Terror Attack In Paris

Anyone seen the coverage of the "Unity" march going in Paris right now? It's been a pretty touching show of solidarity seeing people from all walks of life and cultures/religions marching arm and arm. There's hundreds of thousands of people.

Also over 40 world leaders are on hand
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^ Yeah. Pretty awesome to see people coming together like that. It's a shame it had to be in the wake of such a tragedy. But still a silver lining for sure.
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Who knows but props to euro countries supporting Palestine. At least they're not ignoring the ****** up **** like america
for my conspiracy theory brethren:

Symbolic Vote in France Backs Palestinian State

mossad recruited these dudes

if you say "oh hell naw, no way could that happen" then read this book:


by no means do i suggest this is what actually happened, just something to think about amidst all the hype.

"This is chess, not checkers" - Alonzo

No it isnt something to think about. You know what we should think about? Why is it that radical muslims kill a bunch of people including jews and morons will push that it was the jews fault. It was a false flag attack. Ignorant as ****.

If i popped up when a black kid was killed by police and said al sharpton and obama were behind it so they can use the media to push an agenda i waould be banned or laughed off.

Pushing for a palestinian state wont do **** for france. They will still face attacks. "Lone wolves" were driving into people screaming allahu akbar recently. Before that vote even happened. If they want to recognize them fine, but noone should think ot means no attacks will happen on french soil.
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i dont get why they keep making cartoons that Muslims obviously get offended by.

do they not respect ones religion and beliefs?
the solution is to stop getting offended, or at least react in civilized ways, not to stop the cartoons.

the civilized and western world didn't come this far over the centuries battling religious wars, slavery, Nazis, racism, sexism, xenophobia, ignorance , and more just to stop all of a sudden because of what happened.
i dont get why they keep making cartoons that Muslims obviously get offended by.

do they not respect ones religion and beliefs?

You don't see other religions that are featured in this satirical magazine killing people over it, do you? Why should they stop? Just because some radical Muslims are offended by it?
it's not good of they offend other religions either.

my point is i dont think it's civilized to have a magazine that focuses on making fun of other people's religions

its not a respectful or morally right thing.

yes there is freedom of speech but where are the morals and respect?
that's what satire is, though. it's a long honored tradition and often is the best and only way for the disenfranchised or oppressed to make their point. or are you asking for Colbert et al to give up their art?

what would actually be disrespectful is someone making fun of the victims right now. or even people trying to blame the victims or in some twisted way use this tragedy as an opportunity to end what they died for. the equivalent would be telling a rape victim to dress more conservatively.
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it's not good of they offend other religions either.

my point is i dont think it's civilized to have a magazine that focuses on making fun of other people's religions

its not a respectful or morally right thing.

yes there is freedom of speech but where are the morals and respect?

What do you think that publication should do?
i dont get why they keep making cartoons that Muslims obviously get offended by.

do they not respect ones religion and beliefs?
I don't understand why Muslims obviously offended by their cartoons keep buying or seeking out their cartoons.

Do they just want o make themselves upset?

This isn't about respecting their religion or beliefs btw but once you make your religion and beliefs responsible for how you act and what you say you put those beliefs and that religion up to public scrutiny.

You can also peep the article I posted.
Watched CNN and MSNBC this morning and their correspondents had the actual paper. They REFUSED to show the front of it because of its "offensive nature" and the response it might receive. Yeah, no ****.

Numerous people have stated that Charlie Hebdo's pictures of other religions are no where near as offensive at the ones depicting Muhammad. This was not an attack on "free speech". The Islamophobia in this world is ******* sickening.
this wasn't an attack on free speech? so you're implying this was just another example of islamists randomly murdering peaceful citizens of their own country?
But....it's true.  

And I'm not arguing for/against gun control---just stating a truth.  

More weapons in circulation = more of a chance to secure them legally or illegally.  Something like Paris will eventually happen here--it's just a matter of time, unfortunately.  
au contraire... its not as likely to happen in america. unlike France, the US has 300million+ citizens and 300million+ guns. With all the incidents these past couple of years, concealed carry %s have skyrocketed. Odds are quickly becoming that somewhere around you, someone is carrying if its legal in your state/city. A hostage situation in the middle of a store etc etc is not as likely to be as effective here because the criminals have to hope nobody else has a gun. 

Ironically, thats why they target gun-free zones and businesses etc etc. but we wont get into that whole gun-control only helping criminals thing.
But....it's true.  

And I'm not arguing for/against gun control---just stating a truth.  

More weapons in circulation = more of a chance to secure them legally or illegally.  Something like Paris will eventually happen here--it's just a matter of time, unfortunately.  
au contraire... its not as likely to happen in america. unlike France, the US has 300million+ citizens and 300million+ guns. With all the incidents these past couple of years, concealed carry %s have skyrocketed. Odds are quickly becoming that somewhere around you, someone is carrying if its legal in your state/city. A hostage situation in the middle of a store etc etc is not as likely to be as effective here because the criminals have to hope nobody else has a gun. 

Ironically, thats why they target gun-free zones and businesses etc etc. but we wont get into that whole gun-control only helping criminals thing.
Catch up and see below.
But....it's true.  

And I'm not arguing for/against gun control---just stating a truth.  

More weapons in circulation = more of a chance to secure them legally or illegally.  Something like Paris will eventually happen here--it's just a matter of time, unfortunately.  

Meanwhile mass killings like this dont happen nearly as much as the media says they do, and even if you have laws to control (as in this case), you still will have situations like this unfortunately. You cant legislate motivation and intent.
All very true.  

That still doesn't negate the truth about the number of weapons in circulation in our country, IMO.  And again, I'm not saying the number of weapons in the U.S. is a good or bad thing--at this point, it is what it is.  

But more weapons + more ways to access them = a higher potential for something like Paris to happen.  On the flipside, it also means more citizens carrying.  But like you said, you can't really stop motivation and intent. 
Even though not many ppl are arguing in favor of the terrorists actions in this thread earlier I read some posts I didn't all the way feel okay with given it was kind of a disclaimer to talk about what they do at the Charlie Hebdo mag. I know not many here know about it but I felt this wsj article was a bit informative about their motives and what they do since I have come across their work in the past and was somewhat aware of what they do.

The way I've always seen it is it's a ******* cartoon. A CARTOON. Words and pictures. I don't care how offensive it is or if it's sole intent is to offend, it's a cartoon.
So I guess at the least you'd want to say some French are just a-holes that'll mock your religion :lol: but I see the value in it.

So yeah like I'm saying, there has been some purpose to why Charlie Hebdo do what they do and some justification for why what they do is satire but lets say there wasn't and all they were doing was just offending ppl. So what?! It's a ******* cartoon. Now I know it's obvious but it should just be restated that no matter how offensive something is it should never warrant mass murder. Charlie Hebdo simply has that right. I mean it's a no brainer but I'd much rather be offended by something I choose to watch/read everyday than this senseless murder. Even if you agree the pen is mightier than the sword I can't agree with any reasoning that "you're poking an angry bear" or w/e. **** those murderers.

QFT spot on
People are paying $1100 (and asking over $100K) for copies  



Footage from inside Paris deli shows Amedy Coulibaly herding terrified customers 
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But they exercised (and will continue to) their free speech and kept publishing these images.  And they apparently pissed off Muslim extremists enough to have them up the ante from the office firebombing.  So you can see that free speech doesn't mean you can't get touched.  In the sane world, yes it means that.  BUT WHEN YOU'RE DEALING WITH VIOLENT, RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS YOU'RE NOT DEALING WITH RATIONAL PEOPLE.    

My whole issue with this magazine is what's the end game here?  What is them publishing these images doing?  Like yo, I'm 99.9% positive that most people who are not terrorists understand how ridiculous terrorists are.  Why do we need to rustle their jimmies when we know we're dealing with folks delusional enough to think there are virgins waiting for them in heaven should they die a martyr?  

Some will say "they're exercising their free speech", which is true.  But at what point does it become more important to exercise it wisely instead of doing it because we can or because we get a chuckle out of it?  In the year 2015, we now know that nothing ends well when dealing with Islamic extremists--their end game is to die and take out as many non-believers as possible.  Why would we continue to poke and prod at them knowing this?  Those cartoons aren't enlightening anyone to the horrors of religious extremists, nor are they converting terrorists into peaceful, upstanding citizens.  In short, NOBODY WINS.  Yes, you exercised your free speech, but now your'e dead over a silly cartoon and your kids don't have a dad.  Why not just let the terrorists terrorist and keep it moving?  Because these cartoons aren't doing a damn thing to fight the war on terror---they're simply fueling the fire.  

And again, in no way am I blaming the victims for what happened to them or saying that the terrorists were justified in their actions.  I just think we really need to reassess the potential consequences of our actions because we're obviously not dealing with rational, peaceful people when it comes to extremists.  
Catch up and see below.
what it seems like is you dont stand on either side of the fence. bottom line, this isnt as likely to happen in america because of the amount of gun owners. whoever tries to take hostages in all these places would be knowingly rolling the dice. take a group of hostages, and one of em pulls out and starts shooting type ish 
Catch up and see below.
what it seems like is you dont stand on either side of the fence. bottom line, this isnt as likely to happen in america because of the amount of gun owners. whoever tries to take hostages in all these places would be knowingly rolling the dice. take a group of hostages, and one of em pulls out and starts shooting type ish 
Okay?  And the problem with that is what???
Can we just agree that killing people because of a cartoon no matter how tasteless it may be is completely and utterly wrong?
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