Tekashi 69 lookin at RICO

Damn that's crazy never thought of it like that
Thanks bro


Methodical Management Methodical Management do the damn thang!
No, I was defending a fair trial. you can see me in the first few pages disgusted at the Sanford PD for how they handled evidence. The replies you posted where about the media bias. You guys wouldn't doubt Foxnews is biased, but keep quiet when the other side is biased...

eh, I just think it's annoying that EVERY thread gets sidetracked to find "suspected" racists, my initial reply was sarcasm.
You guys blatantly marginalize any alternative opinion then wonder why the REAL racists hide and then show up on election day and vote for that Clown in office. I think it's a sign of the times.

Being accused of being a racist or even upsetting you guys doesn't sit well with me. I have never changed my screenname or been banned/suspended for racism. Can you at least give me the benefit of a doubt? I apologize if you guys are upset, I'll honestly just stop posting on political issues considering it's a sneaker message board.
I wish you all have a great day.

Man ain't nobody tryna hear you back pedal now. :lol: You exposed yourself back then. It's more than enough evidence. Not being banned don't mean ****. It's a few of y'all racist dudes hanging around. Or defend racism dudes if that made you upset.
personally i'm not trying to hear anything about Zimmerman.
son instigated a fight with a kid
that only started because he racially profiled a kid
and he shot and killed that kid
based off of his own prejudiced beliefs
which we can hear displayed in the phone call to the 911 dispatcher

***who told him to CHILL***
***and that they didn't need him to follow this kid***

and he followed that kid in a vehicle and that kid was on foot
did I mention that he was armed while following a kid that was on foot while he was driving a vehicle???
he then got off because this country is what it always has been
and then he sold the gun used to kill A CHILD online
and that's after taunting ppl

so yeah, NO.

it was not a fair trial. justice was not served.
how could it be in this crooked system designed to do exactly what it did and what it does?
I've been running with that joke forever.

I didn't think Meth got @ notifications lol.

Swear he's stated that before.

Oh well.
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