Teens toss shopping cart four stories, Woman in Critical Condition

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

This is one of the Suspects.

you cant be serious


No way in hell he's 12 
Originally Posted by Se73n0

Are you kidding me? These are 12 year old kids, not even teenagers yet. They did not intend to hurt the woman with the shopping cart. Was it stupid and idiotic to throw the cart? Of course. But to call for the death penalty is ridiculous. We all did stupid !!@% when we were 12. Most of us were fortunate enough not to mortally wound someone though. These kids deserve to be punished, not killed.
son, read

one of their friends was trying to stop them

and they overpowered him and did it anyway.

you think they were doing it under some ridiculous train of thought that it was safe?


they were being vandals. i did the same at that age.....had i murdered someone doing something stupid, yes, i think i should have been punished

thing is

i never hurt one person doing my stupid teenage games...

they did.

Never EVER do I agree with curb but he is 100% right, these scumbags deserve a harsh penalty

And whats up with that dudes forehead?  Reminds of this guy from star trek

Look at the noggin on that hooligan; he'd give Cudi a run for his money.
Try him as an adult, I'm twice his age and can't grow a beard, he knows what he did.
Death penalty get out of here death penalty? when i was a kid we would throw bolders off of roofs you get hit with a pumpkin sized rock from 20 storys up your dead. If you didnt mean to kill how is death penalty even in discussion they stay doing some dumb %%!# to set an example
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Never EVER do I agree with curb but he is 100% right, these scumbags deserve a harsh penalty

And whats up with that dudes forehead?  Reminds of this guy from star trek

I'm guessing either it will be diverted or they'll do a max of 1 year at a summer camp type institution.
Originally Posted by Cash is Clay

Death penalty get out of here death penalty? when i was a kid we would throw bolders off of roofs you get hit with a pumpkin sized rock from 20 storys up your dead. If you didnt mean to kill how is death penalty even in discussion they stay doing some dumb %%!# to set an example

Originally Posted by Cash is Clay

Death penalty get out of here death penalty? when i was a kid we would throw bolders off of roofs you get hit with a pumpkin sized rock from 20 storys up your dead.


you ever hit a broad in the head infront of her 10 year old son?


Originally Posted by Cash is Clay

Death penalty get out of here death penalty? when i was a kid we would throw bolders off of roofs you get hit with a pumpkin sized rock from 20 storys up your dead. If you didnt mean to kill how is death penalty even in discussion they stay doing some dumb %%!# to set an example

Oh yeah, you're the dude that can't spell or make coherent sentences...
I just realized these kids aren't even in their teens yet. They're 12.

Haven't even hit puberty or the 7th grade yet and they're already out of control
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Reminds me of the time some kids were dropping frozen turkeys into a highway...

Death penalty.

They're 12 years old....
so they should get off with a slap on the hand? i agree with death penalty regardless if he was serious or not.
i think they should be put in an adult prison, in the general population.  
is this considered murder or manslaughter cause im pretty sure if you get manslaughter theirs no way you can get death penalty
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by Enchanted1

They're 12 years old....
so they should get off with a slap on the hand? i agree with death penalty regardless if he was serious or not.
i think they should be put in an adult prison, in the general population.  

yeah so they can get a 2 year tech degree in being a criminal, then get released with their new-found knowledge....


i honestly dont care what happens to them.....

however harsh the penalty is, they deserve it, and more.
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