Teens toss shopping cart four stories, Woman in Critical Condition

I heard on the 5 o'clock news that the police had arrested two 12 year olds.

The death penalty is too much. But these kids need to be punished some how. being twelve years old doesn't excuse the fact that they could have possibly killed someone. If the cart hit the 10 year old, i'm sure he'd be dead.
Hope she pulls through. Sucks they couldn't find anything else better to do to occupy their time.
Throw them in jail and let them get "initiated".  That will teach them next time they think of doing something as stupid as this.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Lock up the parents.

.......and then give the kids the dealth penalty, that way the parents can have a front row seat for their child last moments.
I don't feel that strongly about it...but these kids parents need to see what a bang up job they did raising these kids.
Yes they deserve to die! And i hope they burn in Hell!!!
Not srs. You guys saying they deserve the DEATH PENALTY ARE ******ED 
Reminds me of the movie Sleepers when the kids pushed the hot dog cart down the subway stairs and nearly killed the old guy. SMH.
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Reminds me of the movie Sleepers when the kids pushed the hot dog cart down the subway stairs and nearly killed the old guy. SMH.

I'd love to see them go to the boys school and endure everything they had to in that movie
(great movie btw
The answer as to what the punishment should be is simple. They should have a shopping cart dropped on them from 4 stories up.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Niketalk's morals and perspective are a !!+#!@$ joke.

death penalty for a 12 year old kid.... you're sure he was trying to kill her.

its a sad story but if this was your nice, your nephew, your little brother you wouldn't be shouting death penalty. maybe think about a view somewhere in between the two.
And what if that was your Mom or your sister getting hit in the head with a shopping cart?

I don't necessarily agree with the death penalty in this situation but the they should get a serious sentence to show them and other people that there are consequences to your actions.
Originally Posted by Freeze

all in the name of fun...smh. I hope she recovers with no serious neurological damage. imagine being lil mans with her seeing ya moms get hurt in that way. damn yo

but yeah... those children don't deserve the death penalty but they do deserve some punishment...
@ people talking about the death penalty.

I don't know how the juvenile court system works in NY, but if this happened in MA they would get a max of about a year in a residential facility. I've worked with juveniles for 2 years and seen some come through the system who have gotten merely slaps on the wrist for pretty serious crimes. For instance a group of kids beat a homeless man to near death (video below), sentences for the two of the girls I worked with that were among the mob only got 12-18 months.
As punishment make the kids explain to the family of the woman injured, what they did and why. Also they must stay in the hospital room with the woman to see the pain and suffering they have caused. IF THAT WOMAN DIES THEY DESERVE TO BE CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER. Stupidity and ignorance is not an excuse for your actions. Animals.
i wonder whats going through these kids minds now...they better hope she pulls through. they better watch out for her 10 year old son in the future
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

I don't know how the juvenile court system works in NY, but if this happened in MA they would get a max of about a year in a residential facility. I've worked with juveniles for 2 years and seen some come through the system who have gotten merely slaps on the wrist for pretty serious crimes. For instance a group of kids beat a homeless man to near death (video below), sentences for the two of the girls I worked with that were among the mob only got 12-18 months.
Happened in Seattle too. A group of kids beat a guy to death on the street. They were 15 years old and all got varying sentences of juvenile detention. everyone was outraged, and nobody knew the names of the culprits because they were underage. One of the kids was released and immediately started committing other crimes. He was still a juvenile so the newspapers still wouldn't publish his name. Readers were outraged that this monster was running around town, getting off with light sentences, and nobody knew who he was. Finally, after the kid turned 18 (I hope you're sitting down!) he committed another crime. Assault and intimidation. The judge knew exactly who he was and threw the book at him to the fullest extent. All his life he'd lived without consequence, whether at home or in the court system, and the judge had enough. This kid used to brag to cops on the street about how he got away with murder, too. It was disgusting.
People are downplaying how serious their actions were. They came extremely close to killing someone. If I went to a firing range and unloaded a sawed off shotgun in someone's chest "by accident" and they lived, what happens to me? I'm only 17... hey, I don't know any better! I didn't know that maybe I could actually kill someone, and I'm just a little kid, I don't know anything. I'm stupid, I'm immature, don't treat me like a human because I'm not an adult!

That is ridiculous. I don't think they should get the death penalty, but where do you guys saying no draw the line between too young and too old? If me and some friends go and start throwing cinderblocks off the roof of our local target and one of them hits a woman, what do you think we should have done to us? We're still minors, so we're kids and we don't know any better, right? At 12 years old I knew not to pull games like that.

And that woman is in critical condition. It's not like the shopping cart almost hit her, it crushed her head open. If I was related to her I'd want the kids lined up to be put away for life.

I can't believe people use youth as an excuse to get away with horrible things. You act like an adult, be prepared to be treated and punished like an adult.
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Reminds me of the time some kids were dropping frozen turkeys into a highway...

Death penalty.

They're 12 years old....
"Whatever happens, happens"

That doesn't mean they understand the full consequences, at that age your acting out of impulse
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