Terror Attack In Paris

RIP to the victims
This educated, intelligent, respectful woman put it really clear :smokin

I won't get into your post. Truthfully just don't want to.

What I will say is, this was an awesome video. Chick has a point. Screw political correctness.

RIP to the people killed. Just wish they could have defended themselves. :smh:

This video, that woman - and anybody who agrees or condones what that woman said should be ashamed of themselves.

It's the most ignorant and prejudice thing anyone can say in response to that young woman's question.

She simply asked how can this radical ideology be defeated without responding back violently; and the angry woman sitting at that podium basically responded saying to disregard any and all of those who are peaceful, and just to categorize those who agree AND disagree to the radical ideology TOGETHER - just because of their race/religion happens to be the same as the ones who ARE condoning radical ideology?

And some of you are applauding what she said!?

Not only did she dodge what was probably the most important and effective question she could have received during that whole segment; but she responded back ignorantly by classifying any and all who share the same race, nationality or religion as one - because of a small percentage of people within the said race, nationality of religion, view life with a radical ideology.

I literally felt like I digressed 60 years hearing her respond back. What kind of world do we live in?

That's the type of attitude that will enable war after war until all of mankind is nonexistent.
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What do you mean that's not what I understood?

She classified those who are peaceful; who may be from the same country or share the same religion - with the same people who condone radical ideaolgy as long as its easier to identify who actually is agreeing or condoning radicalism?

I don't know what was discussed prior or after that question, all I can see is what that young lady asked and that angry woman responding back ignorantly.
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Make a Cartoon....

Get Killed....

Makes Sense. :rolleyes

Pen has always been mightier than the sword - RIP to those who died today.

*Loving the protests btw. Very intellectually sound. World has noticed.
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I stopped taking it serious when she said that 1 in 4, or 25% as she mentioned, or 300,000,000 Muslims in this world want the destruction of the western world.

I wonder if her source of information is from FoxNews..
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She got her percentage from 'intelligence' collected worldwide. 300 million??? I can't take her seriously. She has a reputation of making hella prejudice statements against Muslims.
probably some of it based on the large percentage of Muslims in some countries that wish for a worldwide Islamic state.

edit: change "probably" to "maybe." I'm purely speculating.
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I stopped taking it serious when she said that 1 in 4, or 25% as she mentioned, or 300,000,000 Muslims in this world want the destruction of the western world.

I wonder if her source of information is from FoxNews..


If 300 million Muslims were really hell bent on the destruction of the Western World, there'd be terror attacks every damn day.

That's essentially a group of people with the population of the United States. I dare say her sources are suspect.

And isn't it funny that the credibility of sources goes out the window when a 5 minute video clip supports your stance?

300 MILLION. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Went through this thread...

That ether was strong. :wow:

Muslims... Stop apologizing, fambs.. They don't rep you.


Did I read that Muslims kill more than Christians in the name of their god?

Do y'all even history? :lol:

Dudes acting like civilization started on 1994.
probably some of it based on the large percentage of Muslims in some countries that wish for a worldwide Islamic state.
Would you care to elaborate on this? Source? 
sorry, man. I can't find the poll I'm thinking of and I'm too tired to look harder. I remember it was a pew poll. one thing I found interesting and to keep in mind is that support or opposition of terrorism or specific groups (al-qaeda, Hamas, etc.) changes radically from year to year, so coming up with a single concrete number to quantify global opinion is going to be difficult.

I do think her numbers are inflated and, if so, she shouldn't have done that, especially since it doesn't change the point she's making.
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To be fair, she said between 180 - 300M people. And I'm almost positive that those labeled as anti-western civilization are those that support Sharia Law. And just because you support something doesn't necessarily mean that you are willing to act on it. So no, 180-300M supporters doesn't = terrorist acts each day.
Those butchers must not be associated with Islam, that's the biggest mistake people can do right now.

They are extremists, and in no way their act must be associated with the muslims.
To be fair, she said between 180 - 300M people. And I'm almost positive that those labeled as anti-western civilization are those that support Sharia Law. And just because you support something doesn't necessarily mean that you are willing to act on it. So no, 180-300M supporters doesn't = terrorist acts each day.

Every day was an obvious exaggeration.

Even a group of 180 million people is a formidable foe, and I dare say we'd see many more terrorist attacks if this number was indeed true.

Go look up the sizes of some of the armies/movements that committed some of history's biggest atrocities. And then compare their damage to a group with an alleged size of 180 million, per that lady. The numbers-to-damage ratio simply does not add up.

That video clip = fearmongering at its finest. Kinda sounds like what the NT Klan says about the numbers of black folks involved in violent altercations with police. But hey, what do I know....

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Right, when Islamic terrorists have staged over 20,000 documented DEADLY attacks around the globe in just the 12 years following September 11th, 2001 for the glory of their allah. That’s right…DEADLY attacks made on behalf of their allah as these animals yell out “allahu akbar” as these savages kill.
In the last 12 years, there have been perhaps a dozen or so religiously-inspired killings by people of all other faiths (other than ISLAM) COMBINED.
Nice try - - - apples and mustard seeds!

I think you're missing the point bruh, it's not about keeping score, it's about the ideology behind it :rolleyes
To be fair, she said between 180 - 300M people. And I'm almost positive that those labeled as anti-western civilization are those that support Sharia Law. And just because you support something doesn't necessarily mean that you are willing to act on it. So no, 180-300M supporters doesn't = terrorist acts each day.

Every day was an obvious exaggeration.

Even a group of 180 million people is a formidable foe, and I dare say we'd see many more terrorist attacks if this number was indeed true.

Go look up the sizes of some of the armies/movements that committed some of history's biggest atrocities. And then compare their damage to a group with an alleged size of 180 million, per that lady. The numbers-to-damage ratio simply does not add up.

That video clip = fearmongering at its finest. Kinda sounds like what the NT Klan says about the numbers of black folks involved in violent altercations with police. But hey, what do I know....


Support =/= action.

All Americans, I would assume, are anti female genital mutilation, but how many are actually doing anything in these foreign lands to actively bring an end to it? Not many. But that doesn't change the fact that their actions are supported and, in a way, done on behalf of the rest of us.
AFP: #BREAKING Several attacks against France mosques since magazine killings: officials

a policewoman checking on a traffic accident was shot dead by a heavily armed suspect, who is still on the loose. She was just confirmed dead.
Muslims getting that Black treatment in America what a surprise? :smh:

Never ever heard one white person apologize for a school shooting or utter the words "WE gotta do better" when someone in their race commits a crime.
That women said 15 to 25 percent are radicalized not that they act on it. That means they can agree with the goal and/or act for it. It could be 10 pecent that would still be over 100 million people. Thats alot.

But really her point was simply that the good people are irrelevant when the bad people have the guns, bombs, and attempt to control the narrative. If the good people cant/wont stop the bad people than it doesnt matter of they are good. It has no effect on the situation.

This theory can be applied to literally any religion or group with an ideology.

There are many good polygamists. But if there are people on a compund having sex with 10 year olds then the good people arevirrelevent.

There were many good communists who just wanted to live in peace. But since they didnt atop stalin from killing 20 million people they were irrelevant!

These people at the paper really have become true martyrs
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Yep, typical NT liberals.
Get out of here with that NT Liberal bs.

Ain't nobodypicking up on that title boy. Nobody on NT is titled by their political affiliation. I see you are trying to make it a thing. We are bigger than that here. Take that speak back to whatever forum you came from young boy.those stormfront epithets will not catch on here. Your agenda is clear
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You're correct. The score should make you take a look at the ideology. The fact is when Muslims have to keep reminding us (again and again) that their ISLAM is "about peace", there must be a problem. They are partially correct in saying this, but fail to tell you about the CONDITIONS that go with THEIR definition of “peace”.
The blind hate.

The only reasons Muslims remind people Islam is about peace is because this country is prone to overreaction,violence and stereotyping.

Frankly I don't see why Muslims should have to remind anyone of anything or apologize for anything. I don't see any white people tripping over themselves to apologize when school children get slaughtered or after every episode of to catch a predator.
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