The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Last year, Exum was playing against low level HS competition. Dude is really young and he already took Trey's starting spot. Wouldn't worry about him.

It's like Giannis last year.
Giannis flashed much more last year. Not really the same.

Has there been anyone who was as bad of a shooter as MCW that became a good shooter? Completely different question. 
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Tony Parker, LeBron James, Jason Kidd. Kawhi Leonard is about to be the next graduate of the Chip Engelland School of Shooting.

Chippy's tutelage wasn't helping Kawhi much last night. That was one of the poorer games I've seen him play offensively.

(By the way, I've played ball with Chip Engelland before. He can shoot it pretty well himself).
Tony Parker, LeBron James, Jason Kidd. Kawhi Leonard is about to be the next graduate of the Chip Engelland School of Shooting.
Chippy's tutelage wasn't helping Kawhi much last night. That was one of the poorer games I've seen him play offensively.

(By the way, I've played ball with Chip Engelland before. He can shoot it pretty well himself).
He's been streaky since he came back, it really was the worst possible time. Came back right before the Rodeo trip so now he has to spend a ton of time on the road, then the All Star Break which I'm sure he did other things besides play basketball during. Just more things to contribute to the rust factor. While I thought we were going to win last night I wasnt at all surprised by how poorly he played. Him having a monster game would have been more shocking to me 
Jason Kidd was just as bad.
His rookie year was 27% from three which is his only sub 30% year. Still terrible, MCW went down from 26% to 25% this year. He took about 50 more 3s than MCW his rookie year too, and much more his 2nd year. 
shots fired by rubio
Rubio kept calling KG a wiener. (yea I know he was saying winner.)

I'm sure y'all discussed at length, but my winners of the trade deadline: OKC, Portland, Houston (selfish I know)

Losers: Lakers
I'm sure y'all discussed at length, but my winners of the trade deadline: OKC, Portland, Houston (selfish I know)

Losers: Lakers
sucks that mitch got nothing done for the 12312th year in a row but at least we didnt trade for dragic and make our team better

all while the 6ers got better and hopefully kg will yell some wins into the young wolves team 
I'm sure y'all discussed at length, but my winners of the trade deadline: OKC, Portland, Houston (selfish I know)

Losers: Lakers

Clippers may still come out a loser if they sign Kendrick Perkins after the Jazz buy him out.
I'm sure y'all discussed at length, but my winners of the trade deadline: OKC, Portland, Houston (selfish I know)

Losers: Lakers

But you'll lose KJ Mcdaniels prolly, so good. I can't wait.

Maybe we will, maybe we won't. In the end we gave up meaningless picks to get an athletic wing for half a season with a chance at keeping him. Enjoy NBA purgatory.
I'm sure y'all discussed at length, but my winners of the trade deadline: OKC, Portland, Houston (selfish I know)

Losers: Lakers

But you'll lose KJ Mcdaniels prolly, so good. I can't wait.
Maybe we will, maybe we won't. In the end we gave up meaningless picks to get an athletic wing for half a season with a chance at keeping him. Enjoy NBA purgatory.
meh, we'll be out of it eventually. Ya'll still in it with harden and dwight so what **** you spouting off for? 
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Bless your poor misguided soul.
Misguided? You guys are in the same position as 4 years ago. Except you have a guy thats fun to watch. Enjoy being at best a second round exit.

Meanwhile we won a ring 5 years ago, in position to have a top 5 pick, and cap space galore.

but what do i know. 
do work son is just struggling to accept that his team gave a max contract to a talentless waste of muscle thats better at grabbing teammates penises than grabbing rebounds 

Swagludeish post B. So Ludeish of you. How the meat squeezing going?
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