The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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ARENT kings supposed to dominate......

...2 RINGS in a decade plus is not king foh  lj and co...... 
what a dumb nickname
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the king thing is just weird.

I understand everyone has their insecurities whether they like to admit it or not...but LBJs insecurity is flat out uncomfortable to "witness"

"Chosen One", "King James", now this bizarre obsession with his Sherwin-Williams hairline....c'mon guy :smh:
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i see we have a new riveting opinion added to the mix. gotta love diversity.

i've come to the conclusion it's pointless ranking guys all time. it's better to do it on a generational basis.
comparing players across generations is useless IMO

Basketball for Lebron isn't the same as it was for the big O
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Lol what half?
lmao..... dude really thinks lj with his 2 rings is top 5........ kobe > lj i aint even going to argue the rest of the legends cuz i dont even think kobe is goat status..... thats mj and i hated mj dude was clearly the best ....

i hate lj but dude isnt goat or close to it., dude is maybe  like 7-8 bias aside. 
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They not changing the seeding. If anything realignment will happen. But it goes in cycles seems like. The East dominated the 90s. Much of the 80s too. Doesnt take but a couple big players swapping conferences to change the whole picture. NFL been having the same problem with losing teams making the playoffs.

The east had the dominant team and the best player in the 90's, but they did not dominate the 90's and the Western Conference even then had the better talent. This isn't as much as a cycle as one would think.
lmao..... dude really thinks lj with his 2 rings is top 5........ kobe > lj i aint even going to argue the rest of the legends cuz i dont even think kobe is goat status..... thats mj and i hated mj dude was clearly the best ....
i hate lj but dude isnt goat or close to it., 
Agreed. Dude ain't even top 5. Not even worth debating him being GOAT.
The east had the dominant team and the best player in the 90's, but they did not dominate the 90's and the Western Conference even then had the better talent. This isn't as much as a cycle as one would think.
it's pretty bad today I agree with that, but I def don't have the answer.
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it's pretty bad today I agree with that but I def don't have the answer.

In my opinion, if this really was a cycle then we should leave it as be. But this has been going on for far too long for it to be a cycle. The West has been better than the east for over 20 years now. Something has to be done.
Magic,bird,kobe,oscar,russell arent better basketball players than lebron
Bird only avg 25+ 4 times, lebron did it 11 straight & counting, bron is literally magic on hgh, kobe never put up better numbers than lebron, oscar & russell are laughable compared to lebron

If you gonna put rings, a team accomplishment on a pedestal over individual greatness then russell should be number 1 unanimously on everyones list
Stop feeding the trolls.
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