The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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I found it interesting Blake recently said he doesn't dunk as much now in an attempt to conserve energy. I wonder if it's to protect himself from injury as well.

well, young NBA players tend to dunk more to show off and to check what they are capable against other pros.
Once you tested it out over years they usually dunk less and jump less high. Not only because of declining
athletism but to conserve themselves for the game, season career.
You can either run and sprint like crazy to score directly above the rim or you play smarter and take a good shot
from any other distance.
you sacrfice spectacular moves for more efficient scoring. At the end, it is about winning and not how many fancy
moves you can do.
At the very least at least hes a humble dude and doesnt seem to have blown through all of his money. I know its not what he or most want to hear but its a silver lining of sorts
Rose has to change his style of play completely. I tore my ACL & meniscus & it's kinda of amazing that he was even able to keep up his style of play post surgery. I just hope the best for the guy, but he has to change it up.

It's too late to change up now he should've done that when he 1st came back but with that injury I can imagine it might be hard to change your game still trying to recover.
I say rose should wrap it up because it is what it is. Sad to see he's another to fall due to injuries but I wonder what will he do if he does retire, I couldn't picture him commentating on TNT

Is it really that far fetched? His season has ended with knee surgery three years in a row. If I were him I would think about hanging it up for good.
Right. Folks are always so damn critical of Stephen A. and Skip for that matter. Stephen A wasn't saying anything that wasn't already being thought by others.
So sad to hear about Derrick "Pooh" Rose news. I wish him a speedy recovery. His monster dunk on Dragic is one of my favorite moments.
I've been praising Butler for the last few seasons. I think you could build around him. I haven't been able to watch much basketball this season so I'm trying to put in more of a concerted effort now, but to anyone in the Chicago area or anyone following the Bulls closely, what kind of potential do you see in Butler?

He can be a great #2 guy. Cant be your main piece on a championship team. I love Jimmy, but he's not "that" guy.
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