year olds are aware of the fact that something like this has very bad means, I'm not even sure if they thew it over the lady on purpose. So just chill and remeber that them being so young does affect the way they act most of the time stupid...
Smh what the *#+# is wrong with the youth of today?!

I feel really old saying that even though I'm youngish

Hopefully the lady makes a full recovery. The culprits need a punishment that would be equal to what hers and her family's will be if she's permanently injured from this. That's IF she makes it.
Sure accidents happen. Let them understand the severity of those actions with 25 years behind bars.
Y'all gotta be trolling with those death penalty comments

They probably won't be too stiffly punished considering the juvie system, but I'm sure they already understand how some actions can have far-reaching consequences.
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