The 2009 US Open - Grand Slam Tennis

^ hard to say if it was a crap call or not regarding the foot-fault... the video evidence seems to be inconclusive, but her left foot might have just edgedonto the baseline which is enough justify it as a foot-fault. Having said that, they do call foot-faults, so its not like its a rule thats never enforced. Butthe bottomline is that there's no excuse for Serena to lose her cool like that.�

I can't stand Bud Collins and Mary Carillo... I'm glad we don't get them commentating for us.

Clearly a case of violating the audible obscenity rule...
...That will be the most memorable moment of the 2009 US Open
that lady wasnt about to make a move.........until she seen her parents oops i mean boss then she got that lil "im gone tell on you!!!" look in hereyes
Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

sidenote #2: bud collins is nuts. the polkadot hat, calling Clijsters 'Mighty mama', saying Oudin was 'making whoopee'. he's entirely senile but in a jovial, hilarious way.

Bud Collins is that dude.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Richie Tenenbaum's Meltdown > Serena's meltdown

Baumer =
, Margot =

When you're the best, you just arent use to losing thats all. People who lose all the time dont lose their cool because losing is there thing.
Stop it. Threatening a judge because they screwed up is not how a good person acts... this is a character issue, and she showed she has very little after this episode.

lmao @ you following me around because you said some outlandish things and felt all high and mighty with your "NT Respect" and the wholeforum *@%* on you. Fall back kid. Go wave a terrible towel or something.
Clearly the people who don't like Serena (because she's the best and always wins) are quick to jump on her back for her comments. Although she was outof line, I find it hilarious that these same people didnt say a damn thing about "attitude issues" and "classyness" when Sharapova screamedand yelled on every point against Oudin when she was losing. That will just go unnoticed though because she isn't nearly as good as Serena. Plus the hateisn't as strong so lets sweep that under the rug.
So she got docked a point for threatening an official. So what? Officials make errors, it's the nature of sports. And this one didn't even directlyaffect a point (just re-serve and get on with it). Tons of other sports you get penalized way worse for doing the same kinda crap. In basketball you will mostlikely get a T, if not thrown out. In baseball you will get thrown out. In soccer you will get red-carded. Etc, etc. Tennis is a very personal and emotionalsport since it's just you, your opponent and a few thousand spectators, so any action you take will be scrutinized ten times more than those other sports.At first I didn't think it warranted a docked point since from what I had read she just cussed out the line judge, but after seeing the video of her wavingthe racquet at her she definitely deserved the penalty.
Originally Posted by jumpmantwenty3

At first I didn't think it warranted a docked point since from what I had read she just cussed out the line judge, but after seeing the video of her waving the racquet at her she definitely deserved the penalty.

The fact that "she just cussed out the line judge", was enough to warrant a code-violation. Also, her foot-fault was on her 2nd serve, which meantthat she lost that point. I don't think should would have had the outburst had the foot-fault call been on her first-serve.

For code-violations, for the first one, you get a warning; the second one, you get a point penalty; third one, game penalty; fourth one, you forfeit thematch.

For Serena, she broke her racket in the 1st set, which is a code-violation (racket abuse), hence a warning. When she cussed-out the line judge, it was anotherviolation (unsportsmanlike conduct, audible obscenity, I'm not sure which one it was), which was her second violation, resulting in a point-penalty andgiving Kim match-point.

Anyway... now they're looking at investigating this incident... possible fines and or a suspension?;_y...v7YF?slug=ro-serena091209&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

Meanwhile, Rafa has no answers for Del Potro...
This is funny, let it have been Sharapova and everybody would of been complaining about the official making a bad call. Since it's a black female who yallwould love to see fail and are upset she almost always excels now she's just a hood chick from Compton
dudes is out of line but it's ok becausewe'll continue to see the Willams sisters in tennis championships for 5+ more yrs.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly



Lol, why is Del Potro not good for tennis?

But its not gonna happen today... DP is doing to Rafa, what Rafa usually does to his opponents... no depth on Rafa's groundies...
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

This is funny, let it have been Sharapova and everybody would of been complaining about the official making a bad call. Since it's a black female who yall would love to see fail and are upset she almost always excels now she's just a hood chick from Compton
dudes is out of line but it's ok because we'll continue to see the Willams sisters in tennis championships for 5+ more yrs.
If Sharapova threatened to shove a ball down the refs throat I doubt many people would be defending her.
Originally Posted by Tarvald Drama Chase

not my fault she lost her cool, threatening the line judge....SOOO RACIST.......line judge was Asian....unacceptable....lock her up in a cage
aren't you that skinny, Indian kid who got exposed in General? Hiding away in S&T I see.
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

This is funny, let it have been Sharapova and everybody would of been complaining about the official making a bad call. Since it's a black female who yall would love to see fail and are upset she almost always excels now she's just a hood chick from Compton
dudes is out of line but it's ok because we'll continue to see the Willams sisters in tennis championships for 5+ more yrs.

Serena is not getting blasted because of her race. She's getting blasted because of her character - or the lack thereof. If she was white, and had actedthe same way, I'd still feel she crossed the line. The fact that you excuse her actions and dismiss warranted critisim because she is black is absolutelypathetic.
People forget that Serena still a +!### from Compton....she just let that out. No biggie.
lmao @ you following me around because you said some outlandish things and felt all high and mighty with your "NT Respect" and the whole forum *@%* on you. Fall back kid. Go wave a terrible towel or something.

Following you around? I've been in and out of this post all tournament long... not my fault that you pop up saying stupid things in a bunch of differentthreads.

It is funny to me that you have this inferiority complex on a message board though, actually getting insecure about other dudes you've never met before.
I love Serena and I'll always be in her corner.

But I think this is really gonna hurt her.

You can't be on a grand stage like that and drop F bombs in a threatening manner towards any type of official.

She definitely lunched on that one.

It's also unfortunate that this is headed down the well-traveled race road.

White people throw out all sorts of insults (oh look, Serena went ape-****. Har, har. *wink, wink*), then get pissed when black people say "it's notfunny" or "if it was *insert white athlete*, no one would be criticizing as harshly". It's like, how else do you want black people torespond to ignorant comments like that? Obviously, I'm not talking about all white people or all black people or even anyone specific in this thread.

And I'm also not necessarily going with the "well if she was white there wouldn't be an issue" excuse either.

But situations like this just reinforce that we will NEVER have racial equality. Just read some of the comments of that youtube clip and you'll know whatI'm talking about.
Shuges ~ I know what you mean... some of those youtube comments are very

But thats the problem with the internet... no one's held accountable for the stuff they say... Some ignorant fool sits behind a computer screen and sayswhatever the #*$% they want simply because they can and theres nothing anyone can do about it. Unfortunately its nothing new...

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

nadal got taken out

Man, it was painful to watch...

Incidentally, DP's been wearing the Cage II's all tournament, which is from Nike's Tennis line last season... the current model is the CourtBallistecs...

And for the football fans...

Dude was injured, he'll be fine.

Back to the women: anyone else think they don't ban the grunting cuz women's tennis secretly wants to attract horny dudes who like to hear girls intight outfits constantly grunt as if they're having sex?
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