That boy Chris Brown Put Hands on Rihanna!!!

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman


I envisioned it and crank delivered. Crank's the hero NT deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll continue to request gifs cuz he can take it. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.
That *#@+ is funnier when its bigger, especially when she comin up lookin fresh from battlefield earth with travolta.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

That *#@+ is funnier when its bigger, especially when she comin up lookin fresh from battlefield earth with travolta.
Him cheesing and putting her into his pocket at the end is the funniest part...
as funny as this thread is, its a serious issue... no man should ever put his hands on a woman ever, no matter what the case, and woman should never hit men.what chris brown did was completely wrong and he should accept the consequences like a man. rihanna needs to take a good look in the mirror and make sure hegets what he deserved... celebrity or not...
Originally Posted by Little Sneakr Princess 23

as funny as this thread is, its a serious issue... no man should ever put his hands on a woman ever, no matter what the case, and woman should never hit men. what chris brown did was completely wrong and he should accept the consequences like a man. rihanna needs to take a good look in the mirror and make sure he gets what he deserved... celebrity or not...

a girl burn me....hit me w/ a foreign object...pull out a weapon on me and ima hit her like she a dude...i can care less about "morals"...that stuffgoes out the window
Originally Posted by Little Sneakr Princess 23

as funny as this thread is, its a serious issue... no man should ever put his hands on a woman ever, no matter what the case, and woman should never hit men. what chris brown did was completely wrong and he should accept the consequences like a man. rihanna needs to take a good look in the mirror and make sure he gets what he deserved... celebrity or not...
agreed. but i'll woop a !%@%@ es #!!.
Originally Posted by Little Sneakr Princess 23

as funny as this thread is, its a serious issue... no man should ever put his hands on a woman ever, no matter what the case, and woman should never hit men. what chris brown did was completely wrong and he should accept the consequences like a man. rihanna needs to take a good look in the mirror and make sure he gets what he deserved... celebrity or not...
Now what kind of equality is that? I am not saying go around and beat women up, but females are getting too comfortable and push us to the limitsat times. If a woman puts my life in jeporady or messes over me beyond reason best believe she can get touched.

If they want equal pay they can get an equal *** whomping if the situation allows it.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by Little Sneakr Princess 23

as funny as this thread is, its a serious issue... no man should ever put his hands on a woman ever, no matter what the case, and woman should never hit men. what chris brown did was completely wrong and he should accept the consequences like a man. rihanna needs to take a good look in the mirror and make sure he gets what he deserved... celebrity or not...
agreed. but i'll woop a !%@%@ es #!!.

Why do women think they can grab a dudes keys and get away untouched.

Ladies, don't yank the keys from a man's car. Please just don't do it or your dude will go from this...


to this..............


and we don't want that now do we.
Holy %%#% reading the reports and %%#% this dude Cbreezy beat her wasn't just a choke and bounce either before or after the choke he beat theever living hell out of her...I can't imagine choking out a +#$%@ but I can see myself giving one a quick pimp slap if she wants to get physical...

But lets be real here Rhianna's career is not going to be over she will always be able to move the next album she comes out with....everyone is going towant to find out what she has to say and she is going to have a lot to say...Cbreezy he's done for...I mean I understand a smack or defending yourself andfighting back but damn son that's excessive...chocked her out and when they found her rushed her to the hospital without waiting for the ambulance...

dude he got some problems...choking someone out isn't like shooting them...that's why people that shoot them are sometimes genuinely regretful or maybedidn't understand the scope of it until after...but if you choke someone out that's personal staring in her eyes as she passes out either after orbefore giving her a black eye (neither any better/worse than the other)...dude got some deep seeded issues...possibly from when he was younger and saw his momabused by his stepdad I don't think he was ever hit though...he talked about it on tyra (i saw it on wshh its not that bad is it

what a mess
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