The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Westbrook has garden snake blood running through his veins tonight.
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and KD needs to go to the rack more often... he's one of the best shooters in the world, but hes bailing the W's out tonight
I don't get why that's so unfair to say, but OK man 
 you have them penciled in to the finals, we will see
I'm guessing looking a lot more fluid and pretty on O will be good enough if they get bounced early. Clearly they would have shown progression in that instance.
They've shown progression either way. Stop being so obtuse.
If the Thunder really didn't heavily Pursue... Lopez for Kendrick Perkins, PJ3, & ****** lance thomas...... :smh:

The only easy shots they get are russ freethrows & occasional wide open jumpers from serge
how the heck did drayond drop that much in the draft. looking at the other Fs in that draft :lol:
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