The 2009 US Open - Grand Slam Tennis

Do you even have a point? You're just dodging everyone's comments. Shut the *++# up, already.
Originally Posted by What up

Do you even have a point? You're just dodging everyone's comments. Shut the *++# up, already.
Why so irritated if you're so confident in your argument(s)?
You've got nothing on the line and you're so mad. Imagine having a major championship on the line with a $@%*!#*# call to boot. Thanks for proving mypoint.

I've answered all of the comments directed at me.

Still waiting on your answer. I posed the same question a few posts back btw.
Fell free to answer it.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by jumpmantwenty3

What the hell does Europe being racist have to do with anything? Yea, Europe is racist, as is every single country on this planet.

Please explain how the tennis establishment has been unfair to the Williams sisters, I'm dying to know.
Maybe because Tennis is primarily a European spectator sport and that is how sports make money; through their spectators. So it would stand to reason that those who control the sport would opt to accommodate and please their fan base? The tennis federation is in the business of making money (apart from seeking power that is important to certain individuals).

Do I really need to explain it? Look at the biggest picture of all. The sisters have been dominating the sport for years now. Does the establishment push them like they would a European?

"Yes, Europe is racist. Just like everyone else." That's it that explains everything.
So now your argument is that she is not endorsed enough? And your claim to this is based on what?

Your arguments are all over the place.
Originally Posted by jumpmantwenty3

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by jumpmantwenty3

What the hell does Europe being racist have to do with anything? Yea, Europe is racist, as is every single country on this planet.

Please explain how the tennis establishment has been unfair to the Williams sisters, I'm dying to know.
Maybe because Tennis is primarily a European spectator sport and that is how sports make money; through their spectators. So it would stand to reason that those who control the sport would opt to accommodate and please their fan base? The tennis federation is in the business of making money (apart from seeking power that is important to certain individuals).

Do I really need to explain it? Look at the biggest picture of all. The sisters have been dominating the sport for years now. Does the establishment push them like they would a European?

"Yes, Europe is racist. Just like everyone else." That's it that explains everything.
So now your argument is that she is not endorsed enough? And your claim to this is based on what?

Your arguments are all over the place.
I gave you one reason as to how they're treated unfairly. Are you a child. Do I have to list every single one for you?
Since you told me to list all the reasons I'll do it right away, Sir. C'mon now.

If you don't believe it than don't believe it. No sweat off of my back.
Originally Posted by codex57

While I don't disagree with that, I don't see a racism problem here. This is a US player in a US event with coverage primarily by US media, as viewed by the typical NTer (who also is likely to be in the US). As far as NT threads go, Serena is hardly being raked over the coals here. The mainstream media is hardly calling her a thug or hoodlum or anythign like that. As for the comments that seem to bother you guys, looking at the avatars, writing styles, etc, while impossible to know for sure, it seems like the majority of those comments are coming from black NTers. And often in jest (if not, and they are black, that's a whole 'nother issue). You guys seem to be pulling out the race card totally unnecessarily here. It's not the PC attitude, but when you cry wolf too many times, you can turn off otherwise sympathetic ears or even turn them against you.
Wow... I don't even think you fully read what was posted in this thread. Your post fails on quite afew levels.

As far as NT threads go, you say Serena hardly gets raked across the coals? O'rly?
You obviously don't peruse the General forum (or if you do, you obviously don't click on any of the "booty" threads or "Serena in abikini!" type threads). Because if you did, you would KNOW that Serena-bashing was so bad at one point that Meth had to start setting examples on dudesfor the derogatory comments being made about her. While it is entirely possible that some black males on NT would resort to calling a woman of their own colora "monkey", I really doubt the percentage of people that call her such names skews towards black people. Cuz if so, then like you said.... that'sa whole 'nother issue.

I don't know. I guess I'm just ticked at the whole "crying wolf" line. Like black people are making up an excuse to "cry wolf".Like what wawa said isn't true to an extent. Or like the youtube comments and the yahoo comments attached to the article don't exist. Maybe you thinkit's mainly black people who are behind all those nasty comments in some grand scheme to make it look like they have a legit reason to cry wolf in anattempt to rack up some "sympathetic ears".

Anyway, I hate arguing about *@*% like that b/c it's pointless. Nothing will ever change.

Serena was wrong, period. But don't make it seem as if she doesn't have less of a margin for error than anyone who looks differently than she does(whether you want to apply that to her skin color or just her overall features in general is up to you).
Del Potro straight up rocked Rafa.

I'm hoping he comes through in the final.. it'd be nice to see him win his first slam.
Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

Del Potro straight up rocked Rafa.

I'm hoping he comes through in the final.. it'd be nice to see him win his first slam.

Lets hope Federer wins more. Federer is that dude. His game is impeccable.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

Del Potro straight up rocked Rafa.

I'm hoping he comes through in the final.. it'd be nice to see him win his first slam.

Lets hope Federer wins more. Federer is that dude. His game is impeccable.

Doesn't mean that I should hope he wins. Other than my favs, I like rooting for the underdog.
Originally Posted by codex57

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

This is funny, let it have been Sharapova and everybody would of been complaining about the official making a bad call. Since it's a black female who yall would love to see fail and are upset she almost always excels now she's just a hood chick from Compton
dudes is out of line but it's ok because we'll continue to see the Willams sisters in tennis championships for 5+ more yrs.

Serena is not getting blasted because of her race. She's getting blasted because of her character - or the lack thereof. If she was white, and had acted the same way, I'd still feel she crossed the line. The fact that you excuse her actions and dismiss warranted critisim because she is black is absolutely pathetic.
I didn't excuse anything of course she was wrong and she has to follow the rules that wasn't my point, I'm talking about the unnecessary comments as far as "she's from Compton" "her Compton side came out" all the animals remarks that we know came up because of her race don't try to push it under the rug. No one said the way she reacted was ok but the derogatory comments are out of line

dudes frontin like if it was somebody else like Sharapova a whole bunch of "
Sharapova is sexy when she's angry
" wouldn't of been seen

How many of those comments you're complaining about do you think came from non-black people?
I don't even recall mentioning something about non-blacks saying the comments, I know there are some self hating nimrods in here trust me

it's just the thought of a black african american female dominating something that has people of any race
so now she slips up and their true feelings come out
Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

Del Potro straight up rocked Rafa.

I'm hoping he comes through in the final.. it'd be nice to see him win his first slam.

Lets hope Federer wins more. Federer is that dude. His game is impeccable.

Doesn't mean that I should hope he wins. Other than my favs, I like rooting for the underdog.

Same here . I usually root for the underdogs but Federer's game is too sweet.
i felt bad for joka today ... i like his game a lot ... he was having fun out there but he wasn't getting any bounces ... some b/c of feds spectacular play... hope fed wins but it should be a tough match after the french
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by codex57

While I don't disagree with that, I don't see a racism problem here. This is a US player in a US event with coverage primarily by US media, as viewed by the typical NTer (who also is likely to be in the US). As far as NT threads go, Serena is hardly being raked over the coals here. The mainstream media is hardly calling her a thug or hoodlum or anythign like that. As for the comments that seem to bother you guys, looking at the avatars, writing styles, etc, while impossible to know for sure, it seems like the majority of those comments are coming from black NTers. And often in jest (if not, and they are black, that's a whole 'nother issue). You guys seem to be pulling out the race card totally unnecessarily here. It's not the PC attitude, but when you cry wolf too many times, you can turn off otherwise sympathetic ears or even turn them against you.
Wow... I don't even think you fully read what was posted in this thread. Your post fails on quite a few levels.

As far as NT threads go, you say Serena hardly gets raked across the coals? O'rly?
You obviously don't peruse the General forum (or if you do, you obviously don't click on any of the "booty" threads or "Serena in a bikini!" type threads). Because if you did, you would KNOW that Serena-bashing was so bad at one point that Meth had to start setting examples on dudes for the derogatory comments being made about her. While it is entirely possible that some black males on NT would resort to calling a woman of their own color a "monkey", I really doubt the percentage of people that call her such names skews towards black people. Cuz if so, then like you said.... that's a whole 'nother issue.

I don't know. I guess I'm just ticked at the whole "crying wolf" line. Like black people are making up an excuse to "cry wolf". Like what wawa said isn't true to an extent. Or like the youtube comments and the yahoo comments attached to the article don't exist. Maybe you think it's mainly black people who are behind all those nasty comments in some grand scheme to make it look like they have a legit reason to cry wolf in an attempt to rack up some "sympathetic ears".

Anyway, I hate arguing about *@*% like that b/c it's pointless. Nothing will ever change.

Serena was wrong, period. But don't make it seem as if she doesn't have less of a margin for error than anyone who looks differently than she does (whether you want to apply that to her skin color or just her overall features in general is up to you).
No, I generally don't read the General forum. I don't think it has anythign to do with S&T. Just look at the threads in there. It's basically weak porn. You're not gonna get valid sports discussions there. That's what S&T is for.

Now, in this thread, the comments are all over the place. However, IMO, the less trollish comments were pretty calm. Serena screwed up. It's not a blackor white thing. She screwed up. Nothing racist about it. Yeah, there are racist fans in tennis and in Europe. I'm pretty lost as to where wawa wasgoing with it. He quoted someone and I thought he was going somewhere, but he said he wasn't. Anyways, it's impossible to tell for sure since this isthe internet, but it does seem like a lot of the idiot remarks in this thread came from black guys. However, that's hardly surprising for NT. Ifyou're honest about it, half of hip hop, particularly gangster rap, does not put blacks in a good light. Especially all the fans of guys like AI, Marbury,etc. But, in general, both in this thread and out in the regular media, they weren't overly harsh on Serena.

Of course it's gonna be all over the news. She's a top ranked player. One of the favorites. It's the semifinals. All the media was on heranyways just from the regular situation. When you have a crazy ending like that, of course it's gonna be all over the news. Especially when the videosand sound bytes are so dramatic. Doesn't automatically make it racist.

And ok, maybe Serena had it building up in her. She's definitely gotten shafted on calls in the past. But like it or not, we hold our athletes to a highstandard. You don't threaten violence. Especially in more "civilized" sports like tennis or golf. Cussing, raquet abuse, all that is notencouraged, but tolerated. What Serena did was just a step back from Blount, Artest, etc. Violence, even the threat of it, is crossing the line. It'snot a racist to draw the line there, it's a civilized human response to draw the line there. It's not exactly her first time either.

Yeah, I'm sure plenty don't like a black person dominating the sport. I'm sure it'll be a great discussion as to why Serena gets more hatethan Tiger when both are blacks dominating a previously "white" sport. Still, what happened here was all on Serena. She was totally wrong. Herpress conference afterwards, while it coulda been worse, didn't exactly help her either. Kinda amazes me how athletes still don't get that if youapologize quickly and pretend to mean it, the public forgives REAL quick. Blount did, and one of the earliest articles on one of the major sports cites was anarticle sayign violence is wrong, but don't crucify Blount and ruin his life forever. And that's not a black/white thing either. Media and generalpublic still is hating on Roger Clemens.
Congrats to Clijsters for the comeback W. Caroline Wozniacki is fine tho don't worry you'll get your slams soon....
Originally Posted by codex57

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by codex57

While I don't disagree with that, I don't see a racism problem here. This is a US player in a US event with coverage primarily by US media, as viewed by the typical NTer (who also is likely to be in the US). As far as NT threads go, Serena is hardly being raked over the coals here. The mainstream media is hardly calling her a thug or hoodlum or anythign like that. As for the comments that seem to bother you guys, looking at the avatars, writing styles, etc, while impossible to know for sure, it seems like the majority of those comments are coming from black NTers. And often in jest (if not, and they are black, that's a whole 'nother issue). You guys seem to be pulling out the race card totally unnecessarily here. It's not the PC attitude, but when you cry wolf too many times, you can turn off otherwise sympathetic ears or even turn them against you.
Wow... I don't even think you fully read what was posted in this thread. Your post fails on quite a few levels.

As far as NT threads go, you say Serena hardly gets raked across the coals? O'rly?
You obviously don't peruse the General forum (or if you do, you obviously don't click on any of the "booty" threads or "Serena in a bikini!" type threads). Because if you did, you would KNOW that Serena-bashing was so bad at one point that Meth had to start setting examples on dudes for the derogatory comments being made about her. While it is entirely possible that some black males on NT would resort to calling a woman of their own color a "monkey", I really doubt the percentage of people that call her such names skews towards black people. Cuz if so, then like you said.... that's a whole 'nother issue.

I don't know. I guess I'm just ticked at the whole "crying wolf" line. Like black people are making up an excuse to "cry wolf". Like what wawa said isn't true to an extent. Or like the youtube comments and the yahoo comments attached to the article don't exist. Maybe you think it's mainly black people who are behind all those nasty comments in some grand scheme to make it look like they have a legit reason to cry wolf in an attempt to rack up some "sympathetic ears".

Anyway, I hate arguing about *@*% like that b/c it's pointless. Nothing will ever change.

Serena was wrong, period. But don't make it seem as if she doesn't have less of a margin for error than anyone who looks differently than she does (whether you want to apply that to her skin color or just her overall features in general is up to you).
No, I generally don't read the General forum. I don't think it has anythign to do with S&T. Just look at the threads in there. It's basically weak porn. You're not gonna get valid sports discussions there. That's what S&T is for.

Now, in this thread, the comments are all over the place. However, IMO, the less trollish comments were pretty calm. Serena screwed up. It's not a black or white thing. She screwed up. Nothing racist about it. Yeah, there are racist fans in tennis and in Europe. I'm pretty lost as to where wawa was going with it. He quoted someone and I thought he was going somewhere, but he said he wasn't. Anyways, it's impossible to tell for sure since this is the internet, but it does seem like a lot of the idiot remarks in this thread came from black guys. However, that's hardly surprising for NT. If you're honest about it, half of hip hop, particularly gangster rap, does not put blacks in a good light. Especially all the fans of guys like AI, Marbury, etc. But, in general, both in this thread and out in the regular media, they weren't overly harsh on Serena.

Of course it's gonna be all over the news. She's a top ranked player. One of the favorites. It's the semifinals. All the media was on her anyways just from the regular situation. When you have a crazy ending like that, of course it's gonna be all over the news. Especially when the videos and sound bytes are so dramatic. Doesn't automatically make it racist.

And ok, maybe Serena had it building up in her. She's definitely gotten shafted on calls in the past. But like it or not, we hold our athletes to a high standard. You don't threaten violence. Especially in more "civilized" sports like tennis or golf. Cussing, raquet abuse, all that is not encouraged, but tolerated. What Serena did was just a step back from Blount, Artest, etc. Violence, even the threat of it, is crossing the line. It's not a racist to draw the line there, it's a civilized human response to draw the line there. It's not exactly her first time either.

Yeah, I'm sure plenty don't like a black person dominating the sport. I'm sure it'll be a great discussion as to why Serena gets more hate than Tiger when both are blacks dominating a previously "white" sport. Still, what happened here was all on Serena. She was totally wrong. Her press conference afterwards, while it coulda been worse, didn't exactly help her either. Kinda amazes me how athletes still don't get that if you apologize quickly and pretend to mean it, the public forgives REAL quick. Blount did, and one of the earliest articles on one of the major sports cites was an article sayign violence is wrong, but don't crucify Blount and ruin his life forever. And that's not a black/white thing either. Media and general public still is hating on Roger Clemens.

Ah ok, we're done. I see you didn't really address anything I had to say except to come with some slick line about not really being in General b/c ithas nothing to do with Sports. Even though the reason General was mentioned in the 1st place was to shoot down your point about... You know what, forget it.Carry on.
Clijsters won???

She's an exzcellent player but thats sayin something bout the state of the womens game....
When I seen clijsters won I wondered what happened to Serena ... then I seen it lmao ...

Im sick of race this and race that when it comes to everything ... I don't know if it was a fault, I don't know exactly what serena said etc... etc...

What I do know is, things like this and kanyes ignorance last night just fuel the stereotypical fires that burn in so many americans ...

You turn on tennis of all things and see a black woman dq'd for screaming that she's gonna stick a ball up someones %!@ ... then you tune into the vmasand a black dude snatches the mic out of a white girls hands and goes on about whatever ...

Smh ...
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

What I do know is, things like this and kanyes ignorance last night just fuel the stereotypical fires that burn in so many americans ...
I just heard about that (I don't live in the US),damn... wow.
But ultimately, it just comes down to 2 individuals and poor judgement.

Classy guesture by Beyonce though... but I digress.

Anyway... we should really focus on Kimmy for her incredible run and being the 3rd mother to win a grand slam... and props to Caroline as well...
That post match interview guy for the women's doubles final... man what the hell is wrong with him? Bringing up the tirade from 2 nights ago wheninterviewing Serena, asking what she learned, etc. Man she issued an apology, move on dude.
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