The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Really ?

Averaging 2 assists for his career and he's a REALLY good passer ?

Being that you're a stat guy I'd expect better from you seriously, but lemme guess stats don't tell the whole story this time.

But any other time stats are like the bible to you you guys :smh: , just not this time.

Before this year (where MJax's offense was at all-time high levels of trash), Lee was either top 2 or top 5 in assists for big men for the last 4-5 years. Yeah, he's a REALLY good passer.
Really ?

Averaging 2 assists for his career and he's a REALLY good passer ?

Being that you're a stat guy I'd expect better from you seriously, but lemme guess stats don't tell the whole story this time.

But any other time stats are like the bible to you you guys
, just not this time.
Eh, Noah is a career 2.7 assists guy but he's an elite passer in my eyes

Lee's vision and timing make him definitely a very good passer. You have to take into account the type of system he's in and the players around him. It doesn't take long to realize he's a cerebral passer when you watch his skill set from the post and the big to big passing
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No man, I didn't say that, Frisco did. Lee has had himself a solid career too.

Again, don't speak about common sense when you post things like Randle is already more skilled than Lee. You are definitely not the one to be making judgements

Being more skilled = being able to do more things on the court

Nobody said hes a better nba player at 19

Common sense aint so common b

David Lee is a 2x All-Star. Career 19 and 10 guy. Career average 42% from mid-range. Randle should cry tears of joy if he gets to that level.

Thats not a career to cry tears of joy if you are a non factor come playoff time
David Lee is actually a very good passer.

Really ?

Averaging 2 assists for his career and he's a REALLY good passer ?

Being that you're a stat guy I'd expect better from you seriously, but lemme guess stats don't tell the whole story this time.

But any other time stats are like the bible to you you guys :smh: , just not this time.
Yeah, that's it. My calculator said so.

But it doesn't take a dummy to watch Lee and see he can pass well either.
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Being more skilled = being able to do more things on the court

Nobody said hes a better nba player at 19

Common sense aint so common b
Thats not a career to cry tears of joy if you are a non factor come playoff time
I never said anything about who's the better player between Lee and Randle either. I am talking strictly about skill sets.

It's still hilariously ignorant to claim Randle is more skilled than Lee right now. He's 19 years old. He's got a lot of time to develop his skills but he's not ahead of a veteran who's made some All-Star games, yet.

Again, stop telling folks about common sense when you say child-like things like this. You aren't allowed to make judgements
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Was demarcus not more skilled than dwight when he came into the league or he wasnt because dwight was a veteran who made all star games?

Just because someones a rookie doesnt mean they cant have a better skillset than a veteran
How do we even know what Randle's skillset is IN THE NBA? Sure we think we know what his skillset is and what he can do at the moment, but we don't even know if that'll translate to the NBA level yet.

He hasn't even played a single game in the NBA yet.

But he already has proven to have a better skillset than David Lee and the idea that Randle ending up with a D Lee career is asinine...when he hasn't even played a single game yet.

Yep i'm out. Back to the sidelines I go.
How do we even know what Randle's skillset is IN THE NBA? Sure we think we know what his skillset is and what he can do at the moment, but we don't even know if that'll translate to the NBA level yet.

He hasn't even played a single game in the NBA yet.

But he already has proven to have a better skillset than David Lee and the idea that Randle ending up with a D Lee career is asinine...when he hasn't even played a single game yet.

Yep i'm out. Back to the sidelines I go.

So preseason cant showcase his skillset?
For the record I never compared Randle to anyone , but to say he plays like David Lee just seems way off imo.

In no way shape or form is that saying he's better than David Lee, just saying I don't see similarities in their skillset.
Was demarcus not more skilled than dwight when he came into the league or he wasnt because dwight was a veteran who made all star games?

Just because someones a rookie doesnt mean they cant have a better skillset than a veteran
Were we discussing Cousins vs. Dwight skill sets?

The reaches keep coming

Man up and just admit what you said was stupid so you can stop piling on to your silliness
Way to ignore that analogy but i guess david lee has the superior skillset because hes a veteran and a 2x all star
Lee does have the superior skill set, not because he's a veteran or he's been an All-Star. It's silly to expect a 19 year-old to come straight into the league with a better skill set than Lee.

Why do you do this to yourself?
Besides being able to use his right hand, what makes his skillset more superior?

You keep bringing up his age like age has anything to do with it
You're saying a 19 20 year old kid is already more skilled than a veteran like Lee?

I mean, shooting, touch around the basket, getting position, use of both hands, adept at being in the right place at the right time (timing)

Of course Lee should be ahead though, he's a veteran.

You guys are so quick to say a teenager is already more skilled than someone who's been in the league for a while and has made All-Star games.
I posted this just on the last page

Getting position= getting good post position on offense as well as getting in to good position for offensive and defensive rebounds
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Did I say Randle couldn't do those things? What the hell is wrong with you

Lee is superior at those things

I didn't even mention back to the basket game for Lee is ahead of Randle as well
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