The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Amare is still a nice scorer. Still really athletic. Mavs might be getting a Brandon Wright type piece off the bench.

As for Sanders - it's easy for people to bash him but mental health isnt a joke. Not just something you "get over." From what I hear, he suffers from depression and anxiety - and the only cure he thinks works is weed. Think he went to rehab over the summer and got clean but then started battling mood swings and emotional issues early in the season. Made him start again. Kinda sucks that weed of all things might ruin dudes career. He is getting paid though - so he has all the resources he needs.
Very true. A nice trip to Colorado would be great.
I can see why Amare would sign with Dallas. He must be thinking, "if this team can make RJ and Charlie V contributing players again, I may be an all star again down there."
still the clippers b.

Exactly, man. I can't argue with that logic. I'll just enjoy the semi-good times while they're here and wait for the inevitable drop off in a few years. Then there will be two irrelevant teams in LA.
Manimal gettin traded? 
Stauskas and Thompson for Faried and Afflalo?? 
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If advanced stats existed back in the day, I wonder if anyone's legacy would be slightly altered?

Not trying to start a riot but damn, I was looking at TMac's and Iverson's career stats. Context DEF needs to be taken into account. They played on teams that couldn't score and in an era where the NBA couldn't score. But jeez - they each had a ton of TERRIBLE seasons. Obviously some great, historic ones but damn. 2 guys that definitely needed to be on better teams OR have coaches that could make them dial back that shot selection. I thought AI's FTs would bring him up to average efficiency but nope. Same with TMac - I always thought of him as a great 3pt shooter. :x
I can see why Amare would sign with Dallas. He must be thinking, "if this team can make RJ and Charlie V contributing players again, I may be an all star again down there."

We stay trying to make washed up players play legitimate basketball again. :lol:

Goes back to Keith Van Horn and Jerry Stackhouse.
More Larry Legend:
Bleeping rookie

So when Sunday finally came, Williams was like a kid ready to unwrap his presents, racing to the Garden and beating all his teammates there.

When he walked into the Eastern Conference All-Star locker room, only East coach Larry Bird was there to greet him.

Before Williams tells you about his memorable exchange with Bird, he has to give you the background story of his first encounter with Bird in classic Williams' storytelling fashion.

During Williams' rookie season in Philadelphia in 1990-91, the power forward got a chance to play against the former Celtics legend. Williams remembers Bird abusing each Sixers forward one-by-one.

"Charles Barkley had a long night," Williams recounts of his Sixers teammate. "We had just played Michael Jordan the night before.

"As soon as the game started, Larry Bird looks at him and hits a 3 and goes, 'Hey, buddy, if you are going to play me, you better sleep nights.' Boom! Charles puts his hand up to come out of the game."

Williams asked to go in, but he had to wait his turn. Veteran journeyman Armen Gilliam was the next Sixer up.

"The first thing Larry Bird says to Armen is, 'Oh, you found another team, huh? You can't find a cure for that color blindness,'" Williams says. "Because Armen Gilliam was colorblind. People think that is why he didn't pass the ball out of the post, because he was selfish. No, he couldn't see the jerseys that was on the other team. That's a true story. So [Bird] was destroying Armen Gilliam."

Gilliam was soon subbed out for Rick Mahorn.

"So he goes in, and Larry is talking smack to him too," Williams said. "After he destroys Rick Mahorn, he is trotting backward and he looks over at me and at the coach and says, 'Hey, Coach, put in the f---ing rookie! And I say, 'Yeah, Coach, put me in!'"

An exasperated Jim Lynam finally points to the eager rookie to go in.

"I go right up to Bird, he pump fakes, and I jump, my feet are over his head," an excited Williams recollects. "I come back down, and he says, 'Take that, rookie.' A 3-pointer. I was like, 'oh s---.'

"We go down next play. I say I am not going to jump [on a ball fake]. Boom! [Bird] raises up, another 3-pointer. He says, 'Hey, I am shaking you from too far out, huh? You're a post player? Come take some of this.'

"He did a jump hook on me then did a reverse on me, and then he dunked on me and he had like 14 points," Williams continues. "So I ran up to him and said, 'You want to fight, you son of a *****? You want to fight?' He just looked at the ref and said, 'Get this rookie away from me.'"

And according to Williams, that was just the first half. Williams said he had tasted enough of Bird.

"In the second half, he's tearing up Charles Barkley, Armen Gilliam and Rick Mahorn," Williams said. "So when he comes down toward the bench, he starts looking at me and the coach starts looking at me. And I start looking to the stands for my friends. I did not want to go back in.

"That is one of the few times I have ever been scared to do anything. I am scared to go to prison and scared of Larry Bird."

Which brings us back to 1998 and the East locker room where only Williams and Bird are hours before the All-Star Game tips off.

"I say, 'Hey, Coach, how are you doing?'" Williams recounts. "And he takes a long pause and goes, 'Your minutes [plan for the game] are on the refrigerator.'"

After a long pause, Williams says the words Bird said that he will never forget.

"'You f---ing rookie,'" Williams said Bird told him.

"I said, 'Holy s---!' He remembered!" Williams bellows while laughing. "It was like a Clint Eastwood movie the way he said it."

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More Larry Legend:
Bleeping rookie

So when Sunday finally came, Williams was like a kid ready to unwrap his presents, racing to the Garden and beating all his teammates there.

When he walked into the Eastern Conference All-Star locker room, only East coach Larry Bird was there to greet him.

Before Williams tells you about his memorable exchange with Bird, he has to give you the background story of his first encounter with Bird in classic Williams' storytelling fashion.

During Williams' rookie season in Philadelphia in 1990-91, the power forward got a chance to play against the former Celtics legend. Williams remembers Bird abusing each Sixers forward one-by-one.

"Charles Barkley had a long night," Williams recounts of his Sixers teammate. "We had just played Michael Jordan the night before.

"As soon as the game started, Larry Bird looks at him and hits a 3 and goes, 'Hey, buddy, if you are going to play me, you better sleep nights.' Boom! Charles puts his hand up to come out of the game."

Williams asked to go in, but he had to wait his turn. Veteran journeyman Armen Gilliam was the next Sixer up.

"The first thing Larry Bird says to Armen is, 'Oh, you found another team, huh? You can't find a cure for that color blindness,'" Williams says. "Because Armen Gilliam was colorblind. People think that is why he didn't pass the ball out of the post, because he was selfish. No, he couldn't see the jerseys that was on the other team. That's a true story. So [Bird] was destroying Armen Gilliam."

Gilliam was soon subbed out for Rick Mahorn.

"So he goes in, and Larry is talking smack to him too," Williams said. "After he destroys Rick Mahorn, he is trotting backward and he looks over at me and at the coach and says, 'Hey, Coach, put in the f---ing rookie! And I say, 'Yeah, Coach, put me in!'"

An exasperated Jim Lynam finally points to the eager rookie to go in.

"I go right up to Bird, he pump fakes, and I jump, my feet are over his head," an excited Williams recollects. "I come back down, and he says, 'Take that, rookie.' A 3-pointer. I was like, 'oh s---.'

"We go down next play. I say I am not going to jump [on a ball fake]. Boom! [Bird] raises up, another 3-pointer. He says, 'Hey, I am shaking you from too far out, huh? You're a post player? Come take some of this.'

"He did a jump hook on me then did a reverse on me, and then he dunked on me and he had like 14 points," Williams continues. "So I ran up to him and said, 'You want to fight, you son of a *****? You want to fight?' He just looked at the ref and said, 'Get this rookie away from me.'"

And according to Williams, that was just the first half. Williams said he had tasted enough of Bird.

"In the second half, he's tearing up Charles Barkley, Armen Gilliam and Rick Mahorn," Williams said. "So when he comes down toward the bench, he starts looking at me and the coach starts looking at me. And I start looking to the stands for my friends. I did not want to go back in.

"That is one of the few times I have ever been scared to do anything. I am scared to go to prison and scared of Larry Bird."

Which brings us back to 1998 and the East locker room where only Williams and Bird are hours before the All-Star Game tips off.

"I say, 'Hey, Coach, how are you doing?'" Williams recounts. "And he takes a long pause and goes, 'Your minutes [plan for the game] are on the refrigerator.'"

After a long pause, Williams says the words Bird said that he will never forget.

"'You f---ing rookie,'" Williams said Bird told him.

"I said, 'Holy s---!' He remembered!" Williams bellows while laughing. "It was like a Clint Eastwood movie the way he said it."

Dragic is a fine player. I hope he suns get a good return on trading him. I think he would be great for the Lakers future, Knicks or Celtics as well.
If advanced stats existed back in the day, I wonder if anyone's legacy would be slightly altered?

wilt, oscar, and MJ i think would be boosted. But they are legends already so i dont know if it really matters. I wonder what it woukd say about KAJ. I always feel like hes underrated. But im not a huge fan of advanced stats. Not barkley level but dont pay big attention to it.
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