Just needed one freaking win. gonna have to be game 7 at home I guess.

Draymond does not look like himself after coming back from suspension.
Man I hate to be that dude but I think the Warriors lost game 7 tonight.. The Cavs are just playing too well and Lebron has turned it up since game 4. The refs were horse****. So disappointing man... Just 1 game man. This **** will haunt me more than 2002 World Series if they blow this

I'm so ******* pissed the way this **** has gone
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Not sure how you draw the starting line up, but you simply can't have Barnes in it for Game 7 the way he's been playing. Not sure if you can even take him out with Andre hurting...
It's funny how Barnes went from a dependable contributor to just plain liable. ******* rather have Barbosa and Ezeli share those minutes.
hopefully, iggy aint been sacrificed tonight. if his back isn't right, drayt, steph and klay has to go hard.

ayesha needs to chill. if it's one thing the NBA hates, it's the conspiracy theory stuff, even though we know it exist.
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We might roll out

For game 7 of the nba finals

Hopefully they get stuck with an ASTERISK * with this title if Cleveland wins the title
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steph and klay sorta got theirs, but they need a third scorer
they can not get blitzed or tighten up in gm7

barnes missing badly
Refs were god awful although LeBron was definitely balling tonight. Refs prevented the Warriors from having a chance to climb back into when they were ~10 points down.

I don't think Warriors will lose 3 games in a row. They just have to come out aggressive and ride the energy of the crowd. No doubt, Game 7 is gonna be the biggest sports event in my entire lifetime thus far. Losing will hurt, but I think the Warriors will have an answer to everything. They won 73 games for a reason and got home court - there's a reason you win during the regular season.

Barnes has been lost, I'd consider having him come off the bench at this point, maybe that will kickstart him
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I'm not in the "this is rigged" camp BUT if you're the Warriors, that's the angle you need to take mentally to try to find ANY type of edge because right now, it's not looking good. If I'm Kerr, I'm going off in the press conference now and getting fined, might as well give Silver a blank check. You have to find some way to get fired up because right now, the Cavs have all the momentum. 

There's one more game, say WHATEVER you can to try to motivate your team, doesn't matter how much you get fined at this point 
Starts the game shooting a ****-load of 3s and misses. Then fouls to put Cavs on the line. Down 15+.

Starts 3rd the same exact way and exact same results.
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