Teens toss shopping cart four stories, Woman in Critical Condition

Hope she makes it. There will always be kids like these no matter what. It's almost like the term parent is a joke these days
Originally Posted by Dips3tRydah

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by Enchanted1

They're 12 years old....
"Whatever happens, happens"

That doesn't mean they understand the full consequences, at that age your acting out of impulse

so we're supposed to feel sympathy for them?

them not understanding the consequences didnt make those consequences not happen

a woman is in critical condition after being possibly murdered infront of her 10 year old son.

im so sick of hearing the "intent" or "i didnt know" or "i didnt understand" defense...

that didnt stop the cart from damn near killing that woman, right?


its not like this is a common occurance for 12 year olds and they were picked out of a huge population of kids breaking the law unjustly


Y'all wilding with death penalty for 12 year olds. Damn brains ain't even fully developed yet.
They need to implement a required parenting class before you have a baby
To all people complaining about me saying Death Penalty.

How about a public lashing from the husband and son of the injured wife/mother??
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

To all people complaining about me saying Death Penalty.

How about a public lashing from the husband and son of the injured wife/mother??

I don't know if you mean physical lashing like with a belt or verbal lashing, but either isn't enough.

Death penalty is OD, but the ideal situation is that these kids learn that their actions are completely unacceptable. Lock them up, throw them away for a couple years. Physically beating the kids isn't going to do anything, it's just going to make them even more messed up in the head.

These kids aren't even normal people. They're selfish, brainless monsters who are detrimental to those around them. I can't even believe people are saying they should have a break cause they're children.
Originally Posted by raptors29

Y'all wilding with death penalty for 12 year olds. Damn brains ain't even fully developed yet.

why would we want their brains to fully develop bisi?

did they allow that mother's brain to fully develop when they dropped a shopping cart on her head?

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by raptors29

Y'all wilding with death penalty for 12 year olds. Damn brains ain't even fully developed yet.

why would we want their brains to fully develop bisi?

did they allow that mother's brain to fully develop when they dropped a shopping cart on her head?


Exactly. My brain isn't fully developed yet. I'm just going to log off right now and rob a couple banks, shoot some women and throw hot oil on strangers, because "whatever happens, happens".

Tell me you won't be calling for my death if I did that.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by raptors29

Y'all wilding with death penalty for 12 year olds. Damn brains ain't even fully developed yet.

why would we want their brains to fully develop bisi?

did they allow that mother's brain to fully develop when they dropped a shopping cart on her head?


Exactly. My brain isn't fully developed yet. I'm just going to log off right now and rob a couple banks, shoot some women and throw hot oil on strangers, because "whatever happens, happens".

Tell me you won't be calling for my death if I did that.

   That's premeditated though.... plus your 17 basically a grown man
This is a very very very tragic story.. and im guessing the teens were of African american background... this kids have no remorse for human life nowadays
Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

This is a very very very tragic story.. and im guessing the teens were of African american background... this kids have no remorse for human life nowadays

And you just had to be the dumb !$*@% to bring race into this...SMH

This story is HORRIBLE I hope these kids get some serious time. I understand that their only 12 and may not have meant to hurt anyone but they still need to suffer the consequences.
Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by scshift

Exactly. My brain isn't fully developed yet. I'm just going to log off right now and rob a couple banks, shoot some women and throw hot oil on strangers, because "whatever happens, happens".

Tell me you won't be calling for my death if I did that.

That's premeditated though.... plus your 17 basically a grown man

But throwing a shopping cart over a roof isn't? What if I just throw a pot of hot oil over the roof of my mall? Or maybe I started a BB gun fight in my town center, even though I wasn't intending to hit any passerby?

And your second part proves my point. When can we draw the line between being old enough to be accountable for your actions? What if I was 16, or 15, or 14, and so on? The people in here saying the kids didn't know any better, well then at what age will they know better and can be punished accordingly for their actions?
Are you kidding me? These are 12 year old kids, not even teenagers yet. They did not intend to hurt the woman with the shopping cart. Was it stupid and idiotic to throw the cart? Of course. But to call for the death penalty is ridiculous. We all did stupid !!@% when we were 12. Most of us were fortunate enough not to mortally wound someone though. These kids deserve to be punished, not killed.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by scshift

Exactly. My brain isn't fully developed yet. I'm just going to log off right now and rob a couple banks, shoot some women and throw hot oil on strangers, because "whatever happens, happens".

Tell me you won't be calling for my death if I did that.

That's premeditated though.... plus your 17 basically a grown man

But throwing a shopping cart over a roof isn't? What if I just throw a pot of hot oil over the roof of my mall? Or maybe I started a BB gun fight in my town center, even though I wasn't intending to hit any passerby?

Premeditated means they had the intent of hurting someone when doing the act.
Your example: You want to hurt people by shooting a woman.

The 12 year olds: Not necessarily premeditated.
Originally Posted by hitopsandflannel

Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

This is a very very very tragic story.. and im guessing the teens were of African american background... this kids have no remorse for human life nowadays

And you just had to be the dumb !$*@% to bring race into this...SMH

This story is HORRIBLE I hope these kids get some serious time. I understand that their only 12 and may not have meant to hurt anyone but they still need to suffer the consequences.
umm... sorry to hurt your feelings  PERCEPTION IS REALITY
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Premeditated means they had the intent of hurting someone when doing the act.
Your example: You want to hurt people by shooting a woman.

The 12 year olds: Not necessarily premeditated.

You're digging too deep into my example. The point was that I shouldn't be able to get away with something just because I'm young. I could make up some BS excuse that "I wasn't aiming for the woman, the recoil caused the gun to shoot left" or some dumb crap like that. But that's beside the point.

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

This is one of the Suspects.

you cant be serious


That's not a 12 year old
When I was a kid I did all types of mischief so when I hear about someone throwing a shopping cart off a roof the question that comes to mind is why?

Unless you are trying to hurt someone why would you do it?
When I was 12....I Was doorbell ditching, egging houses, lighting m-1000's, etc.

WTH is wrong with kids these days.
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